Gonzalez not in lineup, but still with Tigers

Tom Withers, Associated Press writer

CLEVELAND -- The Detroit Tigers are staying in town for another day, and Juan Gonzalez could be, too.

Gonzalez, who may soon be dealt to the New York Yankees, wasn't in the lineup and didn't play yesterday.

But it had nothing to do with a trade.

Gonzalez fouled a ball off his left ankle during Saturday night's game and was still hobbling around the Tigers' clubhouse following yesterday's 2-1 loss to the Cleveland Indians.

"See you guys tomorrow," Gonzalez told reporters after dressing.

The Yankees, Tigers and Gonzalez's agent, Jim Bronner, were negotiating yesterday, trying to determine if they could finalize the deal, according to a baseball official familiar with talks who spoke on the condition he not be identified.

The Yankees also were still talking with the Chicago Cubs about a possible trade for Sammy Sosa, the official said. The Cubs, according to a Yankees official speaking on the condition of anonymity, gave the Yankees several combinations of players they would accept for Sosa, and there have been back-and-forth talks.

The Cubs appear to have become impressed with Alex Graman, a left-hander from Indiana State taken by the Yankees on the third round in 1999.

Gonzalez said he expected to hear from his agent later, but had no idea if the talks had progressed.

"I don't know, I've been here," he said. "I don't know what's happening outside the ballpark."

New York and Detroit agreed Thursday to the tentative trade that would send outfielder Ricky Ledee, third base prospect Drew Henson and minor league pitcher Randy Keisler to Detroit for Gonzalez. However, they need Gonzalez's permission.

It was unclear if the original deadline of yesterday to finalize the deal would be extended by the commissioner's office.

"What time is it?" Tigers manager Phil Garner asked before yesterday's game.

A moment later, Garner's office phone rang.

"Here it is," he said.

Garner had a brief discussion with Tigers general manager Randy Smith, but said there was no news.

"It might be kind of funny when people see he's not in the lineup," Garner said.

Garner didn't have any further information postgame.

"I have no idea," he said. "You guys I'm sure know more than me."

The Tigers and Indians are scheduled to complete their five-game series tonight before Detroit returns home for a three-game series against the Yankees.

Gonzalez, who has the right to block a trade to the Yankees, had difficulty walking after Saturday's game when the Tigers rallied from a 7-0 deficit behind three homers from Bobby Higginson.

Garner said he has been pleased with how Gonzalez, a two-time AL MVP, has handled the pressures of the past few days since news of the possible blockbuster deal broke.

"I think he just wants to play ball," Garner said. "Juan sometimes wears his heart on his cuff, but I think he's doing pretty well with this."