Miwa Yanagi

Miwa Yanagi - Windswept Women: The Old Girl's Troupe
by Miwa Yanagi
Publisher's Description
The Japanese artist Miwa Yanagi achieved her breakthrough into the international art world with a photo series ‘Elevator Girls’, which intermingled the twin themes of consumer culture and the role of women. This publication covers the Japanese contribution to the Biennale of Venice in 2009 where Yanagi created a large tent over the pavilion and showed huge photographs of female models in their 10’s to 70’s shaking their false breasts madly, as if neutralizing their actual age. They are the old girls, who had travelled to retrieve primordial life, affirmed the existence of every creature between life and death, and been through relentless transposition from infant to old, from old to infant, until finally reaching Venice. Essay by Hiroshi Minamishima.
ISBN: 4861522110
Publisher: Seigensha
Hardcover : 88 pages
Language: Japanese
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