Doris Lessing, the titan with a pen dipped in acid, is dead: Author was as famous for her put-downs as her feminist novel The Golden Notebook

  • Author died peacefully at her London home early this morning aged 94
  • Renowned for her sharp way with words and cutting put downs
  • Once called George Bush a 'calamity' and Tony Blair a 'little showman'
  • Her iconic 1962 novel The Golden Notebook hailed as a 'feminist classic'
  • Was oldest recipient of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2007 aged 88

Doris Lessing, the grand old lady of letters who has died at 94, lived long enough to turn against practically all the strongly held convictions of her youth.

An avid Communist in her younger days, she later rejected not just communism but feminism and political correctness, too. Still, though, she retained some shocking political thoughts.

Days after the attack on the World Trade Centre in 2001, she was belittling the act of terrorism, saying: ‘It was neither as terrible nor as extraordinary as the Americans think.’

Some years earlier, Englishmen were in her sights. In her 1962 feminist classic novel, The Golden Notebook, she attacked their uselessness, particularly their inability to satisfy their wives sexually.

But, despite her scorn, it was to England that  she came, from colonial Rhodesia — now Zimbabwe — more than 60 years ago, settling into a gloriously ramshackle, tall, slim house in London’s West Hampstead.

Titan: Writer Doris Lessing, pictured in 2006, has died peacefully aged 94 at her home in London

Titan: Writer Doris Lessing, pictured in 2006, has died peacefully aged 94 at her home in London

She derided literary prizes, but scooped them all including, in 2007, the Nobel Prize. At 88, she was the oldest woman ever to win it and only the 11th woman to receive the award. Her triumph came as no surprise to a woman formidably confident in her own intellectual abilities.

While the Swedish Academy praised Lessing for her ‘scepticism, fire and visionary power,’ when informed about winning the prize, the writer responded: ‘Oh Christ! . . . I couldn’t care less.’ But she later said: ‘I’ve won all the prizes in Europe, every bloody one. So I’m delighted to win them all. It’s a royal flush.’

Born Doris Tayler in 1919 in Persia (now Iran), she moved as a child with her British family to Southern Rhodesia. Her father, who lost a leg in World War I, ran a rundown maize farm, where he was looked after by an increasingly desperate wife, a former nurse, whom the young Doris was at odds with from earliest childhood.

Her mother was refined, cold and unemotional, always beautifully dressed and more interested in perfectly polished silver and whether the piano was in tune than in Doris and her brother.

‘I have sacrificed myself to my children,’ she would complain in their hearing.

Still, it was her mother who helped to forge  Lessing’s extraordinary literary career, shipping huge parcels of books from England for her daughter.

Recognition: Lessing who was born in Persia - now Iran - was awarded the Nobel Prize aged 88, making her the oldest woman ever to win it

Recognition: Lessing who was born in Persia - now Iran - was awarded the Nobel Prize aged 88 in 2007. She was the oldest woman ever to win it

‘I was never educated, you see,’ said Lessing, who left convent school at 14. ‘Without the books, I would have come to grief.’

Determined to escape what she described as a stifling, provincial, expat world, she entered a doomed marriage to Frank Wisdom, a civil servant ten years her senior. She was only 19 and it was the eve of World War II. ‘Everyone got married,’ she explained.

A fter less than five years and with two children, John and Jean, the marriage came to an end.

Rather than subject the boy and girl to the cool neglect she had suffered from her own mother, she decided it would be preferable if she abandoned them, leaving their father to bring them up.

In due course, in 1944, she married a German internee, Gottfried Lessing, and had another child. That marriage, too, failed after five years.

In 1949, she fled to London with her youngest son.

Honor: Lessing shows off her Nobel Prize in Literature. She responded to the accolade by saying 'I couldn't care less'

Honor: Lessing shows off her Nobel Prize. She responded to the accolade by saying 'I couldn't care less'

her finest put downs.jpg

Lessing later said: ‘I’m very proud of myself that I had the guts to do it. I’ve always said that if I hadn’t left that life, the intolerable boredom of colonial circles, I’d have cracked up and become an alcoholic or had a mental breakdown.’

Such callousness was hard to forgive. Her older son, John, later told her: ‘I understand why you left, but it doesn’t mean I forgive you for it.’

Just as the Cold War began, Lessing joined the Communist Party, but later came to see that it had been a mistake.

‘We believed this rubbish, absolutely. But I think there is something about politics that makes people mad, really.’

Whatever the shortcomings of her political and private life, she was undeniably a literary titan.

Controversial: Doris Lessing's novel The Golden Notebook has been hailed as a classic feminist text

Controversial: Doris Lessing's novel The Golden Notebook has been hailed as a classic feminist text

The Grass Is Singing, her 1950 debut novel about the racism of white colonials in Forties Rhodesia, was a sensation. A tide of novels, poems, operas, autobiographies and short stories followed. Over 60 years she published almost 60 books.

They were not all rapturously received. After she won the Nobel Prize, the acerbic American literary critic Harold Bloom said: ‘Although Ms Lessing at the beginning of her writing career had a few admirable qualities, I find her work for the past 15 years quite  unreadable . . . fourth-rate science fiction.’

Those early, admirable qualities were most in evidence in her controversial novel The Golden Notebook.

Explaining its genesis, she said: ‘I had been listening to women talk about women’s issues and about men. Suddenly when I wrote down these private conversations, people were astounded. It was as though what women said didn’t exist until it was written.’

The sexually graphic book tells the story of Anna Wulf, a deeply frustrated woman at the dawn of the sexual revolution and women’s liberation movement.

It is unremitting in its detail. It deals candidly with menstruation, the female orgasm and men’s sexual shortcomings.

Lessing called England a country ‘full of men who are little boys and homosexuals and half-homosexuals’.

She made it clear that she thought that public boarding schools had a lot to answer for.

The Golden Notebook was widely venerated by feminists and declared ‘the Bible of the women’s movement’, though Lessing refused to become a feminist poster girl.

She said: ‘What I really can’t stand about the feminist revolution is that it produced some of the smuggest, most unself-critical people the world has ever seen. They are horrible.’

Indeed, in the introduction for  a 1993 reissue of The Golden  Notebook, she said it was not a ‘trumpet for women’s liberation’.

‘I think a lot of romanticising has gone on with the women’s movement,’ she said a few years ago. ‘Whatever type of behaviour women are coming up with, it’s claimed as a victory for feminism — doesn’t matter how bad it is. We don’t seem to go in very much for self-criticism.’

And she told the Edinburgh book festival that modern men were ‘cowed’ by women.

‘They can’t fight back,’ she said. ‘And it’s time they did.’

Return: Lessing's novel was reissued in 1993 - a move called a 'trumpet for women's liberation'

Return: Lessing's novel was reissued in 1993 - a move called a 'trumpet for women's liberation'

Lessing wrote her later works from a messy, chaotic home in Hampstead, North London, with worn-out carpets — more student digs than elegant literary salon.

Her black and white cat Yum Yum (named after a character in Gilbert and Sullivan’s light opera The Mikado) would keep her company. So fond was she of her various cats that she wrote three books about them.

She was desperate to escape categorisation as a particular kind of writer.

Lessing noted that over the years she had been given ‘every conceivable label’ — starting off as a writer about the colour bar, then a Communist, then a feminist, then a mystic.

The mystic label came about because of her interest in later life in Sufism, a form of Islamic mysticism.

She saw herself as none of these things, but as a storyteller. ‘Just being a writer was the thing,’ she told this newspaper when she was in her 70s. ‘For me, it still is.’


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