01/5Does your name start with M

The first letter of your name defines you, your personality, and your ability to deal with various situations in your life. Surprised? What seems like one insignificant letter, is actually a powerhouse of energies derived through many planets. If your name starts with M, then here is what Rashi Gaur, Global Consultant – Astrology, Numerology, Vastu & Feng Shui has shared with us on what it truly stands for and how influential can your initial be.


02/5Number 4

Number 4

Talking of Letter M, it has been given number 4 as per Chaldean Numerology. The number 4 is ruled by Rahu and hence the characteristics and energy vibrations of Rahu play a big role in harnessing the energies of Number 4.




According to Astrology, the Nakshatra that it belongs to is Magha Nakshatra whose ruling Lord is Ketu, the opposite and balancing force of Rahu. The zodiac representing Letter M is Leo which is ruled by the Sun. The power of letter M resides in the combination of Rahu, Ketu and Sun. The placement of these planets in one’s horoscope further determines the negatives and positives in a person’s life.

Magha, the Nakshatra which defines the letter M, means ‘The Mighty’ or ‘Great’. If this Nakshatra influences the person, they aspire towards greatness in their chosen field. A lot of their abilities are linked to their past life Karma. While the enjoyment of worldly pleasures is strong here, if M is the first letter of a person’s name, the balance between material and spiritual is the key to happiness. These people have the blessings of their forefathers upon them and hence they have a power greater than their own self which guides them forward in difficult times. This is a big positive as Rahu and Ketu influence often brings sudden situations in their lives that they may not have anticipated. Connecting to forefathers and paying respect to them daily in their morning prayers works magically if your name starts with Letter M or if you are ruled by Magha Nakshatra.


04/5Influence of the planets

Influence of the planets

Leo, a sign that symbolises the Lion, and a planet that is all-powerful, the Sun, adds that extra edge of need for power and authority. Ketu is an opposing force that forces introspection and a need for a higher purpose. Generally, people with the first letter M often get caught between love for a large life filled with ambitions and material pleasures and a deep-seated need to connect to the divine.


05/5The positive personality

The positive personality

Extremely hard working, security and status are important to these people. Not shying away from new ideas, they can create something with their own grit and determination. High on self-confidence, they can be very successful in life.

They can easily build an empire but with that extra sense of ambition, they can sometimes get too greedy for quick money and this can become a reason for their downfall. If they move towards their goals with structure and focus, nothing can stop them from achieving their goals.

Their sense of discipline is their biggest strength. They are high on ethics and honesty and under any given circumstances they should not compromise these traits as these are the foundation of their magnificence, true power, and growth.

Not very expressive in matters of the heart, they can take time to express their love or fall in love. But once they have found the one, they can be highly romantic as well. Their ambitions can sometimes consume them to a point that they may find less time for their loved ones.

Technology-driven, an experimentative mind, and boredom with the mundane, put these people in the category of ‘Out of the box’ thinkers.

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