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7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWHfor a Clean and Healthy Vermont
for a Clean and Healthy Vermont
7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWH for a Clean and Healthy Vermont
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7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWHfor a Clean and Healthy Vermont L
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7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWHfor a Clean and Healthy Vermont
7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWH for a Clean and Healthy VermontLL
Rivers and streams are the arteries of the
earth, synthesizing and integrating the effects
of all that we do within our communities and
our watersheds (all of the land that drains
to a particular river system). Sometimes
that effect is direct, such as when factories
discharge their waste products directly into
streams. Other times, it is indirect, such as
when chemicals are stored or released on the
land and subsequently are washed into our
rivers. So it is that all of the toxic materials
that are used to produce our many consumer
products, from computers to televisions to
plastic baby bottles, eventually find their way
into our rivers and streams.
Over sixty percent of our nation’s public
drinking water comes from surface water,
and most of that from rivers and streams.
When our fresh waters are contaminated, it
poses a threat to our drinking water supply,
and ultimately to our health. Many assume
that water treatment plants eliminate all of
these contaminants. And while that may be
true for some of the larger facilities, it is often
not the case for smaller, more rural water
systems. Furthermore, even in large cities, the
costs of treatment in terms of both dollars
and energy consumption can be exorbitant.
For most of the past two decades, River
Network has helped communities whose
toxic contaminants ranging from radioactive
material to heavy metals. Some of these
communities have seen horrifying incidence
rates of various forms of cancer,birth defects,
and other serious health problems. While
River Network will continue to provide
assistance to these communities, it is equally
toxins from being produced and released into
our environment in the first place.
So it was with considerable enthusiasm that
River Network joined the Alliance for a Clean
and Healthy Vermont to examine the extent
to which chemicals accumulate in people’s
bodies, and also to seriously propose how we
canlimittheuseof themostdangeroustoxins,
in order to prevent the contamination of our
rivers and planet and the endangerment of
our health.
Wehopethatthecontributionof thisresearch
helps to educate you about the presence of
toxic substances in our environment. We
hope too that you will join us in helping
with the Alliance’s work to eliminate the use
of unneeded toxic substances, and at River
Network, as part of a nation-wide movement
to create greater stewardship for our nation’s
rivers and streams, the sentinels of our
treatment of the planet.
7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWHfor a Clean and Healthy Vermont LLL
In medical school, we are taught that there
are five reasons illness happens: genetics,
infection, malignancy, nutrition and
environmental exposure. In the real world,
however, physicians are averse to identifying
toxic exposures as a cause of illness. I wonder
if this reflects our inability to immediately
control this cause of illness. All doctors know
thebestmedicineisprevention. Atfirstglance,
delivering prevention from environmental
toxins seems beyond our direct grasp.
This study is an effort to create awareness
that we all are exposed to and accumulate
chemicals in our bodies known to cause
illness. Awareness is an important first step.
From there, we need to learn about safe
alternatives and to ask our government—at
the local, state and national level—to adopt
policies that prevent our exposure to these
harmful chemicals.
7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWH for a Clean and Healthy VermontLY
7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWHfor a Clean and Healthy Vermont

This study set out to determine if a range of
common industrial chemicals found both
in the environment and consumer products
could be detected in the bodies of a half
dozen ordinaryVermonters. The participants
were tested for four categories of chemicals—
bisphenol A, mercury, organochlorine
pesticides and PBDE flame retardants —all
of which are common chemicals used both in
our environment (e.g., pesticides applied to
crops)andinthemanufacturingof consumer
products (e.g., flame retardants applied to
computers). Many of these chemicals don’t
break down easily. All are known to be
dangerous to human health. Some are even
dangerous in minute concentrations because
they mimic natural hormones in the body,
which regulate the body at extremely low
Whether chemicals are applied directly to the
land or produced as part of consumer goods,
they eventually end up in our environment,
contaminating our land, water and air,
exposing humans to those toxins.
Many assume that those of us who live in
Vermont are more insulated from exposure
to harmful chemicals. Unfortunately, we
know that many of these chemicals surround
all of us on a daily basis even in Vermont. A
small number of studies in other states and
nationally have tested for the level of toxins
in human subjects. We wanted to discover
the level of toxic chemicals in Vermont
Unfortunately, the findings confirmed our
concerns.Almost all of the range of chemicals
for which we tested did show up in the bodies
of these ordinary Vermonters. The chemicals
were in fact present at levels suspected of
causing human health problems. We found
three of the four classes of the chemicals
tested in the bodies of every participant in the
study. The amount of each chemical varied
widely from participant to participant. The
amounts present were sometimes lower than
and other times higher—in some cases many
times higher—than the amounts found in
participants nationally.
The levels of Bisphenol A (BPA)—an in-
gredient in plastics—in one-third of the
participants exceeded the national norm. We
are exposed to BPA through plastic food and
has also been widely detected in streams that
are the source water of our drinking water.
Bisphenol A in
Participants’ Urine
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
Bisphenol A
Flame Retardants
7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWH for a Clean and Healthy Vermont
BPA can have toxic effects on the body even
at low dose exposures. It has been linked to
recurrent miscarriages, ovarian dysfunction,
abnormalities in female eggs , and possible
carcinogenic effects including breast cancer
and prostate cancer, amongst other health
The levels of mercury in four of the six
participants equaled or exceeded the national
norm. Much of the mercury to which we are
exposed comes from fossil fuel power plants
that emit mercury in the air; rain then washes
that mercury out of the air into our streams
and lakes. Fish concentrate the mercury in
their tissues and humans are exposed when
we consume fish. Numerous ill health effects
are associated with exposure to mercury. High
consumed highly contaminated fish, have
taught us that mercury poisoning can cause
permanent damage to the brain and kidneys.
Levels of two of the dangerous chlordane
pesticides, long since banned, showed up
at levels 4-5 times higher than the national
norm in one of our participants, and
higher than the national norm in several
participants. Pesticides are widely used in
agriculture, but are also used by homeowners
and institutions, such as schools. Humans
are exposed to pesticides in numerous ways,
such as when we consume crops sprayed
with pesticides; drink from well water which
is contaminated with pesticides, or breathe
air near where it is sprayed. Pesticides are of
course dangerous by design. Organochlorine
pesticides can cause a wide range of adverse
health effects, including cancer, neurological
damage, and birth defects.
Thirty-one of the forty chemicals found
in flame retardants tested showed up in
our participants. We are exposed to flame
retardants (PBDEs) which have been applied
to our furniture or electronic products such
as computers. The flame retardants easily
brush off these products and we can inhale
them with household dust. Twenty types
of flame retardants showed up in all of the
participants. PBDEs are associated with
developmental disorders affecting learning,
memory and motor activity, reproductive
and thyroid impairment and cancers (ie. liver
and testicular). [5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]
However, the main point of these findings
is not the amount of contaminants found
in participants, but rather the fact that
these contaminants were found at all in
participants. It is not natural for such
chemicals to be present in any quantity in the
human body. And again, we know that even
minute quantities of some of these chemicals
Pesticides in Blood
1 2 3 4 5 6
Mercury in Participants
1 2 3 4 5 6
7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWHfor a Clean and Healthy Vermont 
the focus on regulating individual chemicals
does not consider the interactive effects of
various chemicals.
Comprehensive chemical reform considers
the regulation of classes of chemicals that
are known to be particularly harmful and/or
and use economically and technologically
feasible alternatives to harmful chemicals.
can affect the regulation of hormones and
pose health dangers.
The chemicals in our environment find
their way into our bodies through a variety
of ways: breathing air that contains dust
from these products; drinking water and/or
eating food that is contaminated with these
chemicals, and absorbing chemicals—such
as those found in common perfumes and
sunscreens—through our skin. Over time,
these chemicals accumulate in our bodies.
Many of the chemicals are linked to a wide
range of serious health problems and
problems and even death.
Most of us assume that our state and the
federal government protect us from exposure
to the harmful effects of these chemicals. The
reality is that our laws have grossly failed us
in this regard. Under the Toxic Substances
Control Act, enacted in 1976, the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has
required the testing of only about 200 of the
80,000 chemicals in industrial production;
and only 5 chemicals or chemical groups have
actually been banned. Our laws assume that
a chemical is safe unless proven otherwise.
Even the EPA admits that the laws are written
in such a way that makes it extremely difficult
to establish that a chemical is not safe.
It is clear that we must adopt a more
precautionary approach that restricts human
exposure to chemicals that are reasonably
suspected of causing harm. We must insist
on laws that truly protect the health of our
children and all citizens. Further, our laws
have historically been focused on regulation
of individual chemicals. With over 80,000
chemicals in production and thousands
more being introduced each year, it is clear
that such an approach is simply not feasible
to adequately protect human health. Also
Currently there are national efforts underway
now to re-write and strengthen federal toxics
(TSCA). The Alliance supports these efforts
and encourages Vermont’s federal delegation
to firmly back meaningful TSCA reform.
Many states, including Maine, Massachusetts
and Washington have begun to implement
comprehensive chemicals reform. The
Alliance for a Clean and Healthy Vermont
will support such legislation introduced into
the Vermont legislature this year.
7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWH for a Clean and Healthy Vermont
Our comprehensive chemicals policy should:
• Phase out the most harmful chemicals
and require the use of safer alternatives;
• Require that all chemicals be screened
for safety;
• Honor the public’s right-to-know
which hazardous chemicals are in what
products; and
• Promote the development of safer
alternatives and sustainable design.
Those wanting to help support such efforts
should contact the Alliance or their state
While our ultimate goal must be to ensure
such a comprehensive approach to chemical
reform, we can and should continue to
phase out individual chemicals known to be
harmful, and for which there are clearly safer
7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWHfor a Clean and Healthy Vermont 
Most of us think of Vermont as a pristine
place. Our beautiful Green Mountains, rivers
and lakes conjure up images of health and
While Vermont is certainly a nice place to
be, Vermonters are not as immune from
exposure to toxic substances as we may
think. Unfortunately, pollution knows
no boundaries. Despite the passage of
legislation such as the Clean Water Act, the
Safe Dinking Water Act, the Clean Air Act
and Toxic Substances Control Act, the reality
is that hundreds of thousands of pounds of
known carcinogens, reproductive toxicants,
cause health problems are knowingly released
into our water and air yearly. The New York
Times recently reported that forty percent
of the nation’s community water systems
violated the Safe Drinking Water Act at least
once last year, and dozens of chemicals have
been detected at unsafe levels in drinking
water. [13] Many of the chemicals with
which this study was concerned, find their
way into our homes in the form of consumer
products, such as computers, plastic bottles
and make-up.
Thousands of chemicals are in common
use, but only a small portion of them
have undergone significant toxicological
evaluation. Current methods of risk
assessment for some manufactured chemicals
may not accurately predict the health risks
of exposure. In fact, research is starting to
demonstrate that very low levels of exposure
to some chemicals—doses to which humans
and are routinely exposed—can disrupt the
endocrine system. This finding is distressing
because endocrine signals regulate many
aspects of cell development and functioning.
Many of these toxins are used to produce
common household items and personal
health products. Consequently, we are
exposed to many of these toxins in our own
homes. It is important to recognize that
even the toxins like Bisphenol A and flame
retardants found in consumer products are
also serious environmental contaminants
that are often released directly into the
environment during the manufacturing
Just how bad is the problem? Do Vermonters
actually accumulate toxic substances in our
bodies as a result of these exposures? Can
those accumulated substances affect our
We set out to seek answers to these questions.
We wanted to learn if toxic substances are
present in the bodies of typical Vermonters.
We focused our efforts on some common
toxic substances that we may be exposed to
through either household products or our
natural environment. This study focused
on four groups of industrial chemicals that
have been linked to harmful health effects in
toxicological studies:
 %LVSKHQRO $ %3$
BPA is a chemical that has received wide-
spread publicity of late, due to its presence in
7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWH for a Clean and Healthy Vermont
manyof theplasticbottlesweusefordrinking
water and as baby bottles. BPA may also be
found on the inside of certain metal food
cans, beverage cans, and in dental sealants
used to fill certain cavities and cement
crowns. Animal studies have linked low dose
exposures of BPA to reduced fertility, breast
cancer, prostate cancer, and obesity, amongst
other adverse health effects.
Mercury is a heavy metal that has
contaminated all of Vermont’s rivers and
lakes. The Vermont Department of Envir-
onmental Conservation (DEC) estimates
that as much of half of this pollution is the
result of atmospheric deposition. Coal and
oil fired power plants in the Midwest release
mercury into the atmosphere. Prevailing
winds carry the mercury to the east, where
it falls with precipitation into our waterways.
Eating fish—either locally caught or store
bought—can result in the intake of mercury.
Mercury is also found in some common
products, such as older thermostats and the
new compact fluorescent light bulbs we use.
Mercury is a potent neurotoxin that can
significantly impair brain development.
These include many persistent, long-acting
insecticides, such as DDT, fungicides and
antimicrobials. Even though some of these
dangerous chemicals were phased out of
production years ago, we continue to be
exposed to them due to their persistent
nature. By their very design of course, these
pesticides are potent neurotoxins. They
have been associated with many chronic
diseases. Many organochlorines are known
or suspected hormone disruptors.
PBDEs are toxic flame retardants that are
added to both office furniture and draperies
and electronic goods. Reports have indicated
that exposure to low concentrations of these
chemicals may result in irreparable damage
to the nervous and reproductive systems.
PBDEs are also widespread environmental
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
reports that preliminary evidence suggests
that high concentrations of PBDEs may
cause neurobehavioral changes and affect the
immune system in animals
Improved laboratory technology is now
enabling us to detect these substances in
not detectable. We are thus becoming more
and more aware of the prevalence of these
substances in our bodies and in our world.
Understanding how exposure to toxic
chemicals affects our health is complex.
Many factors can influence whether exposure
to a toxin may result in ill health affects.
These variables include: genetics; toxicity of
the chemical; duration of exposure; age of
exposure; the dose of exposure; the overall
health of the exposed individual, and other
7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWHfor a Clean and Healthy Vermont 
Columbia, Canada, and the Environmental
Quality Institute (EQI). EQI conducts
research on environmental issues through
the University of North Carolina at Asheville
(UNCA). EQI serves governmental agencies,
the private sector and citizens groups.
how an individual’s health may be affected by
chemicals in his or her body. That is not the
purpose of this study.
We also do not draw conclusions from this
studyaboutthelevelsof contaminantsthatall
Vermonters carry in their bodies. This study
was not a controlled research study; subjects
were not randomly chosen and the number
of subjects was small. The purpose of this
study was simply to find out whether these
common toxicants show up in the bodies of
a half dozen Vermonters.
The results of this study can best be under-
stood in the context of other such studies,
and in particular, the National Health and
Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)
conducted by the U.S. Centers for Disease
Control (CDC). NHANES was designed to
assess the health and nutritional status of
Americans. The survey combines interviews
and physical exams, which includes
biomonitoring of toxic substances.
The protocols in this study were reviewed
and approved by the Copernicus Group
Institutional Review Board (IRB). IRB’s
are independent research bodies that
review research protocols and study-
related information, as well as investigator
qualifications and resources of studies that
involve human subjects. Copernicus Group
IRB (CGIRB) is fully accredited by the
Association for the Accreditation of Human
Research Protection Programs, Inc. CGIRB
is registered with the U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services, Office for
Human Research Protections (OHRP).
Samples of blood, urine and hair were
collected by professional staff at health clinics
throughout Vermont. These samples were
analyzed by two accredited laboratories that
AXYS Analytic Services in Victoria, British
Brx Brx
7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWH for a Clean and Healthy Vermont
7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWHfor a Clean and Healthy Vermont 
She currently teaches fifth and sixth grade
at Rumney Memorial School in Middlesex,
Vermont. Katy holds a Master of Science
in Teaching degree with a concentration
in Middle School Science from the State
University of New York at Plattsburgh. She
is the founder and author of Non-Toxic Kids,
a green parenting and environmental health
blog for parents. Katy also writes about
education, and her first book called Why
Great Teachers Quit will be published by
Corwin Press in April.
“I’m surprised and disturbed to hear
about the elevated amounts of the
flame retardant Deca in my samples.
Other factors, I felt I could control,
such as not eating meat, or buying
organic produce—but this came out
of nowhere.
Now I question my computer, my
electronics, my furniture and the
dust I don’t vacuum as regularly as
I should. Most importantly to me, I
wonder about the flame retardants
my young daughters are exposed to
in our home—and what the health
consequences for them might be.
It shouldn’t be this way. We have
enough to worry about as parents—
we shouldn’t have to worry that
merely living in our homes can cause
serious health problems.”
Rich is a 60 year old man who has lived in
Vermont for 35 years.He is a former manager
with the state government of Vermont.
Now retired, he lives with his wife in rural
Vermont. He is a lifelong outdoors enthusiast
who spends much time hiking, camping,
paddeling and in the sustainable use of the
land on which he lives.
“The body burden study helps to
bring into perspective the effects that
toxic chemicals have on the average
citizen. By volunteering for the study
and sharing results I hope that this
data will [add to the] empirical
evidence as to the widespread
distribution of these toxic substances.”
Aaron Levison, 19, is a lifelong Vermont
resident. He is a musician and a writer, and
will be attending UVM starting in January
2010, after taking time off to travel, record,
andgainworkexperience. Heisaconnoisseur
7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWH for a Clean and Healthy Vermont
of woodlands and wildlife, as his childhood
homestead is seated on ten acres of forest in
Richmond, Vermont. He currently resides in
Burlington, Vermont.
“I’m part of a generation that’s
unarguably dependent on technology.
We take much of our world’s
convenience for granted, and thus,
it’s imperative that people my age
are aware of exactly what negative
byproducts are the result of our tools,
machines, and industries. When we
reach the time in which we are adults,
education is key in changing future
policies to protect ourselves from
harmful substances.”
Jim lives on his family’s farm of 136 years.His
home is the oldest in his town; built in 1796.
He has been Williston’s State Representative
since 2003; the 5th from his family while
residing in this home. His roots are pre
revolutionary and he describes his sense of
place as extremely comforting. His family
dairied on this farm until 1954. He was 9
years old and devastated when they sold the
herd. He and his wife Lucy started their“land
use experiment” in 1978. It was to intended
as an alternative to subdividing their 500
acre property for housing. The result was
Catamount Family Center, a recreation area.
