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Orlando Bloom Reveals His New Role As Chief Wellness Officer At Form Nutrition


For many of us, Orlando Bloom became a household name from either his bow & arrow skills as Legolas in the Lord of the Rings films or his sword-fighting skills as Will Turner in the Pirates of the Caribbean films. Today however, the Hollywood actor and health & fitness enthusiast is taking on a whole new kind of role, becoming the Chief Wellness Officer at Form Nutrition, as the company expands its products onto the U.S. market.

Form credits itself as a carbon neutral (making no net release of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere) and plant-based nutrition company that prides itself on its fully compostable packaging of vegan protein powders, nootropics for improving cognitive functions and various other supplements.

With Bloom’s new position being formally announced today, he spoke exclusively with me about his actual origin story with Form, sharing that he met co-founder Damian Soong back in 2017 while they were working out at the same gym in London. Since their first encounter, Bloom went on to tell me that he has been testing Form products alongside Soong and his team for the past six years, but the opportunity for Bloom to make an even greater impact at Form was decided upon rather recently.

Bloom said of his conversations with Soong, “He called me one day and said Look, we want to bring Form to America and think that you could be, based on our relationship, the right person. I was like ‘Dude, no brainer! I’ll put my money where my mouth is - and yes, I’d love to bat ideas around about how to do that and what it looks like.’ When I tell you it’s a product that my two-and-a-half year old daughter enjoys as well, or it’s something that I see the results and feel the benefit, it was like a no-brainer.”

I also spoke briefly with Soong, where I asked the Form co-founder what value Bloom will continue to bring to his new role in this U.S. expansion.

Soong said, “I think for me, Orlando really embodies what a lot of our consumers are looking for. He’s a busy guy, trying to do good work in the world. He wants to perform at a top level. As we work on new products and as Orlando tests them and gives us his ideas, I think that’s a really big value that he can add in terms of product development, awareness and creative direction. Orlando has a great eye, a really good design kind of sensibility and lends a lot of credibility to the brand.”

When I asked Bloom what actions is he most focused on accomplishing as Form’s Chief Wellness Officer, he said it is messaging the fact that this is a carbon neutral company with a compostable packaging. Referring to himself as “a little bit of a dreamer,” Bloom revealed that when he believes in a product, he wants to share it with everyone, including the way he has done so with Form products to his friends and family. Being a 46 year old, Bloom expressed that he is at an age where how he looks and feels is important for his job as an actor, but added that it’s really about how he operates in the world.

Having the word “Wellness” within his new business title, I asked Bloom what wellness means to him today and if his outlook is at all different than it was even 10 to 15 years ago.

“One hundred percent,” responded Bloom. “Wellness for me is a whole body, holistic thing. It’s mind, body, soul, right? I think we’re realizing more and more, if you fuel your system with the right ingredients, then your mind and body work in a way and respond in a way that works for you. [Form] is selling great over in the UK. It’s something that I can stand behind when it comes to America and feel fortunate to be involved.”

Being a father of two, Bloom expressed to me his desire to educate and supply our next generation of kids today with a better nutrition plan than many of us adults were raised with, as these young minds & bodies reach pivotal moments in their development.

“If Covid showed us anything, it was communities and families that were hit hardest were the ones that didn’t get access to the best nutrition,” Bloom continued. “As we’re all becoming aware of that, this is a product that I think helps in that regard. I can stand behind it, I can stand beside it and I can put my money where my mouth is.”

With many nutritional products out on the market today, striving to provide the similar benefits to consumers, Bloom said it is the taste and flavor that sets Form apart from any competition. He went on to share that he has noticed an obvious improvement in his own physical appearance since he began regularly taking the Form protein powders and other nutrients, along with his dedicated fitness routine.

Bloom playfully told me, “I see the results and if you follow me on Instagram every now and again, you’ll see me make a post. I try not to be vain about anything, but there are gains here - there are results here. When we have wins, we want to share stuff like that.”

As I began to conclude my conversation with Bloom about his new adventure ahead at Form, I wondered what supportive advice he might have for people around the world today, who either do not feel they have easy enough access to nutritional products, like Form, or simply lack the discipline to follow through in their goals of self-improvement.

“It’s a daily battle,” said Bloom. “Every day is a new opportunity for a winning kind of transformation of your life and your well-being. We are on the cutting-edge of how we live in society, and how we have longevity and sustainability in the world. Let’s just hope that we are the generation that doesn’t tank it, but rather, takes it into our future generations. Every day is a new beginning and you can start today.”

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