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Words That Start With W For Kids to Improve Vocabulary

Kids need to build their vocabulary as they need to use common words in their day-to-day activities and communication. For this, they need to be exposed and introduced to new words every day. But to learn how to read, write and spell words properly, the foundation of learning has to be systematic.


We all know that kids are curious beings and have a million questions to ask every day! What, Where, When, and the biggest of them all… Why! These are words that are already a part of your kid’s vocabulary. Let’s teach them some more words that start with W to draw their attention to the common sounds and pronunciations.


W is the 23rd letter of the English alphabet. It makes the sound ‘woo’ or ‘wuh’ when pronounced. Building a vocabulary of words that start with W in the English language will be easy and effective with some tips given here.


List of W Words for Kids

Learning words beginning with w is wonderful and fun! When teaching kids, who are in kindergarten or in pre-school, start with a few easy words that start with w, such as 2 letter or 3 letters or 4 letter words that are practical and could be used in everyday conversations. Let us learn some of the commonly used words that begin with the letter W:

 Wagon  Whale  Where
 Worm  Word  Watch
 Wall  Warm  Woof
 Water  Wave  West
 White  Wolf  Walk
 Woman  Wheel  Who
 Well  Waterfall  Wash
 Winter  Window  Watermelon

Words That Start With W For Kindergarten or Preschool Kids

It is better if kids learn w words in kindergarten as they can associate words with things they see, hear and feel in their daily lives. Two and three-letter words are excellent choices of words that can be learnt easily. Here are examples of two and three-letter w words that could be taught to your kids:


2 Letter Words That Begin With The Letter W

 We  Wo

3 Letter Words That Begin With The Letter W

 Web  Wag
 Won  Wae
 Wad  Wan

W Words For Lower Elementary Kids

When your child is in lower elementary, they are more capable of learning bigger words such as 4-letter and 5-letter words or even bigger words. Building your child’s vocabulary is important for them to be able to speak and write better. Kids can have fun with bigger words and improve their vocabulary. Below are some 4-letter, 5-letter, 6-letter, and 7-letter words in English that your child should learn.

4 Letter Words That Begin With The Letter W

 Wait  Will
 Wear  Wise

5 Letter Words That Begin With The Letter W

 Wheel   Where
  Wedge  White
  Wager  Whine

6 Letter Words That Begin With The Letter W

 Window Wobble
Wisdom  Walnut

7 Letter Words That Begin With The Letter W

  Warrant  Wabbled
 Wailing  Website

Cool Words That Start With The Letter W For Kids

Cool and unusual words can bring magic to your kids’ language skills. It makes them more interested in learning new words and improves pronunciation. The following are some of the cool w words in the English language.

 Whodunit  Wormhole  Whippersnapper
Woebegone  Woodchuck  Willy-nilly
 Wherewithal  Whackadoodle  Whittle
 Wishy-Washy   Wimpy  Wunderkind
Wizardry  Whirlybird Whizbang

Positive Words That Start With The Letter W For Children

Children must be encouraged to use positive words. It helps them build confidence and makes them happy to hear such positive words and affirmations. Numerous good words in the English language begin with the letter w. Here is a list of w positive words for children:

 Winner  Wise  Warm
 Wholehearted  Willpower  Witty
 Wordsmith  Worthy  Wonderland
 Whoopee  Worthwhile  Wholesome

More Words That Start With The Letter W

Here is a compilation of a few important words in the English language that begin with the letter W. So many things around us and things that we see in our everyday lives are spelt beginning with W.


Things That Start With W

​ The following words are names of things that begin with W:

Wood Watch
Wax Wrist

Names Of Animals That Start With W

Here is a list of animal names that begin with the letter w:

 Wolf  Wasp
 Whale  Walrus

Places That Start With W

There are several cities and countries with names that start with the letter W. When learning words with W, kids would find it interesting to know the names and spellings of places that they are familiar with. The following is a list of places that begin with the letter W:

Wisconsin Wuhan
Wellington Wayanad

Foods That Start With W

There are some yummy and tasty food out there that begin with the letter W. Here are some of them:

Wasabi Walnut
Watermelon Wheat

Question Words That Start With The Letter W

Whenever we have to frame a question, we mostly use words that begin with the letter W. Teaching kids question words that begin with the letter W, makes it easier for them to communicate their needs and wants and also be curious about things. The following is the list of question words that begin with the letter W:

Where Which
Who Why

Verbs That Start With The Letter W

Verbs are words that are generally used to describe an action or an occurrence that forms part of sentences. Kids use verbs in sentences to express their actions. Verbs could also be in present or past tenses. Here is a list of words that start with the letter W that are verbs:

Walking Wrestling
Watching Waiting

Adjectives That Start With The Letter W

Adjectives are words that describe nouns. It defines the noun’s qualities, numbers, and traits. It is essential to build your child’s vocabulary with adjectives. These words are used all the time during conversations to describe things around us in our everyday lives. Knowing words that begin with the letter w can help you express things in a better way. Here is a list of words in the English language that start with the letter W to describe a place, person, or thing:

Wrought Wacky
Warm-Blooded Weak
Wasted Whopping
Wise Wild
Worldly Woozy
Wailing Wary
Wakeful Waspish
Worse Warm

Activities That Will Help Your Child Learn Words With W

Learning new words can be interesting but sometimes boring. To improve your kid’s vocabulary, you need to think about other strategies to help them learn and understand words that begin with the letter W. Effective learning should be more fun-based. It should include activities that kids would enjoy. The activities must be engaging and also something that the kids can relate to. Such activities can also help the kids improve their writing and reading skills. Activities like spelling games can help kids spell words accurately. The following is a list of w letter activities that will help your kids learn words that start with the letter w in a better way:

1. Reading

Reading is an important activity to teach kids at a very early stage as it can inculcate their reading habits. Reading is a good hobby and children can benefit a lot from it. Conducting reading games for kids will motivate them to learn new W words daily. You can also introduce poems, short stories, rhymes, and flashcards to make the games more fun for kids. Kids can underline or highlight words that begin with the letter W as they spot them while reading. Reading is a great way to learn new words and their meanings.

2. Connecting to things around us 

Kids love outdoor activities and like exploring and being curious about the things around them. Kids can make use of the space and world around them to understand words that begin with the letter W. For example, water, wasp, wind, white, wheel and so on.

3. Colouring 

Colouring books are an effective way to teach kids about the words that begin with the letter W. It creates a visual impact and is an innovative method that keeps them relaxed and focused. You could get your kids alphabet colouring books, and have them colour names of animals and plants and other words that begin with the letter W.


1. What Are Some Words With W That Are Commonly Used By Kids?

Some words with W that kids in kindergarten or pre-school commonly use are we, water, wait, walk, warm, white, and win.

Shraddha Mishra
Writer, journalist and content creator, she has worked across several publications. She takes a keen interest in travel, food and culture. A new mother, she loves talking about her parenting journey and watching her toddler play, learn and grow. When not working, you will find her watching a movie or web series, or reading a novel, chasing a good story everywhere.
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