It has become a nonprofit with the mission
of “education and recreation in an outdoor
“I have a tear on my cheek for
our demonstrated inability to
understand, catch up or keep up,
let alone stay ahead of, advancing
chemical technologies’ effect on life on
our planet.”
John is a retired Pediatrician, age 77, who has
lived in southern Vermont for 45 years, with
in the Dakotas and New Mexico, one year
(total) in New Zealand and Newfoundland.
David has lived in Burlington for the past 20
years, and has been an organic farmer there
for the past 15 years. He has served in the
legislature since 1997.
He served on the Natural Resources and
Energy Committee (6 years), the Agriculture
Committee (6 years, 4 as Chair) and now
serves on the Ways and Means Committee
(taxes and fees). He is married to Rachel
Nevitt, and has one child, Addie, who was
born in 2005. The farm which he currently
owns is 150 acres in size.In 2009 he produced
20 acres in organic vegetables, 800 organic
pastured poultry, 3 pigs and describes
himself as an oportunivore. He generally
eats vegetarian for most meals, except when
he eats out.
7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWHfor a Clean and Healthy Vermont 
Laboratory analysis of the blood, hair and
urine of our subjects confirms what other
biomonitoring projects have demonstrated:
toxic chemicals are in our bodies!
We found at least three of the four categories
of toxic chemicals in every person we tested:
ƒ We detected a minimum of 35 of the
chemicals tested. See the chart on the
next page.
ƒ Participants had an average of 40 of
the chemicals tested in their bodies.
ƒ We found twenty kinds of flame
retardants (PBDE’s) in all subjects.
ƒ We detected Bisphenol A, the chemical
used in plastic bottles, in the urine of
all of the subjects.
ƒ Fifty percent of the participants had
Bisphenol A levels above the median
level reported by the CDC.
ƒ We found mercury present in the hair
of 4 of the 6 participants.
ƒ Seven types of organochlorine
pesticides were found in the blood
of all participants, including DDT—
banned in 1972—in the bodies of 5 of
the 6 participants.
ƒ We found forms of the banned
pesticide chlordane in the blood of all
ƒ The table on the following page
provides details on the chemicals
found in each participant*. See the
appendix for specific levels of each
substance present in each study
In the following section of this report, “The
Chemicals,” we describe the findings for each
chemical and how those results compare to
both national norms and quantities known
to result in adverse effects in toxicological
7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWH for a Clean and Healthy Vermont
Aaron Jim Rich John David Katy
Pct. of
Bisphenol A 100%
Br2-DPE-7 0%
Br2-DPE-8/11 0%
Br2-DPE-10 0%
Br2-DPE-12/13 0%
Br2-DPE-15 100%
Br3-DPE-17/25 100%
Br3-DPE-28/33 100%
Br3-DPE-30 100%
Br3-DPE-32 0%
Br3-DPE-35 0%
Br3-DPE-37 17%
Br4-DPE-47 100%
Br4-DPE-49 100%
Br4-DPE-51 33%
Br4-DPE-66 100%
Br4-DPE-71 17%
Br4-DPE-75 17%
Br4-DPE-77 0%
Br4-DPE-79 100%
Br5-DPE-85 100%
Br5-DPE-99 100%
Br5-DPE-100 100%
Br5-DPE-105 0%
Br5-DPE-116 17%
Br5-DPE-119/120 50%
Br5-DPE-126 17%
Br6-DPE-128 0%
Br6-DPE-138/166 100%
Br6-DPE-140 100%
Br6-DPE-153 100%
Br6-DPE-154 100%
Br6-DPE-155 83%
Br7-DPE-181 17%
Br7-DPE-183 100%
Br7-DPE-190 50%
Br8-DPE-203 100%
Br9-DPE-206 100%
Br9-DPE-207 100%
Br9-DPE-208 100%
Br10-DPE-209 83%
HCB 100%
alpha-HCH 50%
beta-HCH 100%
gamma-HCH 67%
p,p-DDE 100%
p,p-DDT 83%
MIREX 100%
delta-HCH 67%
Heptachlor-Epoxide 100%
alpha-Endosulphan 17%
Dieldrin 100%
Endrin 0%
beta-Endosulphan 67%
Endosulphan- 0%
Endrin-Aldehyde 17%
Endrin-Ketone 0%
Methoxychlor 0%
Mercury 67%
%of Chemicals Present 61% 61% 56% 68% 68% 53%
7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWHfor a Clean and Healthy Vermont 
Bisphenol A (BPA), found in the 1930s to be
a synthetic estrogen and originally proposed
as a pregnancy aid [16], is now a high-volume
and polycarbonate plastic. Approximately 7
billion pounds of BPA is produced globally
compact discs, water bottles, food cans and
a large variety of other items.[17] Prenatal
exposure is to BPA is also significant as the
chemical can be absorbed and distributed in
the fetus through the placenta.[18] According
to the Centers for Disease Control more than
90% of Americans have detectable levels of
Bisphenol A in their bodies.
Human exposure to BPA comes primarily
from contaminated food and beverages.[19]
Food and beverage packaging made with
BPA – such as plastic bottles, metal cans, and
reusable storage containers – can leach the
chemical into food and drinks.A study by the
Harvard School of Public Health found that
concentrations of BPA in urine increased by
69% when polycarbonate water bottles were
used for cold beverages during the course of
a week.[20] BPA can also leach from infant
formula cans and heated baby bottles, the
primary source of exposure to the chemical
for newborns and infants.[21]
But we are also potentially exposed to BPA
in our drinking water. The U.S. Geological
Survey (USGS) sampled 25 groundwater
and 49 surface water sources of public
drinking water supply in 25 states and Puerto
Rico and analyzed them for 124 emerging
contaminants. Bisphenol A was one of the
most commonly detected con-taminants in
the samples. [22]
7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWH for a Clean and Healthy Vermont
BPA is a synthetic estrogen that can have
toxic effects on the body even at low dose
exposures. Over 90% of the more than 100
government-funded studies on low dose
exposures to BPA have resulted in adverse
health effects. [24] Health effects that have
resulted from low dose exposures include:
All of the following harmful developmental
and behavioral issues have been observed
as a result of exposure to bisphenol A:
hyperactivity [25], altered maternal behavior
[26], changes in male infant behavior
[27], impaired learning [28], and delayed
development. [29] Reproductive disorders
that have been observed include: recurrent
Bisphenol A in Participants’ Urine
Aaron Jim Rich John David Katy
Geometric Mean
We found Bisphenol A in the bodies of all
of the subjects. Thirty-three percent of the
participants had Biphenol A level above the
median levels reported by the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). One
participant had levels twice the median level
(geometric mean - see text box on Page 18 for
explanation) reported by the CDC. Another
participant had levels more than 10 times the
national average! Such levels are within the
range known to cause effects in laboratory
studies and impacts on cell function. [23]
The chart below depicts the levels of each
participant in comparison to the national
geometric mean. [23a]
7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWHfor a Clean and Healthy Vermont 
miscarriages [30], ovarian dysfunction [31],
abnormalities in female eggs [32], early
onset puberty [33], altered mammary gland
development [34], early vaginal opening
[35], reduced sperm count [36], increased
anogenital distance [37], and impacts on the
testis. [38]
Those most vulnerable to problems resulting
from BPA exposure are pregnant mothers
and newborns. According to Ramakrishnan
and Wayne (2007) BPA has been detected
in various fluids such as amniotic fluid,
maternal and fetal plasma, placenta, and
breast milk. [39]
In a new study, funded by the U.S. National
Institute of Occupational Safety and Health,
and the first to be designed specifically to
test the effects of BPA on humans, factory
workers exposed to large amounts of
Bisphenol A substantially increased their
risk of sexual dysfunction. The study found
workers in the BPA facilities had four times
the risk of erectile dysfunction, and seven
times more risk of ejaculation difficulty than
a control group working in plants where no
BPA was made. The workers were exposed to
BPA at levels 50 times higher than the average
American consumer faces. [40]
Possible carcinogenic effects that have been
observed in toxicological studies include:
breast cancer [41] prostate cancer [42] and
reduced effectiveness of chemotherapy
treatments. [43]
Examples identified in the research include
heart disease [44], diabetes [45], liver
abnormalities [46], insulin resistance [47,48],
obesity [49] and heart arrhythmias. [50]
BPA can potentially result in the altered
behavior of over 200 genes [51] impacting
the health of the body and how it responds to
its environment throughout its entire life.
You can reduce the amount of Bisphenol A
in your body by using some of the alternative
types of food and beverage containers listed
The health impacts of exposure
to toxic substances are known
largely as a result of toxicological
research done on laboratory
animals. That is because we
obviously cannot intentionally
give these substances to
humans to measure responses.
Toxicologists assume that if an
effect is observed in animals, it
will likely produce similar harm
in humans. Indeed there are
numerous similarities in many
aspects of the physiology of
all animals that make such
assumptions reasonable.
Obviously there is potential
harm that can occur in humans
– psychological and cognitive
– that may not be possible to
test for in animals. Sometimes,
there are studies that directly
measure the effects of toxics on
humans, such as in occupational
settings or where there has been
a large environmental exposure.
These studies shave been used
to validate assumptions of
toxicological studies.
7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWH for a Clean and Healthy Vermont
in plastic containers that may be made using
BPA. Use less canned foods, especially those
that contain food with higher fat content.
Before having dental work done, ask your
dentist if the sealants he or she uses contain
Alternatives to BPA in food and beverage
containers not only exist, but are already in
use. With growing frequency, manufacturers
are producing BPA-free products and seeing
benefits to their bottom lines. Retailers have
also joined the ranks by refusing to sell items
containing BPA.
Glass is a common and popular alternative
for replacing the synthetic estrogen in baby
bottles. For those parents concerned with
breakage, many bottles come with silicone
sleeves to protect against this. Plastic
alternatives such as polyamide, used by Born
Free, also exist.
Many manufacturers are opting for stainless
steel instead. This is good, as long as the
stainless container is not lined with a
substance containing BPA.
Alternative food can linings include a natural
blend of oil and resin extracted from plants
(such as the balsam fir) [52] and polyester-
based coatings. [53] However, finding a
suitable replacement for all applications is
a challenge due to the corrosive nature of
highly acidic foods.
In the last year, governments working to
protect the health of children from BPA have
made extraordinary progress. The Canadian
government recently took steps to reduce
BPA exposure in infants and newborns by
of polycarbonate baby bottles. [54]
In the United States, Minnesota was the first
state in the country to ban BPA, prohibiting
its use in baby bottles and Sippy cups. [55]
Connecticut soon followed, passing an
even more extensive law that prohibits the
use of BPA in baby bottles, infant formula
and baby food jars and cans, and reusable
food and beverage containers. [56] And the
Massachusetts Department of Public Health
recently issued a public health advisory on
BPA. [57]
In addition to states, cities and towns are
also taking action. The city of Chicago as
well as three New York counties (Albany,
that restrict the sale of BPA-tainted baby
bottles and Sippy cups.
Given the overwhelming amount of scientific
evidence showing the harmful effects of BPA,
Vermont must take steps to protect public
health and the environment from exposure to
this synthetic estrogen. The state legislature
would be wise to follow the example of
Connecticut, Minnesota, and others, and
prohibit the use of BPA in baby bottles, sippy
We must also require manufacturers to
use the safest alternatives available when
replacing BPA in their products.
7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWHfor a Clean and Healthy Vermont 
Mercury is a naturally occurring element
that is present in different forms in the
environment. When mercury combines
with carbon, the compound formed is called
“organic mercury.” Microorganisms convert
inorganic mercury into the most common
form of organic mercury, a substance called
methyl-mercury, which is a potent neuroxin.
Methylmercury can enter the water or soil
and remain for a long time. It also can enter
and accumulate in the food chain, such as
when larger fish eat smaller fish.
and in foods that we consume. Products that
contain mercury include older thermostats,
amalgams (fillings that contain mercury).
A major source of the mercury found in
Vermontisfromtheburningof coalandoilin
into the air and prevailing winds carry it over
New England where it falls with precipitation
into our waters. In 1999, EPA estimated that
approximately 75 tons of mercury was found
in the coal delivered to power plants each
year and about two thirds of this mercury
was emitted to the air, resulting in about 50
tons being emitted annually.
The Vermont Department of Environ-
mental Conservation has estimated as much
as half or more of all mercury in our rivers
and lakes comes from this “atmospheric”
source. According to the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, almost all of the rivers in
New England are threatened as a result of
to methylmercury by microorganisms and
then works its way into the food chain.
Fish caught in Vermont lakes and rivers can
contain high levels of mercury. Even wild fish
caught in our oceans and sold at our grocery
stores contains various levels of mercury.
In the 1990’s River Network conducted a
study of mercury in fish in the Mississquoi
River. Many of the fish had elevated levels of
Mercury can also enter into our rivers and
lakes when it leaches—or leaks— from illegal
dumps and landfills that contain discarded
products—such as fluorescent lamps, old
thermostats and batteries that contain
mercury. This is why the proper disposal of
waste depot is so important.
7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWH for a Clean and Healthy Vermont
There are still other sources of mercury
in our environment. Silver-colored dental
fillings typically contain about 50% metallic
mercury. People may be exposed directly,
or indirectly through waters contaminated
by the waste water of medical and dental
facilities that use mercury. Some mercury
compounds are used in fungicides. Inorganic
mercury compounds have been used in skin-
lightening creams.
Recently it has also been discovered that
certain corn syrups, the sweetener found in
many of our foods and soft drinks contains
mercury. This results from a particular
means of manufacturing corn syrup that
some producers use. [58]
Mercury was found in the bodies of four
of our six participants. The levels ranged
from 0.2 micrograms per gram (μg/g) hair
mercury to 0.85 micrograms per gram
(μg/g) hair mercury. The CDC’s 1999-2000
National Health and Nutrition Examination
Survey (NHANES) assessed exposure to
methyl mercury in U.S. children 1-5 years
of age and women 16-49 years of age using
hair mercury analysis. The geometric mean
hair mercury was 0.12 μg/g in children,
and 0.20 μg/g in women. The focus of the
study was on women of child-bearing age
(a population of concern because the fetus
is highly susceptible to harmful effects) and
children. No data were collected on men.
Among frequent fish consumers, geometric
mean hair mercury levels were 3-fold higher
for women, at 0.38 μg/g g, further reinforcing
the fact that fish consumption is the major
pathway of mercury exposure in the U.S. Our
participant with the highest mercury levels
had more than twice this amount.
The geometric mean is a measure
that is commonly encountered when
viewing monitoring data. You will see
the term used throughout this report.
The geometric mean, in statistics, is
a type of average, which indicates
the central tendency or typical value
of a set of numbers. It is similar
to the arithmetic mean, which is
what most people think of with
the word “average,” except that
the calculation is more complex. A
geometric mean, unlike an arithmetic
mean, tends to dampen the effect of
very high or low values, which might
bias the mean if a straight average
(arithmetic mean) were calculated.
This is helpful when analyzing data
that might vary by a number of
magnitudes, where one value could
greatly affect the arithmetic mean.
So, for example, consider the
arithmetic mean of the following data
set: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9. You may be able to
eyeball it and see the average is 5,
or you could calculate it by adding
1+3+5+7+9, which equals 25, and
dividing by 5, which equals 5. The
geometric mean of those same
numbers is 3.9, a bit smaller than 5;
in fact the geometric mean is usually
a bit smaller if the data are not highly
skewed (which means lopsided).
Here’s a data set that is more
skewed: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 100 (the
value of 100 is so much higher
than the other numbers it makes it
somewhat lopsided). The arithmetic
mean of this data set is 20.8.
The value of 100 really raised the
arithmetic mean a lot. The geometric
mean of this data is 6.7, much closer
to the mean of most of the numbers
in the data set.
7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWHfor a Clean and Healthy Vermont 
As mentioned previously, methyl-mercury is
highly toxic. Numerous ill health effects are
associated with exposure to mercury. High
exposures, seen in other countries where
people consumed highly contaminated fish,
have taught us that methylmercury poisoning
kidneys. More limited exposures can result
in personality changes, tremors, changes in
vision, deafness, muscle coordination, and
memory problems. [59]
The kidneys are especially sensitive to the
effects of mercury, as mercury accumulates
in the kidneys.
Short-term exposure to mercury vapors can
damage the lining of the mouth and lungs,
as well as result in vomiting, diarrhea and
increased blood pressure. [60]
Mercury in the mother’s body can be passed
to the fetus. The fetus and young children are
muchmoresensitivetotheeffectsof mercury.
Children exposed to methylmercury in utero
show irreversible damage to their central
nervous systems. [61]
There are numerous ways to reduce mercury
levels in your body. Some medical therapies
can be more harmful than beneficial and
may only be appropriate in extreme cases.
The best way to reduce mercury in your body
is to reduce future exposures. The easiest way
to accomplish that is to avoid fish known to
be high in mercury.
The Sierra Club and Greenpeace suggest
avoiding the following types of fish, known
to be high in mercury:
ƒ Chilean Sea Bass
ƒ Grouper
ƒ King Mackerel
ƒ Marlin
ƒ Monkfish
ƒ Orange Roughy
ƒ Shark
ƒ Shrimp
ƒ Swordfish
ƒ Tuna
ƒ Tilefish
For more information, see the Vermont
Department of Environmental Con-
servation Mercury Education and Reduction
Campaign at
Mercury is ubiquitous in the environment
and is easily transported in the air and water.
Historically, the U.S. has been a significant
exporter of mercury; some of that mercury
ends up back in our air and water. In a
significant reversal, the U.S. delegation to
the United Nations Environment Program
(UNEP) Governing Council endorsed
negotiations in 2009 for a new global treaty
to control mercury.
A recent U.S. Clean Air Mercury Rule will
hopefully reduce emissions from coal-fired
power plants – the largest remaining sources
of mercury emissions in the country. The
of performance” limiting mercury emissions
from new and existing coal-fired power
plants and creates a market-based cap-and-
trade program to reduce nationwide utility
emissions of mercury in two distinct phases.
The first phase cap will reduce emissions
from 48 tons a year to 38 tons. In the second
phase, due in 2018, coal-fired power plants
will be subject to a second cap, which will
reduce emissions to 15 tons upon full
7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWH for a Clean and Healthy Vermont
The Mercury Policy Project reports that a
consortium of northeastern government
agencies found that over 10,000 pounds of
mercury are released to the air in northeast
sources of mercury pollution that have not
yet been adequately addressed and shows that
waste incineration and dental mercury use
account for over one-third of the mercury
pollution still occurring in the region, while
plants across the region. [62]
With support from the Alliance, the Vermont
legislature passed a bill that requires
manufacturers of mercury-containing
thermostats to implement a collection
plan for discarded mercury-containing
thermostats and offers a financial incentive
for homeowners and others who return such
There is still more work to be done. Other
advances we can make include:
ƒ Eliminate the use and sale of mercury-
containing products, where feasible.
