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WordPress Pinterest Style Themes
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10 Best Pinterest-Style WordPress Themes 2024

We bring you the #1 collection of the best Pinterest-style WordPress themes to showcase your work, portfolio, images, videos, and other content beautifully and professionally.

We went on a journey to collect the best-performing themes since we know how many of you like this design style.

Pinterest’s simplicity and practicality are amazing, but you can bring this same format to your online presence.

These themes have unlimited options and possibilities to create your desired website.

And you’ll never need to write code regardless of the customization tweaks you’d like to perform.

How COOL is that?

Enjoy building a masterpiece.

Best Pinterest-style WordPress Themes with Grid Layout

1. Gridlove


Gridlove is an engaging framework for the simple, efficient, and effective development of feature-rich websites that meet professional standards.

With Gridlove, you get access to many amazing plugins, widgets, and tools that make short work of most website-building tasks. Since Gridlove’s great collection of template pages and layouts goes into the 100s you are always bound to find the right look for your website’s tone and content.

Gridlove has a sophisticated grid and masonry layout capabilities built right into it, with great opportunities for customization, making it ideal for managing news and magazine websites.

Plus, Gridlove is ideal for webmasters who want to convert views into money with several monetization options.

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2. Paperio

Paperio is a multi-purpose blog WordPress theme with many one-click-install homepage layouts. It uses WPBakery Page Builder, so you know working with Paperio is easy.

Furthermore, it is a Bootstrap-based theme compatible with WPML and Lightbox gallery.

Paperio will give your website a majestic vibe to grab every follower’s attention! (Add them to your newsletter with MailChimp.)

Social media sharing buttons are available on headers and footers. Paperio is also SEO-optimized and W3 Total Cache integrated.

It has a built-in mega menu, practical elements, and is compatible with Contact Form 7 and all browsers.

Make yourself at home and begin your smooth experience with Paperio.

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3. MagPlus

MagPlus is a super modern WordPress theme made with users’ comfort in mind. It is versatile, ready for business (through the WooCommerce plugin) and well-documented.

MagPlus makes social media sharing an essential aspect of its display.

Thanks to AMP and fast page loading, MagPlus rocks a fantastic mobile performance, ensuring an excellent experience for everyone.

Use the available playlist and choose media from YouTube or DailyMotion. Additionally, MagPlus guarantees an easy creation of unlimited portfolio layouts and galleries!

Do it your way because it’s so effortless and quick with MagPlus.

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4. Pinboard

pinboard clean grid blog theme

Pinboard features an auto-stacking layout with infinite scroll, as seen on the Pinterest desktop website (posts load as you scroll).

The stacking layout works perfectly and is responsive on desktops or mobile devices. Check out the demo and resize your browser window to see how the layout adapts to any resolution.

Moreover, it includes multi-site integration, enabling users to sign up and post their content. It also works on both single WordPress or multisite installations.

Pinboard is the best-selling Pinterest style WordPress theme because it works and looks exactly like Pinterest, except you can have complete control over your content and ads.

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5. Pinfinity

pinfinity pinterest inspired WordPress theme

Ready to share your online findings with your visitors? With Pinfinity, you can do it à la Pinterest. Awesome, right?

Pinfinity has social network integration but has its star rating system that users can use to rate your content. The theme also has a built-in audio and video player for self-hosted content.

You can even embed videos from Vimeo and YouYube.

Still, if you are exclusively looking for more advanced WordPress video themes, you can check this theme collection.

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6. Veen

veen pinterest style wordpress theme

Veen is an engaging yet minimal Pinterest-style WordPress theme for all bloggers. If simplicity is your tea, you will have a blast using Veen for your upcoming blogging project.

What’s cool about Veen is that it covers any niche and topic you would like to write about.

You get 10 homes, 11 widgets, 5 post formats, lazy loading and ad spaces for monetization.

You can start immediately, as it will take a little time to configure Veen according to your liking. It is also fast-loading, SEO, and AMP optimized.

