All Hail Rachel McAdams, Whose Radiance No Wig Can Dim

A brief appreciation of a woman who's never not a sight to behold
Image may contain Rachel McAdams Human Person Premiere and Fashion
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Rachel McAdams turns 37 today, which is weird to think about, since she really seems ageless. She was playing Regina George in Mean Girls at age 25, became an icon in The Notebook that same year, and since then has played all types of roles in all types of movies, from Midnight in Paris to About Time to True Detective. In these roles, she has had so many hairstyles and some wigs of differing believability, but no matter what, she always looks absolutely incredible. Let's just take a moment to appreciate all the hairstyles she's pulled off over the years.

From the perfectly coiffed 1940s do of The Notebook...

To the curly up-do of Sherlock Holmes...

From the edgy locks of True Detective...

To this horrifying wig in Mean Girls...

Whether she's brunette...

Or a redhead...

Or a blonde...

Or with bangs...

Or whatever bob is happening here...

Lady always looks flawless. Happy birthday, Rachel McAdams. You can do no wrong.