ƒ Health care facilities, including
hospitals and dental offices, should
phase out mercury containing
products in favor of safer alternatives.
ƒ Supermarkets and grocers should
follow the voluntary recommendation
endorsed by the Vermont Grocers
Association Request to post signs that
advise consumers which fish contain
more or less mercury.
Mercury in Participants
Aaron Jim Rich John David Katy
Geometric Mean
in NHANES study
(women 16-49)
7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWHfor a Clean and Healthy Vermont 
“Pesticides” is a term that incorporates
insecticides, herbicides and fungicides.
Organochlorine pesticides have strong
bonds between their chlorine and carbon
components, which means that they do not
break down easily. They are highly insoluble
in water, but are attracted to fats.
Organochlorine pesticides were first
introduced in the 1940’s. They were effective
against a variety of insects and widely used.
DDT is an Organochlorine pesticide. Rachel
Carson, in her book, Silent Spring, first warn-
ed about the dangers of these insecticides and
their persistence in the environment: “These
sprays, dusts, and aerosols are now applied
almost universally to farms, gardens, forests,
and homes – nonselective chemicals that have
the power to kill every insect, the “good” and
the “bad,” to still the song of birds and the
leaping of fish in the streams, to coat the leaves
with a deadly film, and to linger on in soil – all
this though the intended target may be only a
few weeds or insects. Can anyone believe it is
possible to lay down such a barrage of poisons
on the surface of the earth without making
it unfit for all life?” Many Organochlorine
pesticides, including DDT, aldrin, dieldrin,
chlordane and heptachlor have since been
banned in the United States. Others remain
in use.
Organochlorine pesticides are mostly used as
insecticides. Some are sprayed on field crops,
or to coat seeds during grain storage. Other
types applied in pellet form.
Organochlorine pesticides enter the
environment from direct application and
runoff, disposal of contaminated wastes
into landfills, emissions from incinerators
and releases from manufacturing facilities.
Studies of major rivers show that 90 percent
of all fish, 100 percent of all rivers, 33 percent
of major aquifers, and 50 percent of shallow
wells contain one or more pesticides at
detectable levels (USGS, 2006). The U.S.
one or more water samples from every stream
$JHQF (3$
7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWH for a Clean and Healthy Vermont
sampled in the United States. Most people
do not realize that EPA has not established
drinking water standards for most of the
pesticides found in water. The nonprofit
group Beyond Pesticides reports that of the
hundreds of pesticide active ingredients it
registers, EPA – balancing consumer risk
against water supplier cost – has established
maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) for
only 24 pesticides.
Because organochlorines resist metab-olism
– i.e., breakdown in the body – and are stored
in the fatty tissue of animals,they accumulate
in animals higher up the food chain. This
may occur when birds eat fish that have been
exposed to the contaminant. It also occurs in
humans when we drink milk or eat fish.
Due to the global economy, humans can also
in the United States by consuming food
from countries that still use these pesticides.
DDT was still manufactured in the U.S. and
shipped abroad, years after it was banned in
the U.S. To a lesser extent, we may be exposed
to these chemicals in our air and our water.
Obviously agricultural workers and others
who may work directly with these substances
can be exposed through direct contact.
We examined all participants for an extensive
list of 24 different organochlorine pesticides.
We found 20 of those 24 pesticides in
the blood serum of our participants. We
discovered the presence of seven different
organochlorine pesticides in the blood of all
participants. We found the presence of two
of the more dangerous pesticides, both now
banned in the United States, in the blood of
most of our participants. DDT, banned in
the U.S. in 1972, was present in the bodies of
5 of the 6 participants. Chlordane, banned in
the U.S. in 1983 was present in the blood of
all participants.
Biomagnification or bioaccumulation refers to the
increase in the concentration of chemicals
(usually toxins) in the tissues of organisms with
each increase in the level in the food chain. For
example, bigger fish eat little fish and the levels of
the toxin increase significantly in the larger fish.
Source: Source: U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S.
Geological Survey, Center for Coastal Geology
Biomagnification or
4,800,000 ppt
ppt = parts per trillion
(mercury concentration)
690,000 ppt
98,000 ppt
14,000 ppt
2,000 ppt
0.10 ppt
7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWHfor a Clean and Healthy Vermont 
The most recent data from the CDC
National Report on Human Exposure to
Environmental Chemicals examined 12 of
these organochlorine pesticides for a select
group of participants nation-wide. The
data was collected as part of the National
Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
(NHANES). Not all of those 12 pesticides
were detected, and some were only detected
in some participants, preventing the
establishment of a geometric mean. (See Text
Box on Page 18 for explanation). Detected
levels varied for some of the pesticides by age
and gender.
The following are more detailed findings
comparing the available national data on
organochlorine pesticides with our own. The
national data is much more limited.
in laboratory animals and is considered to be
a probable human carcinogen. [63] After its
introduction as a fungicide in 1945, for crop
seeds, this toxic chemical was found in all
food types. Hexachlorobenzene was banned
from use in the United States in 1966. The
geomoetric mean of the Hexachlorobenzene
found in the most recent National Report
on Human Exposure to Environmental
Chemicals to Environmental Chemicals was
15.2 ng/g lipid. Higher levels were detected
in older persons and in females. The ranges
found in our Vermont subjects were 6.6
to 14.5 ng/g lipid. Interestingly, our older
participants also had higher levels of HCB
than younger participants.
Otganichlorinepesticidesinbloodserum(ng/g) Pesticides in Participants
Aaron Jim Rich John David Katy
7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWH for a Clean and Healthy Vermont
mean level of 9.4 ng/g lipid of oxychlordane
in participants. Our Vermont participants
showed a range spanning from below
detectable to 34.7 ng/g, the latter almost 4
times higher than the national norm.
This is one of the major constituents of the
insecticide chlordane. It was used extensively
prior to 1983. Its use was banned after 1988
duetoconcernabouttheriskof cancer.Trans-
nonachlor is the most bioaccumulative of the
chlordanes. [65] The geometric mean of the
2003-2004 NHANES data was 14.6 ng/g lipid.
The levels in Vermonters in this study ranged
from 0.09 ng/g to 66.4 ng/g, almost 5 times
the national average.
Mirex is a chlorinated hydrocarbon that
was commercialized as an insecticide and
later banned because of its impact on the
national sample aged 12 years and older and in
Aaron Jim Rich John David Katy
DDTisof coursetheinfamousanddangerous
pesticide banned in the 1960’s. The DDT
metabolite p,p’-DDE was detected nationally
in 99.7% of persons aged 12 years and older.
The geometric mean in the national CDC
data was 238.4 ng/g lipid. The levels in our
study participants ranged from 0 to 311ng/g.
Chlordane was used extensively in home
and agricultural applications. Like DDT,
chlordane compounds are very persistent in
the environment, resistant to metabolism,
have a strong affinity for fats, and biomagnify
in aquatic food webs.Chlordane is a term that
represents a group of a large number (140)
of individual compounds. Some of them are:
oxychlordane and trans-nonachlor. [64]
The National Report on Human Exposure to
Environmental Chemicals found a geometric
7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWHfor a Clean and Healthy Vermont 
geometric mean was calculable because it was
not detected in all subjects; however the 90th
percentile (i.e., the level exceeded by only 10%
of the subjects) was reported to be 8.3 ng/g
lipid. Our Vermont participants’ levels ranged
from 0.3 to 7.3 ng/g.
dieldrin was a highly effective insecticide and
widely used during the 1950s to early 1970s.
However, it does not easily break down in
the environment and tends to biomagnify as
it is passed along the food chain. Long-term
exposure has proven toxic to a very wide
range of animals including humans. It is now
banned in most of the world. Dieldrin was
detected in 87.2% of persons aged 12 years
and older in the national sample, but only
detected in 33.3% of our participants.
Organochlorines can cause a wide range
of adverse health effects, including cancer,
neurological damage and birth defects. Many
organochlorines are also suspected endocrine
disruptors. Each organochlorine pesticide has
a different level of toxicity and can result in
different adverse health effects. The following
paragraphs detail some of the known health
affects of some of the various types of
organochlorines found in our Vermont study
participants. The specific health effects of the
concentrations of these contaminants found
in our participants is not known. Chlordane
and the liver in people and animals. We know
about some of these effects from people who
breathed air containing high concentrations
of chlordane or accidentally swallowed small
amounts of chlordane. Symptoms include
headaches, irritability, confusion, weakness,
vision problems, vomiting, stomach cramps,
diarrhea and jaundice. Large amounts
of chlordane taken by mouth can cause
convulsions and death in people. [66]
We analyzed the amount of PBDEs
and Organochlorine pesticides by
taking blood samples from each
of the participants. Blood contains
lipids or fats of various kinds, things
like cholesterol and triglycerides.
Because the chemicals we’re testing
for have an affinity for fat, the
more lipids in the blood, the higher
the reading the lab will obtain. In
order to adjust for the amount of
lipids each individual has in their
blood, and thus to be able to more
accurately compare the amounts
across individuals in relative terms,
we divide the amount (weight) of
the chemical present by the amount
(weight) of lipids present in the blood
and obtain a result called a lipid-
adjusted value.
Our lipid adjusted values are
reported in either nanograms (of
the chemical) per gram (of lipids)
or picograms (of the chemical) per
gram (of lipids). There are 1 billion
nanograms in a gram. There are
1,000 picograms in a nanogram.
The Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) reported their
NHANES results in these same units.
Even though these measurements
are minute quantities, we know from
toxicological research that these are
quantities that can be associated
with harmful health outcomes.
7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWH for a Clean and Healthy Vermont
Long-term exposure caused harmful effects
in the liver of test animals. Animals exposed
before birth or while nursing developed
behavioral effects later. [67]
DDT impacts the nervous system as well.
People who accidentally swallowed large
amounts of DDT became excitable and had
tremors and seizures. [68]
A study in humans showed that women who
had high amounts of DDE in breast milk had
an increased chance of having premature
babies. [69]
Short-term exposure to large amounts of
DDT in the food of animals affected the
nervous system, while long-term exposure
to smaller amounts affected the liver. Even
short-term exposure to small amounts of
DDT in the food of animals had harmful
effects on reproduction. [70]
The CDC reports on a study of people
in Turkey who accidentally ate bread
contaminated with hexachlorobenzene. The
study showed that both the young children of
the mothers who ate it while these children
were in the womb, and the young children
who ate it themselves after birth can have
lower survival rates. The people who ate the
contaminated bread also suffered from a liver
disease. [71]
Nursing infants can be exposed to
hexachlorobenzene through breast milk if
their mothers have been exposed. Unborn
children may also be affected if their mothers
have been exposed. [72]
Animal studies show that eating
hexachlorobenzene can damage the liver,
thyroid, nervous system, bones, kidneys,
blood and immune and endocrine systems.
The U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services (DHHS) has declared that
hexachlorobenzene is reasonably expected to
be a carcinogen. [74]
Reducing your intake of fat containing
foods may reduce the accumulation of
organochlorine compounds in your body’s
fat tissue, resulting in lower concentrations
in breast milk as well. [75] In so far as some
organochlorines are still in use, consuming
organic foods can lower your exposure.
Ironically, women may reduce their levels
of organochlorine pesticides through
breastfeeding, but this may occur at the
7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWHfor a Clean and Healthy Vermont 
expense of passing those pesticides on to
their infants. This puts women in a Catch-22,
as physicians concur that breast feeding still
offers many health advantages.
tendency to concentrate in greater amounts
the higher one goes on the food chain, eating
a diet lower on the food chain (consuming
vegetables or smaller species of fish) is likely
to reduce your overall exposure.
As previously mentioned, many of the
organochlorine pesticides have long since
been banned in the United States due
to knowledge of their persistence in the
environment and affect on both wildlife and
human health. Unfortunately, many of these
chemicals are still produced and used in
other countries. Vermonters can be exposed
to this DDT when we consume vegetables
or fish from these countries. Restrictions
or labeling of products imported from these
countries would help.
Other Organochlorines are still produced in
the United States today.
Federal and state regulations need to make
protecting public health a greater priority.
Today, although the US EPA mandates
manufacturers to test pesticides for harmful
effects, current laws do not prevent the use
of pesticides that research has linked with
cancer or other harmful health impacts. The
current federal pesticide law, the Federal
Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act
(FIFRA), protects a pesticide’s uses unless
the chemical poses an “unreasonable risk to
man or the environment, taking into account
the economic, social, and environmental
costs and benefits of the use of any pesticide.”
In other words, if the perceived economic
benefit of using a pesticide outweighs the
health risks, the pesticide can be used. The
Oregon Environmental Council (OEC), in
its “Pollution in People” report, explains
that there are two problems with this
approach. First, many pesticides have not
been completely tested as to their human
or environmental health impacts. Second,
this cost-benefit analysis does not take into
account the fact that there are often safer
alternatives to achieving the end goal.
At the State level, in order to address the
threat of pesticides and other toxic chemicals
used in and around schools, the Vermont
legislature passed the School Environmental
Health Act (Act 125) in 2000. Act 125 was
charged with reducing environmental health
hazards in schools through the creation of
a voluntary program. Act 125 established a
goal of having at least 50% of schools qualify
for an environmental health certificate
by January 2005. Only 7% of schools had
received a certificate by the end of 2006.
Unfortunately, the state’s commitment to
implementation and enforcement of the
law has been weak. To date only a handful
of schools have achieved the standards of
environmental health certification spelled
out in the law.
TheAlliance would like to see the adoption of
new legislation that would eliminate the use
of high-riskpesticidesatschoolsandestablish
integrated pest management programs that
are designed to reduce sources of problems
and minimize pesticide use.
7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWH for a Clean and Healthy Vermont
:KDW DUH 3%'(V
PBDEs (polybrominated diphenyl ethers)
are used as flame retardants. The three basic
types of PBDE’s are used in different kinds of
consumer products:
ƒ Penta(5): Used in polyurethane foam
such as in mattresses, seat cushions,
other upholstered furniture and rigid
ƒ Octa(8): Used in high-impact plastics
such as fax machines and computers,
automobile trim, telephones and
kitchen appliances.
ƒ Deca(10): Used in carpet foam pads,
draperies, televisions, computers,
stereos and other electronics, cable
insulation, adhesives and textile
coating. Deca makes up 82% of these
products. [76]
In addition to these basic categories, there
are 209 different configurations of PBDEs
(called congeners) based on the number
of bromine atoms attached to the overall
structure. They were first produced in the
1970s and are used as flame retardants in
furniture cushioning and electronics.Annual
productionof PBDEsisapproximately50,000
metric tons with 40% of their use in the
United States. [77] High levels of PBDEs were
showing up in human breast milk [78] and
industry discontinued producing Penta and
Octa by January 2005. In the United States
Deca continues to be produced and used
mainly in electronics in their hard plastic
casings (ie., TVs and computers). Recently
the manufacturers of Deca, in negotiations
with the EPA, have agreed to discontinue
producing and importing the chemical.
PBDEs enter the air, water and soil during
their manufacture and during their use in
consumer products. PBDEs are found in
U.S. coastal waters and river basins as well as
in human breast milk. The main sources of
exposure may be through foods, especially
fatty foods, where PBDE’s accumulate from
environmental contamination, and through
house dust. [79,80,81,82,83,84,85] PBDEs
do not bind chemically to the plastic product
to which they are applied and therefore
continually leach out into the environment
and accumulate in house dust. Because
consumers tend to keep carpeting and
couches for years, PBDEs may persist in their
indoor air for years.
PBDEs, or flame retardants, are found in
the plastic parts of computer equipment,
and are slowly released to the environment
along with dust particles that chip off the
computer's surface. These particles end up
in household dust or can leach from landfills
and dumps into our waterways. PBDEs
are known thyroid-disruptors and can
bioaccumulate in fish and people.
Source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA)
7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWHfor a Clean and Healthy Vermont 
PBDE’s have been shown to volatilize (change
from a solid or liquid to a vapor), so we can
then breathe them in. Another source is
simple ingestion from PBDEs that have been
shown to accumulate on our hands.We ingest
the PBDE’s when we touch our hands to our
mouths. [86] A 2008 Body Burden Study of
35 participants from 7 states and a 2009 study
of doctors and nurses reported PBDEs in all
participants. [87,88] Even more concerning
are studies reporting higher accumulations
of PBDEs in infants and toddlers than in
adults. [89,90] Also Body Burden of PBDEs
and levels of PBDEs in human breast milk
are considerably higher in the U.S. than those
in Europe. [91]
All of the Vermont participants had PBDEs
in their bodies. Data from the CDC’s
national NHANES study [92] only produced
geometric means for 4 of the PBDE’s in our
study. The levels of these PBDE’s in Vermont
participants ranged from several times
lower than the national geometric mean in
some individuals to 5-6 times the national
geometric mean in others.
Specifically, the national geometric mean
of PBDE-47 was 20,500 pg/g. Levels in
Vermont participants ranged from 3,110 pg/
g to 102,000 pg/g. The national geometric
mean for PBDE-99 was 5,000 pg/g. Levels
in Vermont participants ranged from 763
pg/g to 35,400 pg/g. The national geometric
mean for PBDE-100 was 3,900 pg/g. Levels
in Vermont participants ranged from 783
pg/g to 30,200 pg/g. The national geometric
mean for PBDE-153 was 5,700 pg/g. Levels in
Vermont participants ranged from 2,810 pg/g
to 54,000 pg/g. While there are no NHANES
means of the PBDE Deca, still in use, we
do have comparison data from a national
study in 2009 done by Physicians for Social
Responsibility (PSR). The Deca levels of 4
of our participants were considerably higher
than levels found in doctors and nurses in
the PSR study. [93] The PSR study and our
study utilized the same laboratory for blood
PBDEs are associated with developmental
disorders affecting learning, memory and
motor activity, reproductive and thyroid
impairment and cancers (ie. liver and
testicular). [94,95,96,97,98,99,100,101] The
EPA has classified Deca as a possible human
7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWH for a Clean and Healthy Vermont
Since PBDEs are in house dust and fatty foods
you can reduce PBDE exposure by washing
hands frequently especially before eating
and removing fat before cooking. If possible
use a vacuum with a high efficiency filter to
vacuum household dust. Inspect cushioned
furniture and if unable to replace items
manufactured before 2005 be sure covers are
intact. Be aware that most home electronics
contain PBDEs and prevent young children
from playing and mouthing items such as cell
phones and remotes. [102]
When shopping for new furniture avoid
“complies with CATB117”, a standard
requiring halogenated (i.e., bromide)
flame retardants. (8) Consider buying less
flammable fabrics such as wool. When
shopping for new electronics ask for
PBDE-free products. Several top electronic
companies have committed to phasing out
the use of PBDEs in their products. [103]
Non-chemical alternatives to Deca can
include the redesign of a product or the
use of materials that are inherently more
flame resistant. For example, in electronic
equipment, metal components could be
used to protect the power supply. And with
textiles, easily ignitable fabrics such as cotton
could be replaced with materials that are
difficult to ignite or burn more slowly (such
as nylon, silk, and wool).