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7. Ruki

ruki pinterest style wordpress theme

Ruki is a lovely WordPress theme for starting an online personal journal. If you are tired of the standard blog designs, you better peek at Ruki.

You can experience this theme first-hand by attending the live demo preview. Multiple formats are predefined for you to get the gist of what’s possible. On top of that, you can also make adjustments and edits.

Ruki features a sticky header, a back-to-top button, social integration, WooCommerce compatibility, and support for RTL languages. It also has reading time, a newsletter subscription form, an online shop section, and a slide-in menu.

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8. Tumli

tumli pinterest style wordpress theme

Take your blog to the next level with Tumli, one of the best Pinterest-style WordPress themes. With its highly adaptive and unique templates and layouts, it works as a personal masonry and vlogger theme.

Get automatic updates and speed optimization for your website’s enhancement. Edit and preview your pages in real-time with the live customizer to ensure seamlessness in your web design.

Moreover, Tumli has a one-click demo data import to start working with your desired sample instantly.

Meanwhile, Tumli also fully supports Gutenberg integration and keeps everyone that follow the trends satisfied.

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9. Bryson

bryson pinterest style wordpress theme

Pick Bryson when you want to take your online presence to an entirely new level. It’s an original, creative, and vibrant solution for establishing a Pinterest-style website quickly.

You can work with the default demo as-is and perform customizations using the codeless editing process. (Thanks, WPBakery!)

Bryson’s massive bundle of goodies includes an array of shortcodes and widgets for quick and smooth integration.

You can configure the header and footer, enjoy the smooth scroll function and let your visitors share your content with the included social integration. Take Bryson to your full advantage and enjoy the outcome.

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10. UltraViolette

ultraviolette pinterest style wordpress theme

When looking for a Pinterest-style WordPress theme, you are likely interested in building an online portfolio.

With UltraViolette, you can now establish a top-notch online presence and create a space for your content. Choose from many different demos and start with the right foot forward.

The list of features available at UltraViolette is vast. It is all at your fingertips, from portfolio layouts, social integration, and pricing tables to smooth scrolling, sticky headers, and convenient search functions.

UltraViolette is a magnificent mixture of goodies that will help you stand out from the masses.

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Frontend web developer and web designer specializing in WordPress theme development. After graduating with BA he self-taught frontend web development. Currently has over 10 years of experience in mainly CSS, HTML (TailwindCSS, Bootstrap), JavaScript(React, Vue, Angular), and PHP. Obsessed with application performance, user experience, and simplicity.

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. very wonderful template, I wish I had one 🙂

    1. Zaenal,

      You can choose the one that you like and use for your blog. If you can’t afford one I highly recommend to subscribe to our Giveaway category as we are often giving premium themes away for free. You might be the lucky one. 🙂

      1. Mohamed Taha says:

        can I use this theme for my website which I wouldn’t like to create it with wordpress? or we should use wordpress once we use this theme??

        1. These themes only works with WordPress and there is no easy way to convert them and use for other platforms.
          Which platform or CMS do you use?

  2. Shahwez Khan says:

    There is lots of Pinterest a look like websites and all are very good and informative, but if you really need an alternative which is better than Pinterest you should consider hiring developers to build one for you.

    1. can you develop a image sharing site for me
      i wll pay you what you deserve

      1. Akhil K A says:

        I can help you to build you a wonderful image sharing website!

        Contact me at: hi[@]


  3. You Guys Rock! Thanks for this collection

  4. Bilqees Kenchi says:

    I think mogoze, pinstagram and Rubine are perfect themes ever for magazine site and using on my site perfect theme with perfect ads widgets and places.

  5. Pinstagram look great …

  6. Bruidsfotograaf says:

    Wow thank you verry much voor the themes long have i look for a wordpress theme that look like pinteres.

  7. Robert Kruse says:

    Great theme collection. Thank you. They really give me a pinterestesque feel. The perfect way to show text and photos.

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