Tom Ford Is Now Making Underwear in the Most Tom Ford Way Ever

Prepare your junk, this is not a drill.
This image may contain Tom Ford Sitting Human Person Couch Furniture and Man
Sebastian Kim

Tom Ford announced today that he will begin creating underwear for men. Make no mistake, this is very big news. And it comes just weeks after announcing his plans to enter the luxury watch market. Which means you'll be able to cover yourself in Tom Ford like never before. The highly sought after designer and filmmaker, the man who turns wool, cotton, and silk to gold will soon be doing just that for your junk.

The underwear collection, men's only for now, will be produced in partnership with Albisetti International, an Italian manufacturing firm experienced in the production of the world's finest undergarments for men and women. This is the stuff of dreams folks. Seriously, who wouldn't want Italian-made Tom Ford underwear? Though the details of product range and pricing have yet to be revealed, we expect to see classic fits in gray, black, and white, cut to make any man's parts a whole lot sexier. Tom Ford underwear will be sold in the brand's stores worldwide as well as in select department stores and online partners. If only it were available in time for Valentine's Day.

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