Fire safety standards can also be met by using
chemical alternatives to Deca. For example,
a phosphorous-based compound called
resocinol bis diphenyl phosphate (RDP) is a
common substitute for Deca in electronics.
According to the Maine Department of
Environmental Protection and Center for
Disease Control and Prevention, “RDP
presents a significantly lower threat to
the environment and human health than
are cost effective as well. According to reports
written by the states of Illinois, Maine, and
PBDEs in Participants
Aaron Jim Rich John David Katy
28.1 24.6 19.9
7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWHfor a Clean and Healthy Vermont 
have to comply with Vermont’s law for
these products despite the voluntary
Maine, Washington and Oregon
have also enacted restrictions on
Deca. In addition, California, Hawaii,
Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Michigan,
Minnesota, New York, Oregon, Rhode
Island, Vermont and Washington have
reinforced the voluntary phase-out of
Penta and Octa by enacting state bans
on these chemicals.

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Toxic Exposures in the Green Mountain State

  • 1. 7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWHfor a Clean and Healthy Vermont 7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWH for a Clean and Healthy Vermont
  • 2. 7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWH for a Clean and Healthy Vermont 6SRQVRU ’ŸŽ›ȱŽ ˜›”ǰȱ   ǯ›’ŸŽ›—Ž ˜›”ǯ˜› 3ULPDU $XWKRUȱŽŸŽ—ȱǯȱ ’Œ”Ž—œǰȱ›’—Œ’™Š•ȱ—ŸŽœ’Š˜›ǰȱ’ŸŽ›ȱŽ ˜›” RQWULEXWRUVȱ ›ǯȱŠ••¢ȱ Š›’••ǰȱ›˜“ŽŒȱ‘¢œ’Œ’Š— ›ǯȱŽ‹ŽŒŒŠȱ
  • 3. ˜—Žœǰȱ›˜“ŽŒȱ‘¢œ’Œ’Š— ‘Š›’¢ȱ Š›‹’—Žǰȱ RQVXOWLQJ 3KVLFLDQȱ ›ǯȱŽȱŒ‘ŽĴ•Ž› ‘Žȱ ••’Š—ŒŽȱ˜›ȱŠȱ •ŽŠ—ȱŠ—ȱ ŽŠ•‘¢ȱŽ›–˜—ȱ’œȱŠȱ‘ŽŠ•‘Ȭ‹ŠœŽȱŒ˜Š•’’˜—ȱ ˜ȱŒ’’£Ž—œǰȱŒ‘’•›Ž—ȂœȱŠŸ˜ŒŠŽœǰȱ‘ŽŠ•‘Ȭ™›˜Žœœ’˜—Š•œǰȱ‘˜žœ’—ȱ›˜ž™œǰȱ Ž—Ÿ’›˜—–Ž—Š•’œœȱŠ—ȱ˜‘Ž›œȱŒ˜––’ĴŽȱ˜ȱ™›˜ŽŒ’—ȱ‘ž–Š—ȱ‘ŽŠ•‘ȱ›˜–ȱ ˜¡’ŒȱŒ‘Ž–’ŒŠ•ȱŽ¡™˜œž›Žǯȱ ž›ȱ˜Š•ȱ’œȱ˜ȱ™‘ŠœŽȱ˜žȱ‘ŽȱžœŽȱ˜ȱ™Ž›œ’œŽ—ȱ˜¡’ŒȱŒ‘Ž–’ŒŠ•œȱŠ—ȱ˜ȱŠŸŠ—ŒŽȱ Šȱ™›ŽŒŠž’˜—Š›¢ȱŠ™™›˜ŠŒ‘ȱ˜ Š›œȱ‘ŽȱžœŽȱŠ—ȱ›Žž•Š’˜—ȱ˜ȱŒ‘Ž–’ŒŠ•œǯȱŽȱ Š›Žȱ ˜›”’—ȱ ’‘ȱ‹žœ’—ŽœœȱŠ—ȱ˜ŸŽ›—–Ž—ȱ•ŽŠŽ›œȱ˜ȱ™›˜–˜Žȱ™˜•’Œ’Žœȱ‘Šȱ ™›˜ŽŒȱ™ž‹•’Œȱ‘ŽŠ•‘ȱŠ—ȱœž™™˜›ȱ‘ŽȱœŠŽœȱŠ•Ž›—Š’ŸŽœǯȱ ’ŸŽ›ȱŽ ˜›”ȱ’œȱ•ŽŠ’—ȱŠȱ—Š’˜— ’Žȱ–˜ŸŽ–Ž—ȱ˜ȱ™›ŽœŽ›ŸŽȱŠ—ȱ›Žœ˜›Žȱ Œ•ŽŠ—ȱŠ—ȱ‘ŽŠ•‘¢ȱ ŠŽ›œǯȱ‘’•Žȱ›’ŸŽ›œȱŠ›Žȱ˜ž›ȱ˜ŒŠ•ȱ™˜’—ǰȱ Žȱ ˜›”ȱ˜ȱ™›˜ŽŒȱ ‘ŽȱšžŠ•’¢ȱ˜ȱŠ••ȱ›Žœ‘ȱ ŠŽ›œȱŠ—ȱ‘Žȱ‘ŽŠ•‘ȱ˜ȱŠ••ȱ™Ž˜™•ŽȱŠ—ȱŽŒ˜œ¢œŽ–œȱ Ž™Ž—Ž—ȱž™˜—ȱ‘Ž–ǯȱ ˜ž—Žȱ’—ȱŗşŞŞǰȱ ŽȱŠ›ŽȱŠȱ—Š’˜—Š•ȱ—˜—™›˜ęȱ ˜›Š—’£Š’˜—ȱ ’‘ȱ‘ŽŠšžŠ›Ž›œȱ’—ȱ˜›•Š—ǰȱ›Ž˜—ȱŠ—ȱꎕȱœŠěȱ’—ȱ Š›¢•Š—ǰȱŽ›–˜—ǰȱ˜›‘ȱ Š›˜•’—ŠǰȱŠ‘ȱŠ—ȱŠ‘˜ǯ ŽȱŽ–™˜ Ž›ȱŠ—ȱ’—œ™’›Žȱ›Šœœ›˜˜œȱ•ŽŠŽ›œȱŠ••ȱŠŒ›˜œœȱ –Ž›’ŒŠȱ˜ȱŒ›ŽŠŽȱ œ›˜—ȱŠ—ȱŽěŽŒ’ŸŽȱ˜›Š—’£Š’˜—œȱ‘Šȱ™›˜ŽŒȱ˜ž›ȱ ŠŽ›œ‘ŽœǯȱŽȱ‘ŠŸŽȱ Šœœ’œŽȱ–Š—¢ȱŒ˜––ž—’’Žœȱ ’‘ȱœŽ›’˜žœȱ‘ŽŠ•‘ȱ™›˜‹•Ž–œȱ›Žœž•’—ȱ›˜–ȱ Œ˜—Š–’—Š’˜—ǯȱŽȱ•ŽŠȱŽě˜›œȱœžŒ‘ȱŠœȱ‘’œȱœž¢ȱ‹ŽŒŠžœŽȱ Žȱ›ŽŒ˜—’£Žȱ’ȱ’œȱ Š›ȱŽŠœ’Ž›ȱ˜ȱŽžŒŠŽȱ™Ž˜™•ŽȱŠ—ȱ™Šœœȱ˜˜ȱ•Š œȱ‘Šȱ™›ŽŸŽ—ȱ‘Š›–ž•ȱ˜¡’Œœȱ ›˜–ȱŽ—Ž›’—ȱ˜ž›ȱ ŠŽ›œ‘Žœȱ’—ȱ‘Žȱę›œȱ™•ŠŒŽǰȱ‘Š—ȱ ˜›”’—ȱ˜ȱ›Ž–Ž¢ȱ œŽ›’˜žœȱŒ˜—Š–’—Š’˜—ȱ™›˜‹•Ž–œȱŠĞŽ›ȱ‘ŽȱŠŒǯȱ ›Ž™Š›Žȱ‹¢ȱ’ŸŽ›ȱŽ ˜›”ȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱ ˜ŸŽ–‹Ž›ȱŘŖŖş $FNQRZOHGJHPHQWV ’ŸŽ›ȱŽ ˜›”ȱŠ—ȱ‘Žȱ ••’Š—ŒŽȱ˜›ȱ Šȱ •ŽŠ—ȱŠ—ȱ ŽŠ•‘¢ȱŽ›–˜—ȱ‘Š—”œȱ ‘Žȱ
  • 6. ˜—Žœȱ˜›ȱ‘Žȱ‘˜ž›œȱ˜ȱ‘Ž•™ȱ‘Žȱ™›˜Ÿ’Žȱ ŽŠ›•¢ȱ’—ȱ‘’œȱœž¢ǯȱ ŽȱŠ›ŽȱŽœ™ŽŒ’Š••¢ȱ›ŠŽž•ȱ˜ȱ ›ǯȱ ˜—Š•ȱ ŠŽ›œ˜—ȱ˜ȱ ȱŠ‹˜›Š˜›’Žœȱ ‘˜ȱ Œ˜ŠŒ‘Žȱžœȱ‘›˜ž‘ȱ–Š—¢ȱ™‘ŠœŽœȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ Š—Š•¢œ’œǯȱ Žȱ ˜ž•ȱ•’”Žȱ˜ȱŠŒ”—˜ •ŽŽȱ‘Žȱ ›˜ž™œȱ‘ŠȱŒ˜—žŒŽȱ‹˜¢ȱ‹ž›Ž—ȱ œž’Žœȱ‹Ž˜›Žȱžœȱ‘Šȱ™›˜Ÿ’Žȱžœȱ ’‘ȱ Œ˜ŠŒ‘’—ȱŠ—ȱŠœœ’œŠ—ŒŽǯȱ‘’œȱ’—Œ•žŽœDZ Ȋȱ ˜––˜— ŽŠ• Ȋȱ ›Ž˜—ȱ —Ÿ’›˜—–Ž—Š•ȱ ˜ž—Œ’• Ȋȱ Šœ‘’—˜—ȱ˜¡’Œœȱ ˜Š•’’˜—ȱ Ȋȱ —Ÿ’›˜—–Ž—Š•ȱ ŽŽ—œŽǯ Šœ•¢ǰȱŠȱœ™ŽŒ’Š•ȱ‘Š—”ȱ¢˜žȱ˜ȱ‘ŽȱœŠěȱ ˜ȱ‘ŽȱŽ›–˜—ȱž‹•’Œȱ—Ž›ŽœȱŽœŽŠ›Œ‘ȱ ›˜ž™ȱǻ Ǽȱ˜›ȱ‘Ž’›ȱŠœœ’œŠ—ŒŽȱ ‘›˜ž‘˜žǯ
  • 7. 7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWHfor a Clean and Healthy Vermont L 7DEOH RI RQWHQWV ˜›Ž ˜›ȱȱ ’’ ›ŽŠŒŽȱ ’’’ ¡ŽŒž’ŸŽȱž––Š›¢ȱ ŗ —›˜žŒ’˜—ȱ ś ‘ŽȱŠ›’Œ’™Š—œȱ ş ‘ŽȱŽœž•œȱ ŗŗ ‘Žȱ ‘Ž–’ŒŠ•œȱ ŗř ’œŒžœœ’˜—ȱ řŘ ĞŽ› ˜›ȱ řś ™™Ž—’ŒŽœȱ řŜ ŽŽ›Ž—ŒŽœȱ řŞ 7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWHfor a Clean and Healthy Vermont
  • 8. 7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWH for a Clean and Healthy VermontLL )RUHZRUG Rivers and streams are the arteries of the earth, synthesizing and integrating the effects of all that we do within our communities and our watersheds (all of the land that drains to a particular river system). Sometimes that effect is direct, such as when factories discharge their waste products directly into streams. Other times, it is indirect, such as when chemicals are stored or released on the land and subsequently are washed into our rivers. So it is that all of the toxic materials that are used to produce our many consumer products, from computers to televisions to plastic baby bottles, eventually find their way into our rivers and streams. Over sixty percent of our nation’s public drinking water comes from surface water, and most of that from rivers and streams. When our fresh waters are contaminated, it poses a threat to our drinking water supply, and ultimately to our health. Many assume that water treatment plants eliminate all of these contaminants. And while that may be true for some of the larger facilities, it is often not the case for smaller, more rural water systems. Furthermore, even in large cities, the costs of treatment in terms of both dollars and energy consumption can be exorbitant. For most of the past two decades, River Network has helped communities whose residents’healthhasbeenheavilyimpactedby toxic contaminants ranging from radioactive material to heavy metals. Some of these communities have seen horrifying incidence rates of various forms of cancer,birth defects, and other serious health problems. While River Network will continue to provide assistance to these communities, it is equally obvioustousthatwemustdomoretoprevent toxins from being produced and released into our environment in the first place. So it was with considerable enthusiasm that River Network joined the Alliance for a Clean and Healthy Vermont to examine the extent to which chemicals accumulate in people’s bodies, and also to seriously propose how we canlimittheuseof themostdangeroustoxins, in order to prevent the contamination of our rivers and planet and the endangerment of our health. Wehopethatthecontributionof thisresearch helps to educate you about the presence of toxic substances in our environment. We hope too that you will join us in helping with the Alliance’s work to eliminate the use of unneeded toxic substances, and at River Network, as part of a nation-wide movement to create greater stewardship for our nation’s rivers and streams, the sentinels of our treatment of the planet. ZZZULYHUQHWZRUNRUJ :DWFK IRU WKHVH WH[W ER[HV WKURXJKRXW WKLV UHSRUW IRU LQIRUPDWLRQ LQ WKH FRQQFHFWLRQV EHWZHHQ FRQWDPLQDQWV ULYHUV DQG RXU KHDOWK $ 5LYHU 5XQV 7KURXJK ,W
  • 9. 7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWHfor a Clean and Healthy Vermont LLL 3UHIDFH In medical school, we are taught that there are five reasons illness happens: genetics, infection, malignancy, nutrition and environmental exposure. In the real world, however, physicians are averse to identifying toxic exposures as a cause of illness. I wonder if this reflects our inability to immediately control this cause of illness. All doctors know thebestmedicineisprevention. Atfirstglance, delivering prevention from environmental toxins seems beyond our direct grasp. This study is an effort to create awareness that we all are exposed to and accumulate chemicals in our bodies known to cause illness. Awareness is an important first step. From there, we need to learn about safe alternatives and to ask our government—at the local, state and national level—to adopt policies that prevent our exposure to these harmful chemicals. 5HEHFFD -RQHV 0' 3URMHFW 3KVLFLDQ
  • 10. 7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWH for a Clean and Healthy VermontLY
  • 11. 7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWHfor a Clean and Healthy Vermont ([HFXWLYH 6XPPDU This study set out to determine if a range of common industrial chemicals found both in the environment and consumer products could be detected in the bodies of a half dozen ordinaryVermonters. The participants were tested for four categories of chemicals— bisphenol A, mercury, organochlorine pesticides and PBDE flame retardants —all of which are common chemicals used both in our environment (e.g., pesticides applied to crops)andinthemanufacturingof consumer products (e.g., flame retardants applied to computers). Many of these chemicals don’t break down easily. All are known to be dangerous to human health. Some are even dangerous in minute concentrations because they mimic natural hormones in the body, which regulate the body at extremely low concentrations. Whether chemicals are applied directly to the land or produced as part of consumer goods, they eventually end up in our environment, contaminating our land, water and air, exposing humans to those toxins. Many assume that those of us who live in Vermont are more insulated from exposure to harmful chemicals. Unfortunately, we know that many of these chemicals surround all of us on a daily basis even in Vermont. A small number of studies in other states and nationally have tested for the level of toxins in human subjects. We wanted to discover the level of toxic chemicals in Vermont residents. Unfortunately, the findings confirmed our concerns.Almost all of the range of chemicals for which we tested did show up in the bodies of these ordinary Vermonters. The chemicals were in fact present at levels suspected of causing human health problems. We found three of the four classes of the chemicals tested in the bodies of every participant in the study. The amount of each chemical varied widely from participant to participant. The amounts present were sometimes lower than and other times higher—in some cases many times higher—than the amounts found in participants nationally. The levels of Bisphenol A (BPA)—an in- gredient in plastics—in one-third of the participants exceeded the national norm. We are exposed to BPA through plastic food and drinkcontainers,includingwaterbottles.BPA has also been widely detected in streams that are the source water of our drinking water. Bisphenol A in Participants’ Urine Participants BisphenolA(ng/ml) National Mean 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 Participants 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bisphenol A Flame Retardants (PBDEs) Pesticides Mercury KHPLFDO SUHVHQW KHPLFDO QRW GHWHFWHG
  • 12. 7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWH for a Clean and Healthy Vermont BPA can have toxic effects on the body even at low dose exposures. It has been linked to recurrent miscarriages, ovarian dysfunction, abnormalities in female eggs , and possible carcinogenic effects including breast cancer and prostate cancer, amongst other health problems.[1,2,3,4] The levels of mercury in four of the six participants equaled or exceeded the national norm. Much of the mercury to which we are exposed comes from fossil fuel power plants that emit mercury in the air; rain then washes that mercury out of the air into our streams and lakes. Fish concentrate the mercury in their tissues and humans are exposed when we consume fish. Numerous ill health effects are associated with exposure to mercury. High exposures,seeninothercountrieswherepeople consumed highly contaminated fish, have taught us that mercury poisoning can cause permanent damage to the brain and kidneys. Levels of two of the dangerous chlordane pesticides, long since banned, showed up at levels 4-5 times higher than the national norm in one of our participants, and higher than the national norm in several participants. Pesticides are widely used in agriculture, but are also used by homeowners and institutions, such as schools. Humans are exposed to pesticides in numerous ways, such as when we consume crops sprayed with pesticides; drink from well water which is contaminated with pesticides, or breathe air near where it is sprayed. Pesticides are of course dangerous by design. Organochlorine pesticides can cause a wide range of adverse health effects, including cancer, neurological damage, and birth defects. Thirty-one of the forty chemicals found in flame retardants tested showed up in our participants. We are exposed to flame retardants (PBDEs) which have been applied to our furniture or electronic products such as computers. The flame retardants easily brush off these products and we can inhale them with household dust. Twenty types of flame retardants showed up in all of the participants. PBDEs are associated with developmental disorders affecting learning, memory and motor activity, reproductive and thyroid impairment and cancers (ie. liver and testicular). [5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12] However, the main point of these findings is not the amount of contaminants found in participants, but rather the fact that these contaminants were found at all in participants. It is not natural for such chemicals to be present in any quantity in the human body. And again, we know that even minute quantities of some of these chemicals Participants 0 20 40 60 80 National Mean t-Nonachlor Pesticides in Blood 1 2 3 4 5 6 Participants 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 1 National Mean Mercuryinhair(ug/g) Mercury in Participants 1 2 3 4 5 6 0.8
  • 13. 7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWHfor a Clean and Healthy Vermont the focus on regulating individual chemicals does not consider the interactive effects of various chemicals. Comprehensive chemical reform considers the regulation of classes of chemicals that are known to be particularly harmful and/or persistent.Itrequiresthatweresearch,examine and use economically and technologically feasible alternatives to harmful chemicals. can affect the regulation of hormones and pose health dangers. The chemicals in our environment find their way into our bodies through a variety of ways: breathing air that contains dust from these products; drinking water and/or eating food that is contaminated with these chemicals, and absorbing chemicals—such as those found in common perfumes and sunscreens—through our skin. Over time, these chemicals accumulate in our bodies. Many of the chemicals are linked to a wide range of serious health problems and illnesses,includingmiscarriages,neurological problems,cancers,heartconditions,hormone problems and even death. Most of us assume that our state and the federal government protect us from exposure to the harmful effects of these chemicals. The reality is that our laws have grossly failed us in this regard. Under the Toxic Substances Control Act, enacted in 1976, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has required the testing of only about 200 of the 80,000 chemicals in industrial production; and only 5 chemicals or chemical groups have actually been banned. Our laws assume that a chemical is safe unless proven otherwise. Even the EPA admits that the laws are written in such a way that makes it extremely difficult to establish that a chemical is not safe. 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQV It is clear that we must adopt a more precautionary approach that restricts human exposure to chemicals that are reasonably suspected of causing harm. We must insist on laws that truly protect the health of our children and all citizens. Further, our laws have historically been focused on regulation of individual chemicals. With over 80,000 chemicals in production and thousands more being introduced each year, it is clear that such an approach is simply not feasible to adequately protect human health. Also Currently there are national efforts underway now to re-write and strengthen federal toxics laws,suchastheToxicSubstancesControlAct (TSCA). The Alliance supports these efforts and encourages Vermont’s federal delegation to firmly back meaningful TSCA reform. Many states, including Maine, Massachusetts and Washington have begun to implement comprehensive chemicals reform. The Alliance for a Clean and Healthy Vermont will support such legislation introduced into the Vermont legislature this year.
