2017年9月12日 星期二


李白 -- 月下獨酌
花間一壺酒,獨酌 無相親;舉杯邀明月,對影成三人。
月既不解飲, 影徒隨我身;暫伴月將影,行樂須及春。
我歌月徘徊, 我舞影零亂;醒時同交歡,醉後 各分散。
永結無情遊, 相期邈雲漢。

英文翻譯 / English Translation
In amongst flowers with a bottle of wine
I drink alone for there is no one close by.
I raise my chalice to invite the shining moon,
The moon casts me a shadow and we have a triad.
The moon never learns to drink,
My shadow absent-mindedly follows me.
Nevertheless I have them around me,
Moments should be enjoyed as they be.
I sing and the moon lingers,
I dance and my shadow whirled under.
In my sober moments we rejoiced together,
It is a company no longer once I am drunk.
Such fellowship shall last despite our parted ways,

When we shall come together again is up to the remote heavens above.


1 個意見:

2017年9月12日 清晨7:25 , Blogger 文居士 提到...

李白 -- 月下獨酌



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