Custom Trompe l’Oeil paintings

Custom Trompe l’Oeil paintings

Trompe l’Oeil is a universally recognised painting technique which gives the viewer the illusion of looking at a space beyond the wall. In the field of interior design, the trompe l’oeil allows achieving wonderful results, making the living environment unique and special.

Mariani Affreschi has been creating unique works for its customers for decades. Many customers want to “open up” their spaces with the expert touch of an Art Master who knows how to interpret the interior décor and architecture and, above all, the wishes and personal tastes of the customer.

This work demonstrates the execution and installation of two mirror-paintings made using the trompe l’oeil technique, commissioned by the owner of an elegant and refined private home in Northern Italy.

L'artista di Mariani Affreschi dipinge le agavi. E’ il primo piano del trompe l'oeil, un elemento molto importante per creare la sensazione di profondità

A Mariani Affreschi artist painting the agaves. This is the first layer of the trompe l’oeil, a very important element to create the illusion of depth

Una fase dell'esecuzione del dipinto. Il verde della vegetazione bilancia la profondità della veduta mediterranea

A stage in the creation of the painting. The green of the vegetation adds depth to the Mediterranean view

Nel laboratorio di Mariani Affreschi, l'artista dipinge il trompe l'oeil sui due pannelli che saranno poi collocati nella casa del cliente

In the Mariani Affreschi laboratory, the artist paints the trompe l’oeil on two panels which will then be placed inside the customer’s home

The living room is characterised by two stone portals on the sides and a sumptuous fireplace in the centre. Therefore, the two walls had to be painted along the lines of the reliefs, to integrate perfectly and create a harmonious composition of artist elements. The customer – a lover of nature and the sea – wanted a Mediterranean view dominated by the blue of the sea and sky. The first layer consists of agaves and flowers, above which are two large pine trees that give a glimpse of a coastal landscape, creating the sensation of breathing the Mediterranean air of an unspoiled land.

I tecnici di Mariani spalmano la colla sul retro del pannello, prima di applicarlo a muro

The Mariani technicians smear glue on the back of the panel, before applying it to the wall

Il pannello sagomato a misura viene applicato sulla parete

The panel shaped to size is applied to the wall

The work was hand painted by a Master artist in the Mariani laboratory, carefully following the measurements and proportions indicated by the customer, who was able to monitor each step of the process through a daily exchange of “work in progress” photos. Furthermore, to meet the personal needs of the family, it was agreed to create the work in the laboratory on two panels shaped to size, in order to reduce the application and finishing times on site. In fact, the owner’s presence was only required for a few hours, during which two Mariani technicians applied the panels to the wall without disrupting the existing furnishings.

Dopo aver incollato il pannello alla parete del soggiorno, la decoratrice di Mariani ritocca alcuni dettagli

After gluing the panel to the wall of the living room, the Mariani decorator touches up some details

Il trompe l'oeil realizzato da Mariani Affreschi è ora completamente installato nella casa del committente

The trompe l’oeil created by Mariani Affreschi is now installed in the customer’s home


  • Annunciata
    Posted at 10:59h, 26 February

    Bravissima! Complimenti! E’ una gioia per gli occhi.

  • malatesta e.
    Posted at 12:42h, 13 September

    sono interessato ai trompe l’oeil. grazie.

  • Frank Carullo
    Posted at 17:45h, 27 October


  • Justine
    Posted at 00:19h, 28 October

    Beautiful !

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