  • 14. 7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWH for a Clean and Healthy Vermont Our comprehensive chemicals policy should: • Phase out the most harmful chemicals and require the use of safer alternatives; • Require that all chemicals be screened for safety; • Honor the public’s right-to-know which hazardous chemicals are in what products; and • Promote the development of safer alternatives and sustainable design. Those wanting to help support such efforts should contact the Alliance or their state legislators. While our ultimate goal must be to ensure such a comprehensive approach to chemical reform, we can and should continue to phase out individual chemicals known to be harmful, and for which there are clearly safer alternatives.
  • 15. 7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWHfor a Clean and Healthy Vermont Most of us think of Vermont as a pristine place. Our beautiful Green Mountains, rivers and lakes conjure up images of health and vitality. While Vermont is certainly a nice place to be, Vermonters are not as immune from exposure to toxic substances as we may think. Unfortunately, pollution knows no boundaries. Despite the passage of legislation such as the Clean Water Act, the Safe Dinking Water Act, the Clean Air Act and Toxic Substances Control Act, the reality is that hundreds of thousands of pounds of known carcinogens, reproductive toxicants, neurotoxicantsandotherchemicalsknownto cause health problems are knowingly released into our water and air yearly. The New York Times recently reported that forty percent of the nation’s community water systems violated the Safe Drinking Water Act at least once last year, and dozens of chemicals have been detected at unsafe levels in drinking water. [13] Many of the chemicals with which this study was concerned, find their way into our homes in the form of consumer products, such as computers, plastic bottles and make-up. Thousands of chemicals are in common use, but only a small portion of them have undergone significant toxicological evaluation. Current methods of risk assessment for some manufactured chemicals may not accurately predict the health risks of exposure. In fact, research is starting to demonstrate that very low levels of exposure to some chemicals—doses to which humans and are routinely exposed—can disrupt the endocrine system. This finding is distressing because endocrine signals regulate many aspects of cell development and functioning. [14] Many of these toxins are used to produce common household items and personal health products. Consequently, we are exposed to many of these toxins in our own homes. It is important to recognize that even the toxins like Bisphenol A and flame retardants found in consumer products are also serious environmental contaminants that are often released directly into the environment during the manufacturing process. Just how bad is the problem? Do Vermonters actually accumulate toxic substances in our bodies as a result of these exposures? Can those accumulated substances affect our health? We set out to seek answers to these questions. We wanted to learn if toxic substances are present in the bodies of typical Vermonters. We focused our efforts on some common toxic substances that we may be exposed to through either household products or our natural environment. This study focused on four groups of industrial chemicals that have been linked to harmful health effects in toxicological studies: %LVSKHQRO $ %3$
  • 16. BPA is a chemical that has received wide- spread publicity of late, due to its presence in ,QWURGXFWLRQ
  • 17. 7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWH for a Clean and Healthy Vermont manyof theplasticbottlesweusefordrinking water and as baby bottles. BPA may also be found on the inside of certain metal food cans, beverage cans, and in dental sealants used to fill certain cavities and cement crowns. Animal studies have linked low dose exposures of BPA to reduced fertility, breast cancer, prostate cancer, and obesity, amongst other adverse health effects. 0HUFXU Mercury is a heavy metal that has contaminated all of Vermont’s rivers and lakes. The Vermont Department of Envir- onmental Conservation (DEC) estimates that as much of half of this pollution is the result of atmospheric deposition. Coal and oil fired power plants in the Midwest release mercury into the atmosphere. Prevailing winds carry the mercury to the east, where it falls with precipitation into our waterways. Eating fish—either locally caught or store bought—can result in the intake of mercury. Mercury is also found in some common products, such as older thermostats and the new compact fluorescent light bulbs we use. Mercury is a potent neurotoxin that can significantly impair brain development. 2UJDQRFKORULQH 3HVWLFLGHV These include many persistent, long-acting insecticides, such as DDT, fungicides and antimicrobials. Even though some of these dangerous chemicals were phased out of production years ago, we continue to be exposed to them due to their persistent nature. By their very design of course, these pesticides are potent neurotoxins. They have been associated with many chronic diseases. Many organochlorines are known or suspected hormone disruptors. 3ROEURPLQDWHG GLSKHQO HWKHUV 3%'(V
  • 18. PBDEs are toxic flame retardants that are added to both office furniture and draperies and electronic goods. Reports have indicated that exposure to low concentrations of these chemicals may result in irreparable damage to the nervous and reproductive systems. PBDEs are also widespread environmental contaminants. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that preliminary evidence suggests that high concentrations of PBDEs may cause neurobehavioral changes and affect the immune system in animals Improved laboratory technology is now enabling us to detect these substances in smallerquantities–levelsthatwerepreviously not detectable. We are thus becoming more and more aware of the prevalence of these substances in our bodies and in our world. $ERXW WKLV 5HSRUW Understanding how exposure to toxic chemicals affects our health is complex. Many factors can influence whether exposure to a toxin may result in ill health affects. These variables include: genetics; toxicity of the chemical; duration of exposure; age of exposure; the dose of exposure; the overall health of the exposed individual, and other factors.
  • 19. 7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWHfor a Clean and Healthy Vermont Columbia, Canada, and the Environmental Quality Institute (EQI). EQI conducts research on environmental issues through the University of North Carolina at Asheville (UNCA). EQI serves governmental agencies, the private sector and citizens groups. Thereforethisstudycannotbeusedtopredict how an individual’s health may be affected by chemicals in his or her body. That is not the purpose of this study. We also do not draw conclusions from this studyaboutthelevelsof contaminantsthatall Vermonters carry in their bodies. This study was not a controlled research study; subjects were not randomly chosen and the number of subjects was small. The purpose of this study was simply to find out whether these common toxicants show up in the bodies of a half dozen Vermonters. The results of this study can best be under- stood in the context of other such studies, and in particular, the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) conducted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC). NHANES was designed to assess the health and nutritional status of Americans. The survey combines interviews and physical exams, which includes biomonitoring of toxic substances. The protocols in this study were reviewed and approved by the Copernicus Group Institutional Review Board (IRB). IRB’s are independent research bodies that review research protocols and study- related information, as well as investigator qualifications and resources of studies that involve human subjects. Copernicus Group IRB (CGIRB) is fully accredited by the Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs, Inc. CGIRB is registered with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP). Samples of blood, urine and hair were collected by professional staff at health clinics throughout Vermont. These samples were analyzed by two accredited laboratories that specializeinhighlysensitivechemicalanalysis: AXYS Analytic Services in Victoria, British PBDE Brx Brx
  • 21. 7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWHfor a Clean and Healthy Vermont 3DUWLFLSDQWV .DW )DUEHU Katy,36,isateacher,writer,parentandactivist. She currently teaches fifth and sixth grade at Rumney Memorial School in Middlesex, Vermont. Katy holds a Master of Science in Teaching degree with a concentration in Middle School Science from the State University of New York at Plattsburgh. She is the founder and author of Non-Toxic Kids, a green parenting and environmental health blog for parents. Katy also writes about education, and her first book called Why Great Teachers Quit will be published by Corwin Press in April. “I’m surprised and disturbed to hear about the elevated amounts of the flame retardant Deca in my samples. Other factors, I felt I could control, such as not eating meat, or buying organic produce—but this came out of nowhere. Now I question my computer, my electronics, my furniture and the dust I don’t vacuum as regularly as I should. Most importantly to me, I wonder about the flame retardants my young daughters are exposed to in our home—and what the health consequences for them might be. It shouldn’t be this way. We have enough to worry about as parents— we shouldn’t have to worry that merely living in our homes can cause serious health problems.” 5LFK +XWFKLQV Rich is a 60 year old man who has lived in Vermont for 35 years.He is a former manager with the state government of Vermont. Now retired, he lives with his wife in rural Vermont. He is a lifelong outdoors enthusiast who spends much time hiking, camping, paddeling and in the sustainable use of the land on which he lives. “The body burden study helps to bring into perspective the effects that toxic chemicals have on the average citizen. By volunteering for the study and sharing results I hope that this data will [add to the] empirical evidence as to the widespread distribution of these toxic substances.” $DURQ /HYLVRQ Aaron Levison, 19, is a lifelong Vermont resident. He is a musician and a writer, and will be attending UVM starting in January 2010, after taking time off to travel, record, andgainworkexperience. Heisaconnoisseur
  • 22. 7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWH for a Clean and Healthy Vermont of woodlands and wildlife, as his childhood homestead is seated on ten acres of forest in Richmond, Vermont. He currently resides in Burlington, Vermont. “I’m part of a generation that’s unarguably dependent on technology. We take much of our world’s convenience for granted, and thus, it’s imperative that people my age are aware of exactly what negative byproducts are the result of our tools, machines, and industries. When we reach the time in which we are adults, education is key in changing future policies to protect ourselves from harmful substances.” -LP 0FXOORXJK Jim lives on his family’s farm of 136 years.His home is the oldest in his town; built in 1796. He has been Williston’s State Representative since 2003; the 5th from his family while residing in this home. His roots are pre revolutionary and he describes his sense of place as extremely comforting. His family dairied on this farm until 1954. He was 9 years old and devastated when they sold the herd. He and his wife Lucy started their“land use experiment” in 1978. It was to intended as an alternative to subdividing their 500 acre property for housing. The result was Catamount Family Center, a recreation area. It has become a nonprofit with the mission of “education and recreation in an outdoor environment.” “I have a tear on my cheek for our demonstrated inability to understand, catch up or keep up, let alone stay ahead of, advancing chemical technologies’ effect on life on our planet.” -RKQ 7UXPSHU John is a retired Pediatrician, age 77, who has lived in southern Vermont for 45 years, with theexceptionof3yearsonIndianreservations in the Dakotas and New Mexico, one year (total) in New Zealand and Newfoundland. 'DYLG =XFNHUPDQ David has lived in Burlington for the past 20 years, and has been an organic farmer there for the past 15 years. He has served in the legislature since 1997. He served on the Natural Resources and Energy Committee (6 years), the Agriculture Committee (6 years, 4 as Chair) and now serves on the Ways and Means Committee (taxes and fees). He is married to Rachel Nevitt, and has one child, Addie, who was born in 2005. The farm which he currently owns is 150 acres in size.In 2009 he produced 20 acres in organic vegetables, 800 organic pastured poultry, 3 pigs and describes himself as an oportunivore. He generally eats vegetarian for most meals, except when he eats out.
  • 23. 7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWHfor a Clean and Healthy Vermont 7KH 5HVXOWV Laboratory analysis of the blood, hair and urine of our subjects confirms what other biomonitoring projects have demonstrated: toxic chemicals are in our bodies! We found at least three of the four categories of toxic chemicals in every person we tested: ƒ We detected a minimum of 35 of the chemicals tested. See the chart on the next page. ƒ Participants had an average of 40 of the chemicals tested in their bodies. ƒ We found twenty kinds of flame retardants (PBDE’s) in all subjects. ƒ We detected Bisphenol A, the chemical used in plastic bottles, in the urine of all of the subjects. ƒ Fifty percent of the participants had Bisphenol A levels above the median level reported by the CDC. ƒ We found mercury present in the hair of 4 of the 6 participants. ƒ Seven types of organochlorine pesticides were found in the blood of all participants, including DDT— banned in 1972—in the bodies of 5 of the 6 participants. ƒ We found forms of the banned pesticide chlordane in the blood of all participants. ƒ The table on the following page provides details on the chemicals found in each participant*. See the appendix for specific levels of each substance present in each study participant. In the following section of this report, “The Chemicals,” we describe the findings for each chemical and how those results compare to both national norms and quantities known to result in adverse effects in toxicological research.
