« August 2006 »
Thursday 31st August 2006 02:52:34 PM
大食簀[ 1 messages] 



aiya, 要乾洗喇

note: 圖為Cold noodles from Wanchai Noodle Green

Thursday 31st August 2006 02:11:20 PM
小兒科[ 1 messages] 


不嬲都冇D咁gei habbit, until i saw this lion Pooh

then ....see what happen

they are NO 1.

who got the else and dun want them....I am going to adopt them :)

Wednesday 30th August 2006 11:22:21 AM
running with 74X[ 1 messages] 

last nite we have fruit after dinner is such a brilliant idea, now feel so genki today haha and my breakfast, before i think its so pitty that i have three bird-feed size bun only (when compared to the big big meaty bun every morning before, haha, now light breakfast as part of slim-up plan) but turn out they are so awesome, exp the red berry one bei, u shld not take taxi to chase me again, i think running every morning is part of ur skim up plan too :)

Tuesday 29th August 2006 05:44:25 PM
愛一個字 也需要及時[ 2 messages] 

will go for fitting 9th sept la...so looking forward....ho yeah, another milestone again

today i have gone for Jusco shopping again and saw many inventions by Japanese

this is one example, make a guess, u think what is it for


歌手:古巨基 | 填詞:林夕 |

我過去 那死黨 早晚共對 各也紮職以後 沒法 暢聚
而終於 相約到 但無言共對 疏淡如水
日夜做 見爸爸 剛好想呻 卻霎眼 看出他 多了皺紋
而他的蒼老感 是從來未覺 太內疚擔心
最心痛是 愛得太遲 有些心意 不可等某個日子
盲目地發奮 忙忙忙其實自私
夢中也習慣 有壓力要我得志
最可怕是 愛需要及時 只差一秒 心聲都已變歷史
忙極亦放肆 見我愛見的相知
要抱要吻要怎麼也好 偏要推說等下一次
我也覺 我體質 彷似下降 看了症得到是 別要太忙
而影碟 都掃光 但從來未看 因有事趕
日夜做 儲的錢 都應該夠 到聖誕 正好講 跟我白頭
誰知她開了口 未能挨下去 已恨我很久
錯失太易 愛得太遲 我怎想到 她忍不到那日子
盲目地發奮 忙忙忙從來未知
幸福會掠過 再也沒法說鍾意
愛一個字 也需要及時 只差一秒 心聲都已變歷史
為何未放肆 見我愛見的相知
要抱要吻要怎麼也好 不要相信一切有下次
相擁我所愛又花幾多秒 這幾秒 能夠做到又有多少
未算少 足夠遺憾忘掉
多少抱憾 多少過路人 太懂估計 卻不懂愛錫自身
人人在發奮 想起他朝都興奮
但今晚未過 你要過也很吸引
縱不信運 你不過是人 理想很 愛於咫尺卻在等
來日別操心 趁你有能力開心
世界有太多東西發生 不要等到天上俯瞰

Tuesday 29th August 2006 09:12:23 AM
没有錢不要走,到了有錢通處走[ 1 messages] 

let me sum up what we have yesterday...haha don't know since when, here become a food dairy...

lunch: Delifrance ( crossaint+ potato pie + caser salad+chocolate) we shared one "added value" lunch set, hee we have a good start for our slim up plan haha

dinner: Taipo doliman veggetalian

suddenly remember the sunday yoga class because last nite i dreamt of burises on arms because u garbbed my arms too hard. hahahahaha

一生何求 - 古巨基

若有你 若有我 還有十塊
且讓我 便可以 約你去街
只有十塊 什麼信物平便買
沒老友 沒女友 如何愉快
得到沒有 或者當做還舊債
對我 你偏疪護縱寵 事業仍為我捐

若要的統統也沒有 然而仍可手挽手
剩下溫柔 問我一生復何求
無限知柔 慢慢細想星宿
沒有錢不要走 到了有錢通處走
落在心頭 問我一生復何求
情在心靈 在身外 任一切 沒有

