11 Extremely Unsettling Facts About Jellyfish That Just Might Mess You Up

    I'm scared a jellyfish is going to beat me up for writing this.

    Hello, good people of the internet. Do you know what the most terrifying sea creature is?

    "A shark*," you confidently answer with a light chuckle.

    Great White Shark


    box jellyfish

    "But...that's just a jellyfish," you whimper, confused.

    Miles from "Degrassi" looking confused

    Yes, jellyfish are beautiful! But they're also SCARY AS HELL. Allow me to explain:

    1. First of all, they literally do not have brains. They're just out here swimming around with ZERO brain cells.

    jellyfish captioned "no thoughts head empty"

    2. They don't have hearts either.

    jellyfish captioned: "just really not ready for anything serious right now sorry"

    3. They are literally just 95 fucking percent water!!!

    "corporate needs you to find the differences, they're the same picture" meme from "The Office" using a picture of a jellyfish and a picture of a hydro flask with water

    4. They can still sting you even after they're DEAD.

    scary looking bright jellyfish

    5. Some jellyfish have teeth!!!

    comb jellyfish

    6. One type of jellyfish can actually reverse age.

    immortal jellyfish

    7. Know what the most venomous marine animal is? Surprise — it's a type of JELLYFISH!

    Australian box jellyfish swimming

    8. In fact, box jellyfish have tentacles than reach up to 10 freakin' feet long. Scared yet?

    9. But that's not the biggest jellyfish — that's actually the Lion’s Mane Jellyfish, which has been recorded to reach 120 feet long.

    huge jellyfish

    10. Still not freaked out? What if I told you that a group of jellyfish is powerful enough to take down an entire 10-ton fishing boat?

    11. And finally, jellyfish sometimes just casually eat each other.

    Jellyfish, you absolute MONSTERS.

    King Jellyfish from SpongeBob