  • 24. 7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWH for a Clean and Healthy Vermont Participants Chemical Aaron Jim Rich John David Katy Pct. of Partici- pants Bisphenol A 100% Br2-DPE-7 0% Br2-DPE-8/11 0% Br2-DPE-10 0% Br2-DPE-12/13 0% Br2-DPE-15 100% Br3-DPE-17/25 100% Br3-DPE-28/33 100% Br3-DPE-30 100% Br3-DPE-32 0% Br3-DPE-35 0% Br3-DPE-37 17% Br4-DPE-47 100% Br4-DPE-49 100% Br4-DPE-51 33% Br4-DPE-66 100% Br4-DPE-71 17% Br4-DPE-75 17% Br4-DPE-77 0% Br4-DPE-79 100% Br5-DPE-85 100% Br5-DPE-99 100% Br5-DPE-100 100% Br5-DPE-105 0% Br5-DPE-116 17% Br5-DPE-119/120 50% Br5-DPE-126 17% Br6-DPE-128 0% Br6-DPE-138/166 100% Br6-DPE-140 100% Br6-DPE-153 100% Br6-DPE-154 100% Br6-DPE-155 83% Br7-DPE-181 17% Br7-DPE-183 100% Br7-DPE-190 50% Br8-DPE-203 100% Br9-DPE-206 100% Br9-DPE-207 100% Br9-DPE-208 100% FlameRetardants(PBDEs) Thereare209differentvarietiesofPBDEsmade;wetestedforthese. Br10-DPE-209 83% HCB 100% alpha-HCH 50% beta-HCH 100% gamma-HCH 67% HEPTACHLOR 33% ALDRIN 33% OXYCHLORDANE 100% t-CHLORDANE 50% c-CHLORDANE 100% t-NONACHLOR 100% c-NONACHLOR 83% p,p-DDE 100% p,p-DDT 83% Pesticides Group1 MIREX 100% delta-HCH 67% Heptachlor-Epoxide 100% alpha-Endosulphan 17% Dieldrin 100% Endrin 0% beta-Endosulphan 67% Endosulphan- 0% Endrin-Aldehyde 17% Endrin-Ketone 0% Pesticides Group2 Methoxychlor 0% Mercury 67% %of Chemicals Present 61% 61% 56% 68% 68% 53% 7DEOH KHPLFDOV )RXQG LQ 3DUWLFLSDQWV E 7SH RI KHPLFDO KHPLFDO SUHVHQW KHPLFDO QRW GHWHFWHG
  • 25. 7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWHfor a Clean and Healthy Vermont 7KH KHPLFDOV :KDW LV %LVSKHQRO $ Bisphenol A (BPA), found in the 1930s to be a synthetic estrogen and originally proposed as a pregnancy aid [16], is now a high-volume productionchemicalusedtomakeepoxyresin and polycarbonate plastic. Approximately 7 billion pounds of BPA is produced globally eachyearforuseinbabybottles,dentalsealants, compact discs, water bottles, food cans and a large variety of other items.[17] Prenatal exposure is to BPA is also significant as the chemical can be absorbed and distributed in the fetus through the placenta.[18] According to the Centers for Disease Control more than 90% of Americans have detectable levels of Bisphenol A in their bodies. 6RXUFHV RI ([SRVXUH Human exposure to BPA comes primarily from contaminated food and beverages.[19] Food and beverage packaging made with BPA – such as plastic bottles, metal cans, and reusable storage containers – can leach the chemical into food and drinks.A study by the Harvard School of Public Health found that concentrations of BPA in urine increased by 69% when polycarbonate water bottles were used for cold beverages during the course of a week.[20] BPA can also leach from infant formula cans and heated baby bottles, the primary source of exposure to the chemical for newborns and infants.[21] But we are also potentially exposed to BPA in our drinking water. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) sampled 25 groundwater and 49 surface water sources of public drinking water supply in 25 states and Puerto Rico and analyzed them for 124 emerging contaminants. Bisphenol A was one of the most commonly detected con-taminants in the samples. [22] 7KH 86 *HRORJLFDO 6XUYH 86*6
  • 27. 7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWH for a Clean and Healthy Vermont +HDOWK (IIHFWV BPA is a synthetic estrogen that can have toxic effects on the body even at low dose exposures. Over 90% of the more than 100 government-funded studies on low dose exposures to BPA have resulted in adverse health effects. [24] Health effects that have resulted from low dose exposures include: 'HYHORSPHQWDO 5HSURGXFWLYH DQG %HKDYLRUDO 'LVRUGHUV All of the following harmful developmental and behavioral issues have been observed as a result of exposure to bisphenol A: hyperactivity [25], altered maternal behavior [26], changes in male infant behavior [27], impaired learning [28], and delayed development. [29] Reproductive disorders that have been observed include: recurrent Participants 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 BisphenolA(ng/ml) Bisphenol A in Participants’ Urine Aaron Jim Rich John David Katy National Geometric Mean :KDW :H )RXQG %LVSKHQRO $ LQ 2XU %RGLHV We found Bisphenol A in the bodies of all of the subjects. Thirty-three percent of the participants had Biphenol A level above the median levels reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). One participant had levels twice the median level (geometric mean - see text box on Page 18 for explanation) reported by the CDC. Another participant had levels more than 10 times the national average! Such levels are within the range known to cause effects in laboratory studies and impacts on cell function. [23] The chart below depicts the levels of each participant in comparison to the national geometric mean. [23a]
  • 28. 7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWHfor a Clean and Healthy Vermont miscarriages [30], ovarian dysfunction [31], abnormalities in female eggs [32], early onset puberty [33], altered mammary gland development [34], early vaginal opening [35], reduced sperm count [36], increased anogenital distance [37], and impacts on the testis. [38] Those most vulnerable to problems resulting from BPA exposure are pregnant mothers and newborns. According to Ramakrishnan and Wayne (2007) BPA has been detected in various fluids such as amniotic fluid, maternal and fetal plasma, placenta, and breast milk. [39] In a new study, funded by the U.S. National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, and the first to be designed specifically to test the effects of BPA on humans, factory workers exposed to large amounts of Bisphenol A substantially increased their risk of sexual dysfunction. The study found workers in the BPA facilities had four times the risk of erectile dysfunction, and seven times more risk of ejaculation difficulty than a control group working in plants where no BPA was made. The workers were exposed to BPA at levels 50 times higher than the average American consumer faces. [40] DQFHU Possible carcinogenic effects that have been observed in toxicological studies include: breast cancer [41] prostate cancer [42] and reduced effectiveness of chemotherapy treatments. [43] +HDUW 3UREOHPV /LYHU DEQRUPDOLWLHV 'LDEHWHV DQG 2EHVLW Examples identified in the research include heart disease [44], diabetes [45], liver abnormalities [46], insulin resistance [47,48], obesity [49] and heart arrhythmias. [50] /DWHU OLIH KHDOWK HIIHFWV BPA can potentially result in the altered behavior of over 200 genes [51] impacting the health of the body and how it responds to its environment throughout its entire life. 5HGXFLQJ %LVSKHQRO $ LQ RXU %RG You can reduce the amount of Bisphenol A in your body by using some of the alternative types of food and beverage containers listed inthesectionbelow.Avoidheatingyourfoods TOXICOLOGY BRIEF The health impacts of exposure to toxic substances are known largely as a result of toxicological research done on laboratory animals. That is because we obviously cannot intentionally give these substances to humans to measure responses. Toxicologists assume that if an effect is observed in animals, it will likely produce similar harm in humans. Indeed there are numerous similarities in many aspects of the physiology of all animals that make such assumptions reasonable. Obviously there is potential harm that can occur in humans – psychological and cognitive – that may not be possible to test for in animals. Sometimes, there are studies that directly measure the effects of toxics on humans, such as in occupational settings or where there has been a large environmental exposure. These studies shave been used to validate assumptions of toxicological studies.
  • 29. 7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWH for a Clean and Healthy Vermont in plastic containers that may be made using BPA. Use less canned foods, especially those that contain food with higher fat content. Before having dental work done, ask your dentist if the sealants he or she uses contain BPA. $OWHUQDWLYHV WR %3$ Alternatives to BPA in food and beverage containers not only exist, but are already in use. With growing frequency, manufacturers are producing BPA-free products and seeing benefits to their bottom lines. Retailers have also joined the ranks by refusing to sell items containing BPA. %DE ERWWOHV Glass is a common and popular alternative for replacing the synthetic estrogen in baby bottles. For those parents concerned with breakage, many bottles come with silicone sleeves to protect against this. Plastic alternatives such as polyamide, used by Born Free, also exist. :DWHU ERWWOHV Many manufacturers are opting for stainless steel instead. This is good, as long as the stainless container is not lined with a substance containing BPA. )RRG FDQV Alternative food can linings include a natural blend of oil and resin extracted from plants (such as the balsam fir) [52] and polyester- based coatings. [53] However, finding a suitable replacement for all applications is a challenge due to the corrosive nature of highly acidic foods. 3ROLF5HFRPPHQGDWLRQV In the last year, governments working to protect the health of children from BPA have made extraordinary progress. The Canadian government recently took steps to reduce BPA exposure in infants and newborns by banningtheimportation,sale,andadvertising of polycarbonate baby bottles. [54] In the United States, Minnesota was the first state in the country to ban BPA, prohibiting its use in baby bottles and Sippy cups. [55] Connecticut soon followed, passing an even more extensive law that prohibits the use of BPA in baby bottles, infant formula and baby food jars and cans, and reusable food and beverage containers. [56] And the Massachusetts Department of Public Health recently issued a public health advisory on BPA. [57] In addition to states, cities and towns are also taking action. The city of Chicago as well as three New York counties (Albany, Schenectady,andSuffolk)establishedpolicies that restrict the sale of BPA-tainted baby bottles and Sippy cups. Given the overwhelming amount of scientific evidence showing the harmful effects of BPA, Vermont must take steps to protect public health and the environment from exposure to this synthetic estrogen. The state legislature would be wise to follow the example of Connecticut, Minnesota, and others, and prohibit the use of BPA in baby bottles, sippy cups,andotherfoodandbeveragecontainers. We must also require manufacturers to use the safest alternatives available when replacing BPA in their products.
  • 30. 7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWHfor a Clean and Healthy Vermont :KDW LV 0HUFXU Mercury is a naturally occurring element that is present in different forms in the environment. When mercury combines with carbon, the compound formed is called “organic mercury.” Microorganisms convert inorganic mercury into the most common form of organic mercury, a substance called methyl-mercury, which is a potent neuroxin. Methylmercury can enter the water or soil and remain for a long time. It also can enter and accumulate in the food chain, such as when larger fish eat smaller fish. 6RXUFHV RI ([SRVXUH Mercuryisfoundinmanyproductsthatweuse and in foods that we consume. Products that contain mercury include older thermostats, thermometers,fluorescentlights—anddental amalgams (fillings that contain mercury). A major source of the mercury found in Vermontisfromtheburningof coalandoilin Midwesternpowerplants.Mercuryisreleased into the air and prevailing winds carry it over New England where it falls with precipitation into our waters. In 1999, EPA estimated that approximately 75 tons of mercury was found in the coal delivered to power plants each year and about two thirds of this mercury was emitted to the air, resulting in about 50 tons being emitted annually. The Vermont Department of Environ- mental Conservation has estimated as much as half or more of all mercury in our rivers and lakes comes from this “atmospheric” source. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, almost all of the rivers in New England are threatened as a result of mercurypollution.Thatmercuryisconverted to methylmercury by microorganisms and then works its way into the food chain. Fish caught in Vermont lakes and rivers can contain high levels of mercury. Even wild fish caught in our oceans and sold at our grocery stores contains various levels of mercury. In the 1990’s River Network conducted a study of mercury in fish in the Mississquoi River. Many of the fish had elevated levels of mercury. Mercury can also enter into our rivers and lakes when it leaches—or leaks— from illegal dumps and landfills that contain discarded products—such as fluorescent lamps, old thermostats and batteries that contain mercury. This is why the proper disposal of suchproductsatanenvironmentalhazardous waste depot is so important. 0HUFXU
  • 31. 7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWH for a Clean and Healthy Vermont There are still other sources of mercury in our environment. Silver-colored dental fillings typically contain about 50% metallic mercury. People may be exposed directly, or indirectly through waters contaminated by the waste water of medical and dental facilities that use mercury. Some mercury compounds are used in fungicides. Inorganic mercury compounds have been used in skin- lightening creams. Recently it has also been discovered that certain corn syrups, the sweetener found in many of our foods and soft drinks contains mercury. This results from a particular means of manufacturing corn syrup that some producers use. [58] :KDW :H )RXQG 0HUFXU LQ 2XU %RGLHV Mercury was found in the bodies of four of our six participants. The levels ranged from 0.2 micrograms per gram (μg/g) hair mercury to 0.85 micrograms per gram (μg/g) hair mercury. The CDC’s 1999-2000 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) assessed exposure to methyl mercury in U.S. children 1-5 years of age and women 16-49 years of age using hair mercury analysis. The geometric mean hair mercury was 0.12 μg/g in children, and 0.20 μg/g in women. The focus of the study was on women of child-bearing age (a population of concern because the fetus is highly susceptible to harmful effects) and children. No data were collected on men. Among frequent fish consumers, geometric mean hair mercury levels were 3-fold higher for women, at 0.38 μg/g g, further reinforcing the fact that fish consumption is the major pathway of mercury exposure in the U.S. Our participant with the highest mercury levels had more than twice this amount. WHAT IS A GEOMETRIC MEAN? The geometric mean is a measure that is commonly encountered when viewing monitoring data. You will see the term used throughout this report. The geometric mean, in statistics, is a type of average, which indicates the central tendency or typical value of a set of numbers. It is similar to the arithmetic mean, which is what most people think of with the word “average,” except that the calculation is more complex. A geometric mean, unlike an arithmetic mean, tends to dampen the effect of very high or low values, which might bias the mean if a straight average (arithmetic mean) were calculated. This is helpful when analyzing data that might vary by a number of magnitudes, where one value could greatly affect the arithmetic mean. So, for example, consider the arithmetic mean of the following data set: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9. You may be able to eyeball it and see the average is 5, or you could calculate it by adding 1+3+5+7+9, which equals 25, and dividing by 5, which equals 5. The geometric mean of those same numbers is 3.9, a bit smaller than 5; in fact the geometric mean is usually a bit smaller if the data are not highly skewed (which means lopsided). Here’s a data set that is more skewed: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 100 (the value of 100 is so much higher than the other numbers it makes it somewhat lopsided). The arithmetic mean of this data set is 20.8. The value of 100 really raised the arithmetic mean a lot. The geometric mean of this data is 6.7, much closer to the mean of most of the numbers in the data set.
  • 32. 7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWHfor a Clean and Healthy Vermont +HDOWK (IIHFWV As mentioned previously, methyl-mercury is highly toxic. Numerous ill health effects are associated with exposure to mercury. High exposures, seen in other countries where people consumed highly contaminated fish, have taught us that methylmercury poisoning cancausepermanentdamagetothebrainand kidneys. More limited exposures can result in personality changes, tremors, changes in vision, deafness, muscle coordination, and memory problems. [59] The kidneys are especially sensitive to the effects of mercury, as mercury accumulates in the kidneys. Short-term exposure to mercury vapors can damage the lining of the mouth and lungs, as well as result in vomiting, diarrhea and increased blood pressure. [60] Mercury in the mother’s body can be passed to the fetus. The fetus and young children are muchmoresensitivetotheeffectsof mercury. Children exposed to methylmercury in utero show irreversible damage to their central nervous systems. [61] 5HGXFLQJ 0HUFXU LQ RXU %RG There are numerous ways to reduce mercury levels in your body. Some medical therapies can be more harmful than beneficial and may only be appropriate in extreme cases. The best way to reduce mercury in your body is to reduce future exposures. The easiest way to accomplish that is to avoid fish known to be high in mercury. The Sierra Club and Greenpeace suggest avoiding the following types of fish, known to be high in mercury: ƒ Chilean Sea Bass ƒ Grouper ƒ King Mackerel ƒ Marlin ƒ Monkfish ƒ Orange Roughy ƒ Shark ƒ Shrimp ƒ Swordfish ƒ Tuna ƒ Tilefish For more information, see the Vermont Department of Environmental Con- servation Mercury Education and Reduction Campaign at index.htm. 3ROLF5HFRPPHQGDWLRQV Mercury is ubiquitous in the environment and is easily transported in the air and water. Historically, the U.S. has been a significant exporter of mercury; some of that mercury ends up back in our air and water. In a significant reversal, the U.S. delegation to the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) Governing Council endorsed negotiations in 2009 for a new global treaty to control mercury. A recent U.S. Clean Air Mercury Rule will hopefully reduce emissions from coal-fired power plants – the largest remaining sources of mercury emissions in the country. The CleanAirMercuryRuleestablishes“standards of performance” limiting mercury emissions from new and existing coal-fired power plants and creates a market-based cap-and- trade program to reduce nationwide utility emissions of mercury in two distinct phases. The first phase cap will reduce emissions from 48 tons a year to 38 tons. In the second phase, due in 2018, coal-fired power plants will be subject to a second cap, which will reduce emissions to 15 tons upon full implementation.
