CUE Cards
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Although not all prehistoric creatures were ginormous, a lot of them were. We’re talking 130-foot dinos, dragonflies the size of your arm and sharks that made whales look small. Archelon is a perfect example.

Although not all prehistoric creatures were ginormous, a lot of them were. We’re talking 130-foot dinos, dragonflies the size of your arm and sharks that made whales look small. Archelon is a perfect example.

This giant sea turtle grew up to 15 feet long and weighed two tons - for context, that’s around the size of a Volkswagen Beetle. Also known as the Ruling Turtle, Archelon once reigned over the shallow waters of the North American inland sea. Unlike many turtles, its shell wasn’t really a shell at all, but more of a leathery carapace that helped Archelon swim faster as well as offering a layer of protection.

Although it mostly ate squid and jellyfish, Archelon’s strong jaw and sharp beak suggests it was also partial to mollusks and crustaceans.

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