

學名:Dracaena marginata hort. 'Tricolor Rainbow'

英名:Rainbow Tree


簡介 Description


An evergreen shrub in the genus Dracaena, native to Madagascar. Stem erect and branched in narrow crotch angles, with triangular leaf marks on the surface. Whorled leaves long linear in shape, amplexicaul at the base, clustered at the top of branches, new leaves growing upwards, while aging leaves sagging and drooping. The parental species produces green leaves with red margin while this variegated cultivar bears leaves with white or green colors in the middle and surrounded by yellow, red, fuchsia or bright red vertical stripes. Panicles terminal, flowering in spring. Berries spherical, red when ripe, with 1-3 seeds.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant normally grows in warm environments with full or partial sunlight. Sufficient light is required for the foliage color to stay bright or the leaves will fade and get weakened after long-term indoor placement. Strong drought tolerant, but prone to scale insects. Propagated by cuttings.

應用 Application


The species is a highly-valued ornamental among green plants for the unique shape and bright foliage colors, they are commonly grown as garden ornament trees, small potted plants, large indoor potted plants, and used as flower arrangement materials.