  • 33. 7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWH for a Clean and Healthy Vermont The Mercury Policy Project reports that a consortium of northeastern government agencies found that over 10,000 pounds of mercury are released to the air in northeast stateseachyear.Itpointstoseveralsubstantial sources of mercury pollution that have not yet been adequately addressed and shows that waste incineration and dental mercury use account for over one-third of the mercury pollution still occurring in the region, while another20%isemittedfromcoal-firedpower plants across the region. [62] With support from the Alliance, the Vermont legislature passed a bill that requires manufacturers of mercury-containing thermostats to implement a collection plan for discarded mercury-containing thermostats and offers a financial incentive for homeowners and others who return such thermostats. There is still more work to be done. Other advances we can make include: ƒ Eliminate the use and sale of mercury- containing products, where feasible. ƒ Health care facilities, including hospitals and dental offices, should phase out mercury containing products in favor of safer alternatives. ƒ Supermarkets and grocers should follow the voluntary recommendation endorsed by the Vermont Grocers Association Request to post signs that advise consumers which fish contain more or less mercury. Participants 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 MercuryinHair(ug/g) Mercury in Participants Aaron Jim Rich John David Katy National Geometric Mean in NHANES study (women 16-49)
  • 34. 7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWHfor a Clean and Healthy Vermont :KDW DUH 2UJDQRFKORULQH 3HVWLFLGHV “Pesticides” is a term that incorporates insecticides, herbicides and fungicides. Organochlorine pesticides have strong bonds between their chlorine and carbon components, which means that they do not break down easily. They are highly insoluble in water, but are attracted to fats. Organochlorine pesticides were first introduced in the 1940’s. They were effective against a variety of insects and widely used. DDT is an Organochlorine pesticide. Rachel Carson, in her book, Silent Spring, first warn- ed about the dangers of these insecticides and their persistence in the environment: “These sprays, dusts, and aerosols are now applied almost universally to farms, gardens, forests, and homes – nonselective chemicals that have the power to kill every insect, the “good” and the “bad,” to still the song of birds and the leaping of fish in the streams, to coat the leaves with a deadly film, and to linger on in soil – all this though the intended target may be only a few weeds or insects. Can anyone believe it is possible to lay down such a barrage of poisons on the surface of the earth without making it unfit for all life?” Many Organochlorine pesticides, including DDT, aldrin, dieldrin, chlordane and heptachlor have since been 2UJDQRFKORULQH 3HVWLFLGHV banned in the United States. Others remain in use. Organochlorine pesticides are mostly used as insecticides. Some are sprayed on field crops, or to coat seeds during grain storage. Other types applied in pellet form. 6RXUFHV RI ([SRVXUH Organochlorine pesticides enter the environment from direct application and runoff, disposal of contaminated wastes into landfills, emissions from incinerators and releases from manufacturing facilities. Studies of major rivers show that 90 percent of all fish, 100 percent of all rivers, 33 percent of major aquifers, and 50 percent of shallow wells contain one or more pesticides at detectable levels (USGS, 2006). The U.S. GeologicalSurvey(USGS)foundpesticidesin one or more water samples from every stream $ 5LYHU 5XQV 7KURXJK ,W $FFRUGLQJ WR WKH 86 *HRORJLFDO 6XUYH 86*6
  • 37. 7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWH for a Clean and Healthy Vermont sampled in the United States. Most people do not realize that EPA has not established drinking water standards for most of the pesticides found in water. The nonprofit group Beyond Pesticides reports that of the hundreds of pesticide active ingredients it registers, EPA – balancing consumer risk against water supplier cost – has established maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) for only 24 pesticides. Because organochlorines resist metab-olism – i.e., breakdown in the body – and are stored in the fatty tissue of animals,they accumulate in animals higher up the food chain. This may occur when birds eat fish that have been exposed to the contaminant. It also occurs in humans when we drink milk or eat fish. Due to the global economy, humans can also nowbeexposedtopesticidesformerlybanned in the United States by consuming food from countries that still use these pesticides. DDT was still manufactured in the U.S. and shipped abroad, years after it was banned in the U.S. To a lesser extent, we may be exposed to these chemicals in our air and our water. Obviously agricultural workers and others who may work directly with these substances can be exposed through direct contact. :KDW :H )RXQG 2UJDQRFKORULQH 3HVWLFLGHV LQ 2XU %RGLHV We examined all participants for an extensive list of 24 different organochlorine pesticides. We found 20 of those 24 pesticides in the blood serum of our participants. We discovered the presence of seven different organochlorine pesticides in the blood of all participants. We found the presence of two of the more dangerous pesticides, both now banned in the United States, in the blood of most of our participants. DDT, banned in the U.S. in 1972, was present in the bodies of 5 of the 6 participants. Chlordane, banned in the U.S. in 1983 was present in the blood of all participants. Biomagnification or bioaccumulation refers to the increase in the concentration of chemicals (usually toxins) in the tissues of organisms with each increase in the level in the food chain. For example, bigger fish eat little fish and the levels of the toxin increase significantly in the larger fish. Source: Source: U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Center for Coastal Geology Biomagnification or Bioaccumulation 4,800,000 ppt ppt = parts per trillion (mercury concentration) ??? 690,000 ppt 98,000 ppt 14,000 ppt 2,000 ppt 0.10 ppt egg BIOMAGNIFICATION
  • 38. 7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWHfor a Clean and Healthy Vermont The most recent data from the CDC National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals examined 12 of these organochlorine pesticides for a select group of participants nation-wide. The data was collected as part of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). Not all of those 12 pesticides were detected, and some were only detected in some participants, preventing the establishment of a geometric mean. (See Text Box on Page 18 for explanation). Detected levels varied for some of the pesticides by age and gender. The following are more detailed findings comparing the available national data on organochlorine pesticides with our own. The national data is much more limited. +H[DFKORUREHQ]HQH +%
  • 39. Hexa-chlorobenzenehasbeenlinkedtocancer in laboratory animals and is considered to be a probable human carcinogen. [63] After its introduction as a fungicide in 1945, for crop seeds, this toxic chemical was found in all food types. Hexachlorobenzene was banned from use in the United States in 1966. The geomoetric mean of the Hexachlorobenzene found in the most recent National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals to Environmental Chemicals was 15.2 ng/g lipid. Higher levels were detected in older persons and in females. The ranges found in our Vermont subjects were 6.6 to 14.5 ng/g lipid. Interestingly, our older participants also had higher levels of HCB than younger participants. Participants 0 50 100 84.1 266.1 241.2 470.6 184.7 37.6 150 200 250 300 350 400 500 450 Otganichlorinepesticidesinbloodserum(ng/g) Pesticides in Participants Aaron Jim Rich John David Katy beta-Endosulphan Dieldrin MIREX p,p-DDT p,p-DDE c-NONACHLOR t-NONACHLOR c-CHLORDANE OXYCHLORDANE beta-HCH HCB
  • 40. 7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWH for a Clean and Healthy Vermont mean level of 9.4 ng/g lipid of oxychlordane in participants. Our Vermont participants showed a range spanning from below detectable to 34.7 ng/g, the latter almost 4 times higher than the national norm. 7UDQVQRQDFKORU This is one of the major constituents of the insecticide chlordane. It was used extensively prior to 1983. Its use was banned after 1988 duetoconcernabouttheriskof cancer.Trans- nonachlor is the most bioaccumulative of the chlordanes. [65] The geometric mean of the 2003-2004 NHANES data was 14.6 ng/g lipid. The levels in Vermonters in this study ranged from 0.09 ng/g to 66.4 ng/g, almost 5 times the national average. 0LUH[ Mirex is a chlorinated hydrocarbon that was commercialized as an insecticide and later banned because of its impact on the environment.Mirexwasdetectedin41%ofthe national sample aged 12 years and older and in Participants 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 ng/glipid t-Nonachlor Aaron Jim Rich John David Katy National Geometric Mean ''7''( DDTisof coursetheinfamousanddangerous pesticide banned in the 1960’s. The DDT metabolite p,p’-DDE was detected nationally in 99.7% of persons aged 12 years and older. The geometric mean in the national CDC data was 238.4 ng/g lipid. The levels in our study participants ranged from 0 to 311ng/g. KORUGDQH Chlordane was used extensively in home and agricultural applications. Like DDT, chlordane compounds are very persistent in the environment, resistant to metabolism, have a strong affinity for fats, and biomagnify in aquatic food webs.Chlordane is a term that represents a group of a large number (140) of individual compounds. Some of them are: oxychlordane and trans-nonachlor. [64] 2[FKORUGDQH The National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals found a geometric
  • 41. 7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWHfor a Clean and Healthy Vermont 100%ofourVermontparticipants.Nonational geometric mean was calculable because it was not detected in all subjects; however the 90th percentile (i.e., the level exceeded by only 10% of the subjects) was reported to be 8.3 ng/g lipid. Our Vermont participants’ levels ranged from 0.3 to 7.3 ng/g. 'LHOGULQ OriginallydevelopedasanalternativetoDDT, dieldrin was a highly effective insecticide and widely used during the 1950s to early 1970s. However, it does not easily break down in the environment and tends to biomagnify as it is passed along the food chain. Long-term exposure has proven toxic to a very wide range of animals including humans. It is now banned in most of the world. Dieldrin was detected in 87.2% of persons aged 12 years and older in the national sample, but only detected in 33.3% of our participants. +HDOWK (IIHFWV Organochlorines can cause a wide range of adverse health effects, including cancer, neurological damage and birth defects. Many organochlorines are also suspected endocrine disruptors. Each organochlorine pesticide has a different level of toxicity and can result in different adverse health effects. The following paragraphs detail some of the known health affects of some of the various types of organochlorines found in our Vermont study participants. The specific health effects of the concentrations of these contaminants found in our participants is not known. Chlordane affectsthenervoussystem,thedigestivesystem, and the liver in people and animals. We know about some of these effects from people who breathed air containing high concentrations of chlordane or accidentally swallowed small amounts of chlordane. Symptoms include headaches, irritability, confusion, weakness, vision problems, vomiting, stomach cramps, diarrhea and jaundice. Large amounts of chlordane taken by mouth can cause convulsions and death in people. [66] WHAT ARE LIPID-ADJUSTED VALUES? We analyzed the amount of PBDEs and Organochlorine pesticides by taking blood samples from each of the participants. Blood contains lipids or fats of various kinds, things like cholesterol and triglycerides. Because the chemicals we’re testing for have an affinity for fat, the more lipids in the blood, the higher the reading the lab will obtain. In order to adjust for the amount of lipids each individual has in their blood, and thus to be able to more accurately compare the amounts across individuals in relative terms, we divide the amount (weight) of the chemical present by the amount (weight) of lipids present in the blood and obtain a result called a lipid- adjusted value. UNITS Our lipid adjusted values are reported in either nanograms (of the chemical) per gram (of lipids) or picograms (of the chemical) per gram (of lipids). There are 1 billion nanograms in a gram. There are 1,000 picograms in a nanogram. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported their NHANES results in these same units. Even though these measurements are minute quantities, we know from toxicological research that these are quantities that can be associated with harmful health outcomes.
  • 42. 7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWH for a Clean and Healthy Vermont Long-term exposure caused harmful effects in the liver of test animals. Animals exposed before birth or while nursing developed behavioral effects later. [67] DDT impacts the nervous system as well. People who accidentally swallowed large amounts of DDT became excitable and had tremors and seizures. [68] A study in humans showed that women who had high amounts of DDE in breast milk had an increased chance of having premature babies. [69] Short-term exposure to large amounts of DDT in the food of animals affected the nervous system, while long-term exposure $ 5LYHU 5XQV 7KURXJK ,W $ 86*6 DQDOVLV RI GDWD IURP PDMRU ULYHU EDVLQV IRXQG SHVWLFLGHV LQ DOPRVW DOO 86 ULYHUV DQG VWUHDPV H[DPLQHG EHWZHHQ DQG 2Q D PRUH SRVLWLYH QRWH FRQFHQWUDWLRQV RI D IHZ SHVWLFLGHV GHFOLQHG LQ ³RUQ %HOW´ ULYHUV DQG VWUHDPV IURP WR 7KH GHFOLQHV LQ SHVWLFLGH FRQFHQWUDWLRQV FORVHO IROORZHG GHFOLQHV LQ WKHLU DQQXDO DSSOLFDWLRQV LQGLFDWLQJ WKDW UHGXFLQJ SHVWLFLGH XVH LV DQ HIIHFWLYH DQG UHOLDEOH VWUDWHJ IRU UHGXFLQJ SHVWLFLGH FRQWDPLQDWLRQ LQ VWUHDPV to smaller amounts affected the liver. Even short-term exposure to small amounts of DDT in the food of animals had harmful effects on reproduction. [70] The CDC reports on a study of people in Turkey who accidentally ate bread contaminated with hexachlorobenzene. The study showed that both the young children of the mothers who ate it while these children were in the womb, and the young children who ate it themselves after birth can have lower survival rates. The people who ate the contaminated bread also suffered from a liver disease. [71] Nursing infants can be exposed to hexachlorobenzene through breast milk if their mothers have been exposed. Unborn children may also be affected if their mothers have been exposed. [72] Animal studies show that eating hexachlorobenzene can damage the liver, thyroid, nervous system, bones, kidneys, blood and immune and endocrine systems. [73] The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has declared that hexachlorobenzene is reasonably expected to be a carcinogen. [74] 5HGXFLQJ 2UJDQRFKORULQH 3HVWLFLGHV LQ RXU %RG Reducing your intake of fat containing foods may reduce the accumulation of organochlorine compounds in your body’s fat tissue, resulting in lower concentrations in breast milk as well. [75] In so far as some organochlorines are still in use, consuming organic foods can lower your exposure. Ironically, women may reduce their levels of organochlorine pesticides through breastfeeding, but this may occur at the
  • 43. 7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWHfor a Clean and Healthy Vermont expense of passing those pesticides on to their infants. This puts women in a Catch-22, as physicians concur that breast feeding still offers many health advantages. Duetothenatureoforganochlorinesandtheir tendency to concentrate in greater amounts the higher one goes on the food chain, eating a diet lower on the food chain (consuming vegetables or smaller species of fish) is likely to reduce your overall exposure. 3ROLF5HFRPPHQGDWLRQV As previously mentioned, many of the organochlorine pesticides have long since been banned in the United States due to knowledge of their persistence in the environment and affect on both wildlife and human health. Unfortunately, many of these chemicals are still produced and used in other countries. Vermonters can be exposed to this DDT when we consume vegetables or fish from these countries. Restrictions or labeling of products imported from these countries would help. Other Organochlorines are still produced in the United States today. Federal and state regulations need to make protecting public health a greater priority. Today, although the US EPA mandates manufacturers to test pesticides for harmful effects, current laws do not prevent the use of pesticides that research has linked with cancer or other harmful health impacts. The current federal pesticide law, the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), protects a pesticide’s uses unless the chemical poses an “unreasonable risk to man or the environment, taking into account the economic, social, and environmental costs and benefits of the use of any pesticide.” In other words, if the perceived economic benefit of using a pesticide outweighs the health risks, the pesticide can be used. The Oregon Environmental Council (OEC), in its “Pollution in People” report, explains that there are two problems with this approach. First, many pesticides have not been completely tested as to their human or environmental health impacts. Second, this cost-benefit analysis does not take into account the fact that there are often safer alternatives to achieving the end goal. At the State level, in order to address the threat of pesticides and other toxic chemicals used in and around schools, the Vermont legislature passed the School Environmental Health Act (Act 125) in 2000. Act 125 was charged with reducing environmental health hazards in schools through the creation of a voluntary program. Act 125 established a goal of having at least 50% of schools qualify for an environmental health certificate by January 2005. Only 7% of schools had received a certificate by the end of 2006. Unfortunately, the state’s commitment to implementation and enforcement of the law has been weak. To date only a handful of schools have achieved the standards of environmental health certification spelled out in the law. TheAlliance would like to see the adoption of new legislation that would eliminate the use of high-riskpesticidesatschoolsandestablish integrated pest management programs that are designed to reduce sources of problems and minimize pesticide use.
  • 45. :KDW DUH 3%'(V PBDEs (polybrominated diphenyl ethers) are used as flame retardants. The three basic types of PBDE’s are used in different kinds of consumer products: ƒ Penta(5): Used in polyurethane foam such as in mattresses, seat cushions, other upholstered furniture and rigid insulation. ƒ Octa(8): Used in high-impact plastics such as fax machines and computers, automobile trim, telephones and kitchen appliances. ƒ Deca(10): Used in carpet foam pads, draperies, televisions, computers, stereos and other electronics, cable insulation, adhesives and textile coating. Deca makes up 82% of these products. [76] In addition to these basic categories, there are 209 different configurations of PBDEs (called congeners) based on the number of bromine atoms attached to the overall structure. They were first produced in the 1970s and are used as flame retardants in furniture cushioning and electronics.Annual productionof PBDEsisapproximately50,000 metric tons with 40% of their use in the United States. [77] High levels of PBDEs were showing up in human breast milk [78] and industry discontinued producing Penta and Octa by January 2005. In the United States Deca continues to be produced and used mainly in electronics in their hard plastic casings (ie., TVs and computers). Recently the manufacturers of Deca, in negotiations with the EPA, have agreed to discontinue producing and importing the chemical. 6RXUFHV RI ([SRVXUH PBDEs enter the air, water and soil during their manufacture and during their use in consumer products. PBDEs are found in U.S. coastal waters and river basins as well as in human breast milk. The main sources of exposure may be through foods, especially fatty foods, where PBDE’s accumulate from environmental contamination, and through house dust. [79,80,81,82,83,84,85] PBDEs do not bind chemically to the plastic product to which they are applied and therefore continually leach out into the environment and accumulate in house dust. Because consumers tend to keep carpeting and couches for years, PBDEs may persist in their indoor air for years. PBDEs, or flame retardants, are found in the plastic parts of computer equipment, and are slowly released to the environment along with dust particles that chip off the computer's surface. These particles end up in household dust or can leach from landfills and dumps into our waterways. PBDEs are known thyroid-disruptors and can bioaccumulate in fish and people. Source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
  • 46. 7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWHfor a Clean and Healthy Vermont PBDE’s have been shown to volatilize (change from a solid or liquid to a vapor), so we can then breathe them in. Another source is simple ingestion from PBDEs that have been shown to accumulate on our hands.We ingest the PBDE’s when we touch our hands to our mouths. [86] A 2008 Body Burden Study of 35 participants from 7 states and a 2009 study of doctors and nurses reported PBDEs in all participants. [87,88] Even more concerning are studies reporting higher accumulations of PBDEs in infants and toddlers than in adults. [89,90] Also Body Burden of PBDEs and levels of PBDEs in human breast milk are considerably higher in the U.S. than those in Europe. [91] :KDW :H )RXQG All of the Vermont participants had PBDEs in their bodies. Data from the CDC’s national NHANES study [92] only produced geometric means for 4 of the PBDE’s in our study. The levels of these PBDE’s in Vermont participants ranged from several times lower than the national geometric mean in some individuals to 5-6 times the national geometric mean in others. Specifically, the national geometric mean of PBDE-47 was 20,500 pg/g. Levels in Vermont participants ranged from 3,110 pg/ $ 5LYHU 5XQV 7KURXJK ,W 6FLHQWLVWV ZLWK WKH 1DWLRQDO 2FHDQLF DQG $WPRVSKHULF $GPLQLVWUDWLRQ IRXQG 3%'(V LQ DOO 86 FRDVWDO ZDWHUV WKH VWXGLHG 7KHLU UHSRUW IRXQG WKDW 3%'(V JHW LQWR WKH HQYLURQPHQW IURP UXQRII PXQLFLSDO ZDVWH LQFLQHUDWLRQ DQG VHZDJH RXWIORZV 7KH FKHPLFDOV GR QRW GLVVROYH HDVLO LQ ZDWHU EXW VWLFN WR SDUWLFOHV DQG VHWWOH WR WKH ERWWRP RI ULYHUV VWUHDPV RU ODNHV 7KH IHGHUDO $JHQF IRU 7R[LF 6XEVWDQFHV DQG 'LVHDVH 5HJLVWU $76'5
  • 48. g to 102,000 pg/g. The national geometric mean for PBDE-99 was 5,000 pg/g. Levels in Vermont participants ranged from 763 pg/g to 35,400 pg/g. The national geometric mean for PBDE-100 was 3,900 pg/g. Levels in Vermont participants ranged from 783 pg/g to 30,200 pg/g. The national geometric mean for PBDE-153 was 5,700 pg/g. Levels in Vermont participants ranged from 2,810 pg/g to 54,000 pg/g. While there are no NHANES means of the PBDE Deca, still in use, we do have comparison data from a national study in 2009 done by Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR). The Deca levels of 4 of our participants were considerably higher than levels found in doctors and nurses in the PSR study. [93] The PSR study and our study utilized the same laboratory for blood analysis. +HDOWK (IIHFWV PBDEs are associated with developmental disorders affecting learning, memory and motor activity, reproductive and thyroid impairment and cancers (ie. liver and testicular). [94,95,96,97,98,99,100,101] The EPA has classified Deca as a possible human carcinogen.