命數轉了又轉 其實始終不自願
對我 你偏疪護縱寵 事業仍為我捐

若要的統統也沒有 然而仍可手挽手
剩下溫柔 問我一生復何求
無限知柔 慢慢細想星宿
沒有錢不要走 到了有錢通處走
落在心頭 問我一生復何求
庸才能與你一起墮後 落泊溫柔 那溫柔 將火化 萬有
情在心靈 你生存 任一切 沒有

what do u read from this lyrics....die la, i read 燒賣...FOOD hahaha

Friday 25th August 2006 02:29:55 PM
slim up plan day1[ 3 messages] 

current mood: happy and satisfied (my tummy) let me sum up what we have for lunch today, (supposed its salad week, but apparently fail)...

what we had from MIX:

1. Hail Caesar Wrapp (very yummy)

2.Honey mustard ham Wrapp (not so impressive)

3. healing juice: detoxifier (apple+carrot+pear+cucumber)

4.healing juice: rust proofer(apple+carrot+tomoto+parsley) 

and gotta tell u this, i m bold today with headphones on at work hee playing songs

so we have our theme for photo, haha i decided it already without asking ur consenus

which is colorful tone, what do u think?

lets buy some 紙絮...one photo with a party background hahahah

refer u to a great japanese photographer Ninamika 蜷川實花 

you can tell it's her photos coz its so vivid when i am bored, i always go visiting her site

Thursday 24th August 2006 05:12:41 PM
previously on...[ 2 messages] 

dont know if any one 追看our story, if yes, he or she should not miss this first picture we took together


i almost forget it and clearing my files in pc and found it

Thursday 24th August 2006 02:28:42 PM
今天特别勤力..寫寫寫[ 4 messages] 

今個星期唔知係唔係因為連續两天meeting meeting客人都找不到我,所以自星期三開始佢地放棄搜索...好靜..冇乜電話...又或者因為冇位俾佢地,佢地放棄左我


無需要太多 只需要你一張溫柔面容
隨印象及時掠過 空氣中輕輕撫摸
無需要太多 只要再三地望向我
請你望向我 仍慣性笑笑似最初一樣

人活著但願尋找開心 不曾做錯
誰又受罰 為何只准陪我坐
你注意過我已經稱賀 世界太闊

曾失去太多 只想你置身於他人面前
仍會略略提及我 仿似你歡喜的歌
無需要太多 只要某一夜 夢見我
當你夢見我 會碰碰那一個失眠的我

就算你是重要 如何能講出需要
身邊沒缺少 還祈求多少需要

好開心同你一齊睇軟硬製造,佢係7x,8x年代人既集體回憶,你未睇過,一定要睇下;我睇過但已經漏走晒fm hole in brain,當新野一樣,同"阿笨與阿占"都係近期精選

Thursday 24th August 2006 01:40:47 PM
瘦還要更瘦...何况小腹在叫囂[ 2 messages] 

今個星期...要結束快樂的西灣河之旅...因為太快樂...在兩個月内勁賺五磅,「腰纏萬两」ha ha歸園田居後一定要少吃多動,减走贅肉...


p.s. will start the "salad week" from 25 Aug, lets see the effect

p.p.s. oo blocks this ..so i check at home

Men's Uno Hong Kong
印象中的Vivian 是很「有錢人家大小姐」的,那時就是不明為甚麼好地地唱〈自作多情〉 時,手指總要揮一揮,叫人抵受不住。 ... 周慧敏,其實比以前更吸引。 PHOTO > Wing Shya, assisted by Samuel Fung, Lau Wai Kiu STYLING > Sean K TEXT > ah Pak ...

