Page 62 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好景》
P. 62

CH2Backpacking Solo


ቿ඗    Penglai

ᕰ߹    Waterfall



      ⾱‫⿔ۿ ۓ‬ష˦ㅡ⃆⬎ ǣ           Although cable car services were sus-
      Ⴖ⎄ଐ㇮Ǘᒕლ⠗ へᐕ✞           pended after the 921 earthquake, it is
      ϧ⺤଩ӳၥӯ๓⯴ ⩷᷋⾽஠Ɗ         still a popular attraction in Caoling. It
      ㇮ ⒗␄᝝ହ㇮Ȭ␢ଭ Τਠ          takes about 20 minutes on foot to reach
      ࠋ⼠ຨ๬ ᒕѢ⾢ᘍ Ǘᷤ ⎄         the waterfall, but the journey is not too
      ଐṵƁლ                   GL൶FXOW  :LWK LWV    PHWHU GURS  3HQJODL 
                             :DWHUIDOO  LV  D  PDJQL¿FHQW  DQG  PDMHVWLF 
           ࿽ఢ ⿅ᆡ⁧ပச༖ɮ        waterfall and is known as the “No. 1
                             scenery in Caoling”.
         Gukeng Township
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