  • 49. 7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWH for a Clean and Healthy Vermont 5HGXFLQJ 3%'(V LQ RXU %RG Since PBDEs are in house dust and fatty foods you can reduce PBDE exposure by washing hands frequently especially before eating and removing fat before cooking. If possible use a vacuum with a high efficiency filter to vacuum household dust. Inspect cushioned furniture and if unable to replace items manufactured before 2005 be sure covers are intact. Be aware that most home electronics contain PBDEs and prevent young children from playing and mouthing items such as cell phones and remotes. [102] $OWHUQDWLYHV WR 3%'(V When shopping for new furniture avoid “complies with CATB117”, a standard requiring halogenated (i.e., bromide) flame retardants. (8) Consider buying less flammable fabrics such as wool. When shopping for new electronics ask for PBDE-free products. Several top electronic companies have committed to phasing out the use of PBDEs in their products. [103] Non-chemical alternatives to Deca can include the redesign of a product or the use of materials that are inherently more flame resistant. For example, in electronic equipment, metal components could be used to protect the power supply. And with textiles, easily ignitable fabrics such as cotton could be replaced with materials that are difficult to ignite or burn more slowly (such as nylon, silk, and wool). Fire safety standards can also be met by using chemical alternatives to Deca. For example, a phosphorous-based compound called resocinol bis diphenyl phosphate (RDP) is a common substitute for Deca in electronics. According to the Maine Department of Environmental Protection and Center for Disease Control and Prevention, “RDP presents a significantly lower threat to the environment and human health than decaBDE.” AlternativestoDecaarenotonlyavailable,but are cost effective as well. According to reports written by the states of Illinois, Maine, and Participants 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 PBDEsinbloodserum(ng/ml) PBDEs in Participants Aaron Jim Rich John David Katy Br10-DPE-209 Br9-DPE-208 Br9-DPE-207 Br9-DPE-206 Br8-DPE-203 Br7-DPE-190 Br7-DPE-183 Br6-DPE-155 Br6-DPE-154 Br6-DPE-153 Br6-DPE-140 Br6-DPE-138/166 Br5-DPE-119/120 Br5-DPE-100 Br5-DPE-99 Br5-DPE-85 Br4-DPE-79 Br4-DPE-66 Br4-DPE-49 Br4-DPE-47 Br3-DPE-28/33 Br3-DPE-17/25 Br2-DPE-15 54.1 28.1 24.6 19.9 276.5 97.0
  • 50. 7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWHfor a Clean and Healthy Vermont have to comply with Vermont’s law for these products despite the voluntary agreement. Maine, Washington and Oregon have also enacted restrictions on Deca. In addition, California, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington have reinforced the voluntary phase-out of Penta and Octa by enacting state bans on these chemicals. $ 5LYHU 5XQV 7KURXJK ,W 7KH 86 *HRORJLFDO 6XUYH 86*6
  • 52. 1HDUO WZRWKLUGV RI WKHVH FKHPLFDOV ZHUH DOVR GHWHFWHG DIWHU WUHDWPHQW Minnesota, there are affordable alternatives to Deca for consumer electronics, residential upholstered furniture, and mattresses. In fact, many of these alternatives are already being used in the marketplace. For instance, Washington State estimates that roughly 57% of televisions and 95% of computer products do not contain Deca. And as noted above, mattress manufacturers have already shifted away from the use of Deca. 3ROLF5HFRPPHQGDWLRQV The European Union (EU) has been more proactive in legislating against PBDE use. In 2003 the EU banned the manufacture of Octa and Penta and in 2008 banned DECA from new electronic products. )HGHUDO Due to mounting health concerns, the U.S. manufacture of the many PBDEs was suspended under a voluntary agreement between manufacturers and the US EPA in 2005. But deca-BDE, which constitutes over 80% of PBDE production, is still widely used. In December 2009, the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) announced a voluntary phase out of Deca by the only two U.S. Deca manufacturers and the largest U.S. importer. Under the agreement, the manufacturers will stop the production, importation, and sale of Deca for most uses in the United States over a three-year period. The agreement can be found at: www.epa. gov/oppt/pbde. 6WDWH Vermont’s leadership on Deca provided momentum for this agreement, crystallizing the impact that state action can have on the national level. This year,Vermont became the third state in the country to adopt a ban on Deca. Our law bans Deca in mattresses and upholstered furniture by 2010 and in TVs and computers by 2012. Manufacturers will still
  • 53. 7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWH for a Clean and Healthy Vermont 'LVFXVVLRQ This Vermont-based body burden study reflects findings from larger nationwide studies, including those conducted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, showing that toxic chemicals used in everything from energy production to consumer products finds their way into our air, soil and water, and eventually into our bodies. The levels of contaminants found in the bodies of Vermontersarenolowerthanthelevelsfound nationally, including levels found in highly industrializedstates.Infact,thelevelsof some of the toxics for which we tested Vermonters were found in amounts that were many times greater than emerging national norms. There was no difference if a participant was born in Vermont or simply lived here for many years. Native Vermonters had all of the same classes of chemicals in their bodies as those not born in Vermont. The native Vermonters in our study had amongst the highest numbers of pesticides present.On average all participants had 24 of the 40 PBDE’s for which we tested in their blood; the native Vermonters had 23, an insignificant difference. This may surprise many of us who think of our state as much more pristine than most of the nation. While that in fact may be true in many respects, it is clear that the ubiquitous andpersistentnatureofmanytoxicsubstances in the environment is such that Vermonters are every bit as exposed as others across the country. Many of these toxics find their way to Vermont in the very products and foods we consume. Insofarasthisstudywasdoneforeducational purposes and we did not randomly study a large group of Vermonters, we are unable to drawmanyinferencesfromtheresults,beyond the obvious fact that these contaminants are showing up in our bodies. There were variations of the level of contaminants in the bodies of the participants, and while it is interesting to ponder the reasons why, our study was not designed to answer such specific questions. Why did David, Katy, and Aaron have the highest levels of PBDE’s, especially Deca? They happen to be our three youngest participants, and one might have therefore guessed they would have had lower levels as they’ve had fewer years to accumulate such toxins in their bodies. Could it be that computers, cell phones and other such electronic products were the primary source of their Deca? Could it be that younger people have higher levels because they are more exposed to these products? John, Jim and Rich have the highest levels of organochlorine pesticides, many of which have long since been banned. They are our three oldest participants and were around before these persistent toxins were banned. Might that be why? David has the highest levels of Bisphenol A and reports that he almost always has a polycarbonate drinking bottle in his hand as he works on his farm. Might those bottles be the source? John has the highest levels of mercury. Might this have to do with the quantity of mercury- containing fish he has consumed, or perhaps playing with mercury as a child? We can’t answer any of these questions definitively. We can only conjecture. The main realization that stems from this study is simply that, due to whatever types of exposures, these Vermonters have various levels of toxic chemicals in their bodies that simply do not belong there. Participants had
  • 54. 7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWHfor a Clean and Healthy Vermont an average of 40 of the chemicals for which we tested in their bodies. The levels found in participants were not trivial. The levels of Bisphenol A in one-third of the participants exceeded the national norm. The levels of mercury in four of the six participants equaled or exceeded the national norm. The levels of two different chlordane pesticides showed up at levels 4-5 times higher than the national norm in one of our participants. And we know that even minute quantities of some of these chemicals can cause serious health problems. This cannot be acceptable. 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQV IRU RPSUHKHQVLYH 5HIRUP The toxic substances we examined in this study have been linked to adverse health effects, some quite severe. It is clear that more must be done to limit the use of harmful toxins in our environment, especially where safer alternatives may already exist. There are currently more than 80,000 chemicals in use with 1,000 new chemicals added each year. In 1976, the federal government passed the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) in an attempt to better regulate chemicals in the U.S. However, TSCA grandfathered in 62,000 chemicals and does not require the EPA to assess the risk of these chemicals. Instead, the EPA may only require toxicity data if the agency is able to show “substantial evidence” that potential harm already exists. Similarly, TSCA does not require that new chemicals be tested for safety either. Since TSCA became law, the EPA has only restricted the use of five chemicals and has required testing for less than 200 chemicals. The egregious loopholes, the onerous burden of proof placed on the EPA, and the record of EPA inactivity, has left many believing that TSCA is the most ineffective environmental law in the country. Currently there are national efforts underway now to re-write and strengthen TSCA. The Alliance supports these efforts and encourages Vermont’s federal delegation to firmly back meaningful TSCA reform. In addition, Vermont should look beyond addressing chemicals on an individual basis. Instead, we must take a comprehensive approach to chemical regulation that uses precaution and acts when there is evidence of harm. Due to a previous lack of movement at the federal level, other states -such as Maine - have enacted laws that identify chemicals of high concern and target the most toxic for phase out or other forms of regulation. Vermont can and should do the same. Our comprehensive chemicals policy should: ƒ Phase out the most harmful chemicals and require the use of safer alternatives; ƒ Require that all chemicals be screened for safety; ƒ Honor the public’s right-to-know which hazardous chemicals are in what products; and ƒ Promote the development of safer alternatives and sustainable design. Although a change of administration at the federal level has left open the possibility of reforming our outdated methods of regulating chemicals, states are still driving the national dialogue. By establishing a protective and effective chemicals policy, Vermont can both protect the health of our families and impact change on the national stage. It is only through such comprehensive chemical reform – that is, an over-arching approach that does not seek to limit one chemical at a time – that we can more fully protect human health. Such an approach has been adopted by the European Union, and as mentioned, is currently being adopted in a number of states.
  • 55. 7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWH for a Clean and Healthy Vermont While our ultimate goal must be to ensure such a comprehensive approach to chemical reform, we can and should continue to immediately phase out individual chemicals – such as Bisphenol A – known to be harmful, and for which there are clearly safer alternatives. Toxic chemicals should not be released into the environment or used in consumer products until they have undergone sufficient testing to ensure their safety. These substances do not belong in our consumer products and especially not in children’s toys. Unfortunately, as long as there are no laws to prevent it, manufacturers will keep producing and using these toxins, and we will continue to be exposed. We’ve assumed that laws such as the Toxic Substance Control Act protect us from harm, but in fact these laws have been grossly deficient. As we look to the future, we must urge our legislators to enact laws that take a more precautionary and much more comprehensive approach toward safeguarding human health.
  • 56. 7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWHfor a Clean and Healthy Vermont $IWHUZRUG Having worked for over 20 years as a pediatrician, I have long been concerned about environmental toxins that have the potential to affect the health of children, a concern brought closer to home in recent years as the grandmother of two boys living here in Vermont. My concern has been heightened by the alarming increase in the occurrence of conditions such as autism, learning and behavior problems, cancers, autoimmune diseases, reproductive health problems and the declining age of puberty and its consequences. (104,105,106,107,108) The increasing number of chemicals around us having the potential for real and significant harm is staggering. There are more than 80,000 chemicals available for use in the United States. Since 1976 only about 200 chemicals have been assessed for safety and only 5 have been banned for health and safety. (5) The European Union, by sharp contrast, has banned several thousand chemicals for safety and health reasons. (104) The U.S. Toxic Substances Control Act created in 1976 has failed to provide the protection that was intended. Can we continue to gamble that chemicals increasingly found in our bodies may have adverse affects to our health,the health of our children and that of future generations? Can we continue to find acceptable the results of studies that are finding higher levels of toxic chemicals in infants and children than in adults? The mounting evidence demonstrating links betweenexposuretothesecommonchemicals and health problems clearly suggests that we cannot. Thereisnowawindowofopportunitytobegin to eliminate toxic exposures. On October 6, 2009. Lisa Jackson, the Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, asserted that “massive reform” is needed to protect our children from environmental toxins. Now is the time for all concerned citizens to join with organizations like the Alliance for a Clean and Healthy Vermont to encourage our elected representatives to strengthen laws to protect citizens from toxins that are now too often found in our water, air, food and consumer products. We need to insist that existing chemicals, as well as new chemicals brought to the market, be thoroughly and objectively tested before being used in manufacturing and released into the environment or used in consumer products. As parents, grandparents and concerned citizens, we have not only the right but the obligation to make certain that the products we use are free of chemicals that might harm the health or the development of our children. This project has been a learning experience for all of us involved.We hope that the results and information help Vermonters become more aware of this crucial concern. 6DOO DUJLOO 0' 3URMHFW 3KVLFLDQ
  • 57. 7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWH for a Clean and Healthy Vermont $SSHQGL[ 5DZ 'DWD Bisphenol A CLIENT ID Aaron Jim Rich John David Katy Lab Blank Spiked Matrix AXYS ID L13080-1 L13080-2 L13080-3 L13080-4 L13080-5 L13080-6 WG29627-101 WG29627-102 WORKGROUP WG29627 WG29627 WG29627 WG29627 WG29627 WG29627 WG29627 WG29627 Sample Size 1.00 mL 1.00 mL 1.00 mL 1.00 mL 1.00 mL 1.00 mL 1.00 mL UNITS ng/mL ng/mL ng/mL ng/mL ng/mL ng/mL ng/mL % Recov Bisphenol A 0.903 0.538 2.35 1.36 12.8 0.925 0.250 94.1 E1 Pesticides (Lipid) (ng/g) CLIENT ID Aaron Jim Rich John David Katy Lab Blank AXYS ID L13081-1 L13081-2 L13081-3 L13081-4 L13081-5 L13081-6 WG29547-101 WORKGROUP WG29547 WG29547 WG29547 WG29547 WG29547 WG29547 WG29547 UNITS ng/g ng/g ng/g ng/g ng/g ng/g ng/g (lipid weight basis) (lipid weight basis) (lipid weight basis) (lipid weight basis) (lipid weight basis) (lipid weight basis) (lipid weight basis) HCB 6.61 9.85 11.2 14.5 12.7 5.55 K 0.152 alpha-HCH K 0.154 0.0597 0.133 K 0.091 K 0.204 0.0889 0.0909 beta-HCH K 1.69 K 3.28 5.67 8.55 K 1.43 0.667 0.455 gamma-HCH K 0.308 K 0.149 0.167 K 0.273 0.0817 K 176 0.106 HEPTACHLOR 0.0769 K 0.149 0.0833 K 0.091 0.102 0.111 K 0.152 ALDRIN K 0.154 0.0746 0.117 K 0.091 0.102 0.133 K 0.303 OXYCHLORDANE 4.77 12.4 K 18.5 34.7 5.72 K 1.33 0.242 t-CHLORDANE K 0.154 K 0.299 0.283 0.364 0.184 0.200 K 0.152 c-CHLORDANE 0.615 3.73 3.5 8.27 1.63 K 0.222 0.0909 t-NONACHLOR 5.23 20 22.8 66.4 K 7.15 1.78 0.0909 c-NONACHLOR K 0.461 2.39 K 2.50 10.8 K 1.02 0.378 0.242 p,p-DDE 66.6 200 187 311 155 25.8 0.515 o,p-DDT 0.846 0.836 1.00 0.536 1.41 1.71 0.848 p,p-DDT K 2.31 4.48 2.5 4.09 3.27 1.82 0.848 MIREX 0.308 5.97 3.83 7.27 3.27 1.33 0.0303 E2 Pesticides (Lipid) (ng/g) CLIENT ID Aaron Jim Rich John David Katy Lab Blank AXYS ID L13081-1 L13081-2 L13081-3 L13081-4 L13081-5 L13081-6 WG29547-101 WORKGROUP WG29547 WG29547 WG29547 WG29547 WG29547 WG29547 WG29547 UNITS ng/g ng/g ng/g ng/g ng/g ng/g ng/g (lipid weight basis) (lipid weight basis) (lipid weight basis) (lipid weight basis) (lipid weight basis) (lipid weight basis) (lipid weight basis) delta-HCH 0.153 0.299 K 0.335 K 0.182 0.164 K 0.222 0.462 Heptachlor-Epoxide K 1.07 1.5 K 2.51 K 3.37 3.07 K 0.445 0.123 alpha-Endosulphan 1.87 3.47 0.636 0.382 0.920 2.45 1.38 Dieldrin K 1.99 5.53 4.69 K 8.65 K 4.09 K 1.56 0.200 Endrin 0.245 0.494 0.268 0.164 0.388 0.334 0.215 beta-Endosulphan 1.15 K 4.49 K 3.68 5.01 K 6.95 2.11 1.12 Endosulphan-Sulphate 0.889 0.808 1.02 0.756 1.76 1.62 0.862 Endrin-Aldehyde 1.20 1.65 0.837 0.583 K 1.23 1.00 K 0.615 Endrin-Ketone 0.107 0.838 0.100 0.0819 0.266 0.378 0.231 Methoxychlor 2.79 3.35 1.76 1.74 2.84 3.63 1.63
  • 58. 7R[LF ([SRVXUHV LQ WKH *UHHQ 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWHfor a Clean and Healthy Vermont PBDE (Lipid, pg/g) (1 pg=1 ng/1000) CLIENT ID Aaron Jim Rich John David Katy Lab Blank AXYS ID L13081-1 L13081-2 L13081-3 L13081-4 L13081-5 L13081-6 WG29548-101 WORKGROUP WG29548 WG29548 WG29548 WG29548 WG29548 WG29548 WG29548 UNITS pg/g pg/g pg/g pg/g pg/g pg/g pg/g (lipid weight basis) (lipid weight basis) (lipid weight basis) (lipid weight basis) (lipid weight basis) (lipid weight basis) (lipid weight basis) Br2-DPE-15 124 53.2 280 76.4 164 87.8 25.1 Br3-DPE-17/25 114 45.8 105 36.4 780 73.5 25.1 Br3-DPE-28/33 658 189 864 278 3620 376 30.2 Br3-DPE-30 K 126 K 541 K 488 K 1440 K 269 K 52.2 25.1 Br3-DPE-37 25.7 24.9 27.9 15.1 36.8 37.0 25.1 Br4-DPE-47 10500 3260 11400 3110 102000 6140 675 Br4-DPE-49 123 K 27.2 173 80.1 850 89.6 K 36.8 Br4-DPE-51 25.7 24.9 27.9 K 26.8 189 37.0 25.1 Br4-DPE-66 K 158 51.7 191 66.1 1550 104 35.6 Br4-DPE-71 25.7 24.9 27.9 15.1 K 154 37.0 25.1 Br4-DPE-75 25.7 24.9 27.9 15.1 152 37.0 25.1 Br4-DPE-79 217 78.1 245 113 2690 155 25.1 Br5-DPE-85 K 215 73.5 218 82.9 3000 138 39.8 Br5-DPE-99 2660 763 3190 1010 35400 1400 740 Br5-DPE-100 1950 783 2050 690 30200 1040 161 Br5-DPE-116 27.7 27.9 27.9 22.1 117 37.0 K 26.7 Br5-DPE-119/120 25.7 24.9 K 35.6 78.9 1390 37.0 K 26.3 Br5-DPE-126 25.7 24.9 27.9 15.1 65.4 37.0 25.1 Br6-DPE-138/166 86.1 K 53.5 73.2 K 39.1 784 56 44.7 Br6-DPE-140 58.7 32.5 K 40.4 26.4 703 53.1 25.1 Br6-DPE-153 4550 2810 2940 3750 54000 3070 104 Br6-DPE-154 256 87.3 279 116 3080 138 66.3 Br6-DPE-155 51.9 30.4 K 48.5 K 21.4 410 37.0 25.1 Br7-DPE-181 40.6 51.7 34.9 39.0 86.3 72.8 25.1 Br7-DPE-183 167 210 139 560 863 206 41.1 Br7-DPE-190 K 72.9 88.0 59.4 K 144 K 377 121 36.8 Br8-DPE-203 231 165 255 K 248 1040 892 61.7 Br9-DPE-206 835 K 554 430 352 1340 3590 209 Br9-DPE-207 1840 K 1680 K 1140 901 7030 6430 234 Br9-DPE-208 K 1200 787 674 502 2210 4210 125 Br10-DPE-209 28000 16400 7730 7580 23000 68800 K 2010 Mercury (Hg) (ug/g, hair analysis) CLIENT ID Aaron Jim Rich John David Katy Hg 0.10 0.20 ug/g 0.51 ug/g 0.85 ug/g 0.21 ug/g 0.10 ug/g