Thursday 24th August 2006 01:33:56 PM
scandal[ 1 messages] 

我根據『十姑娘 vs 何生』既劇情諗左好多野...控制唔到我既想象力

Scenario 1: 律師係十姑娘派人打傷既...安家費已經俾埋...庭上作供會直指....我係何生派黎既.... (目的係陷害何生)

Scenario 2:律師係何生派人打傷既...安家費已經俾埋...庭上作供會直指....我係十姑娘派黎既.... um.....唔好打我...唔關我事嫁

Monday 14th August 2006 04:56:16 PM
counter works again DAY 440 wow[ 2 messages] 

hahaha the counter work again today

wow only 440 days left

now wait till your project things finished we can focus on our photo taking thing


Monday 14th August 2006 09:05:48 AM
3 pounds[ 1 messages] 

haha i have picked up 3 pounds during this vacation...but i am not too worried coz the hot yoga in TST shld help in sliming us up..feel so successful after the bridging pose haha

the movie Capnote hee...ok,.. i wont mention it again...haha the first few pictures are quite stunning though while My date with Dew..not bad..nice to see ppl with dream come true...i love movies no matter bad or good still an experience..looking forward to Kerokero

finally finished the first newsletter for Kerry log...hope can get paid soon..

last nite, the weight and height taking section was amusing...wow 160  pounds. no more bread break..haha

Monday 07th August 2006 10:35:24 AM
below 5[ 2 messages] 

its freezing cold.....colombia's down coat :(


hee, dont know if anyone will ask us where have we been... hee 凍到鼻甩

finally we rent keroro軍曹 to see why it is so popular in Japan, hee it's amusing


Thursday 03rd August 2006 01:55:14 PM
i am also working in commercial, sales & commercial[ 2 messages] 

all these simply rock~ provoking and straight to the point


some are simple, but already express 1000 words

i like all kind of amusing things

blogs are great inventions, ppl keeps sharing brilant ideas and findings and thinkings

mom becomes so out of control because of the renovation, i know its so annoying to see all turn into mess, but displace all the anger to me cannot help anything....Bei bei, you are so man, take up all the job to communicate with her while it's just impossible for me to do so... i dont know what happen to her just like i am the only one she can yell at or what....it's completely not my fault at all, may be we shld not ask for referral...such a wrong step...its really awlful..why born a child..u dont indulge and pamper her...but just ask her to do this and that...when there is sth unhappy, just displace all the down feelings and anger to her...this is completely irrational...does this just equal to abuse? can i say no to it?

Wednesday 02nd August 2006 03:57:11 PM
living with a rabit[ 3 messages] 


The world's smartest rabbit

"Electronic pets have come a long way from their furry ancestry. This bunny rabbit has been reimagined as an animated conveyance of weather reports, personal messages, and a variety of configurable alerts. Perfect for allergy-sufferers, apartment-dwellers, and anyone who has ever wished their schnauzer had a built-in alarm clock..."

One rabit owner: "It’s my children’s friend. They do everything the rabbit says, whereas I always have to negotiate. I know I’m totally losing my authority as a parent, but hey, it’s better than nothing."

so 誇張!!!

但係just like Robert Goddard, 1927. said

"It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow"

and re the blog before "in search of the best chair" this jelly bean like one is so eye catching, its artpiece by others though, not for sale nor domestic use



Tuesday 01st August 2006 04:27:15 PM
wow august already...[ 1 messages] 

wow it's august already. time flies...july gone already...scary...suddenly feel so scared of not enough time to do research, preparation at all...and suddenly so under stress

need time to

1. grow hair

2. search around whereabout to take pic

3. ....

these days, tummy always feel sick (no no no, nothing related to the pic i show here, many ppl 篤魚蛋@街邊every second, they are still alive) and kind of 中暑 after standing under the sun for 35 mins waiting for the bus 307....(the feeling of not willing to moving back to Taipo getting stronger and stronger) what bus is this, waiting time can be such long...議員鄭家富you better do something...


憭折蝪撠蝘running with 74X銝摮 銋閬没V閬韏,唬a韏slim up plan day1previously on...隞憭拍别文..撖怠神撖阡閬渡...雿况撠孵典怠scandalcounter works again DAY 440 wow3 poundsbelow 5i am also working in commercial, sales & commercialliving with a rabitwow august already...