
Setting up Dual Boot in Windows 10 and Ubuntu

Setting up Dual Boot in Windows 10 and Ubuntu

  • Configuration

Both the various Linux distributions and Microsoft operating systems have their advantages. If you don’t want to do without either system, simply use both in parallel. With Dual Boot, you can install Windows 10 and Ubuntu side by side. Each time you restart, you then select which operating system you want to fall back on.

Setting up Dual Boot in Windows 10 and Ubuntu
How to use the Linux touch command

How to use the Linux touch command

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The Linux touch command is actually designed just to give files and directories a new timestamp. However, since the command creates new files if they don’t exist, it’s often also used to simply create empty files. In this guide we will explain how to use the command to change timestamps and create empty files. Let’s begin.

How to use the Linux touch command
How to use the Linux whatis commandjivacoreShutterstock

How to use the Linux whatis command

  • Configuration

The Linux whatis command provides a brief description of a given command on the command line. It helps ensure the correct usage of commands while working in the shell. Here you will learn how Linux whatis works, what its syntax is and what the command is used for. We’ll show you some practical examples of how the command is used in practice.

How to use the Linux whatis command
How to use the Linux tcpdump commandjivacoreShutterstock

How to use the Linux tcpdump command

  • Configuration

Linux tcpdump is used to capture data packets that are sent or received over your network. If you have always wanted to know how tcpdump works and what different options and filters there are, simply read on to find out. In our article, we also show you how to use the Linux tcpdump command with some practical examples.

How to use the Linux tcpdump command
How to use the Linux sleep command

How to use the Linux sleep command

  • Configuration

To pause a process without necessarily terminating it, Linux sleep is the best choice. With this command you can adjust how long an application should be paused for and then let it continue to run normally afterwards. Our article shows you how the Linux sleep command works and which setting options are available to you.

How to use the Linux sleep command
How to use the Linux service commandjivacoreShutterstock

How to use the Linux service command

  • Configuration

Linux service is an important command to start or stop System V init scripts or to check their status. The Linux service command requires root privileges and should be used with caution. In this guide, we explain how the command works, what its purpose is, and how to customize it with different parameters for your purposes.

How to use the Linux service command
How to use the Linux rpm command

How to use the Linux rpm command

  • Configuration

Linux rpm is a useful tool to install, analyze or update rpm packages under Linux. This program specializes in handling packages and offers extensive customization options. We’ll familiarize you with the Linux rpm command, providing a detailed explanation of its functionality, and presenting practical examples to demonstrate its usage.

How to use the Linux rpm command
How to use the Linux pwd commandjivacoreShutterstock

How to use the Linux pwd command

  • Configuration

The pwd command in Linux is used to display the complete and absolute path of your current directory on the standard output. In this text, you’ll gain a clear understanding of how pwd functions, explore its advantages, and learn how to effectively utilize it for your specific requirements. Finally, we’ll provide examples to demonstrate its practical applications.

How to use the Linux pwd command
How to use the Linux xargs commandjivacoreShutterstock

How to use the Linux xargs command

  • Configuration

The xargs command in Linux is a valuable tool for using a command as an argument for another command. It simplifies and automates complex work processes, helping to make them more efficient. In this dedicated article, you’ll discover what xargs is, how it functions, and the advantages that come with it. Let’s get started.

How to use the Linux xargs command
How to use the Linux pushd command

How to use the Linux pushd command

  • Configuration

Linux pushd is a powerful command that offers numerous possibilities, despite being relatively unknown. With pushd, you can add a new directory to your stack and seamlessly make it your working directory. Find out how pushd works and what its advantages in Linux are. Everything you need to know is in this dedicated article.

How to use the Linux pushd command
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