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HomeBig KidLearning & Education4 Letter Words That Start With X For Kids To Improve Vocabulary

4 Letter Words That Start With X For Kids To Improve Vocabulary

Does your child know four-letter words with an X at the start? In English, the letter x is hardly used to create words. Additionally, words beginning with X are challenging to enunciate. Children, therefore, struggle to learn these words that begin with the letter X. So, when teaching words to children starting with X, begin with a simple four-letter word. To help kids develop a broad and robust vocabulary, teach them how to spell these words and their correct pronunciations.


We’ve put together a collection of 4 letter words with x to aid you in your journey of learning. Before teaching kids how to write the words, first help them recognise and pronounce them. You may also incorporate enjoyable activities that will make it simple for kids to learn 4 letter words that begin with x. These enjoyable reading games and exercises for children will raise their academic performance as well as their level of curiosity and aid in their further learning.


Why Should Your Child Learn 4 Letter Words That Start With X?

For kids, learning words helps them communicate better, which in turn helps them expand their vocabulary. Children can learn new terms from these words and incorporate them into everyday interactions.


List of 4 Letter Words Starting with X For Kids

Now, let us look at the various 4 letter words beginning with x. It is compiled in a tabular format to help your kid quickly learn it. This will add to their vocabulary and enhance their language skills.

Xyst Xmas Xian
Xylo Xray Xolo
Xbox Xeno Xtal
Xeus Xifu Xins
Xiii Xxix Xenu

Activities That Will Help Your Child To Learn 4 Letter Words Starting With X

As listed below, you can carry out the following activities to help them learn four letter words with x:


1. Fill in the blanks

Give them worksheets with fill-in-the-blank exercises. Children will use this to think critically about words and effectively navigate the questions.

  1. I love my…………… tree.

Answer:  Xmas


2. My grandmother visited the hospital for the………..of her knee.

Answer:  Xray

3. How to write 20 in Roman numbers?



2. Reading words with X

What could be more beneficial than encouraging children to read? Kids must eventually begin reading after getting familiar with the words over time. Kids find it challenging to pronounce words beginning with the letter X; thus they should practise reading regularly. You can read short stories, poems, sentences, etc. to children so they can recognise words that begin with x.


3. Look outside

Kids should be taken out to investigate their surroundings. Ask them to identify whatever they notice in the area that begins with the letter X. They can notice a tree similar to Xmas tree. They may spot an Xbox in a shop, etc.

4. Colouring 4-letter words that begin with X

You can provide colouring pages with four-letter words that start with x to kids, along with some colours of their choice. Allow children to explore what they are learning by having them colour the words. Sometimes, you may hand them a blank piece of paper and ask them to draw words beginning with the letter X.


5. Crossword puzzles

This is one of the most fascinating exercises for vocabulary development. By creating crossword puzzles for kids to learn new vocabulary, you can keep them occupied. Give them simple words like “Xmas tree,” “X-ray,” “XBOX,” etc. Kids should be allowed to learn at their own pace to comprehend.

X is not one of the letters of the alphabet that offer many examples for teaching spelling and sounds. However, this annoying little gem is rarely the first letter of a word, as we showed in this article. But let your child keep these words up your sleeve the next time they participate in spelling competitions or word games like scrabble, hangman, Pictionary and more. We hope this helps your kids learn and use words that begin with X.


Also Read:

Four Letter Words for Kids to Learn
Four Letter Words Starting with C for Children
4 Letter Words that Start with Q for Kids to Improve Vocabulary

Shraddha Mishra
Shraddha Mishra
Writer, journalist and content creator, she has worked across several publications. She takes a keen interest in travel, food and culture. A new mother, she loves talking about her parenting journey and watching her toddler play, learn and grow. When not working, you will find her watching a movie or web series, or reading a novel, chasing a good story everywhere.
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