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Homework 1 Chapter 14, #9 (p. 582) Chapter 2, pp. 91-2 –#18, #19 (b-i), #20 (u-x, z, aa, cc, dd)

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1 Homework 1 Chapter 14, #9 (p. 582) Chapter 2, pp. 91-2 –#18, #19 (b-i), #20 (u-x, z, aa, cc, dd)

2 Need for a Phonetic Alphabet One spelling – Many sounds: hiccoughcough throughthoughtbough One sound - Many spellings: brakebreak onewon noknow

3 How Many Segments? bit make write thunder

4 International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) A standardized set of symbols for transcribing human speech sounds One-to-one correspondence between symbol and sound

5 Oral Stop Consonants [p] (pit, tip, applause, hiccough,) [b] (ball, globe, amble, abbreviation) [t](tag, stick, backed) [d](dip, card, loved) [k](character, exceed, pack) [g](guard, longer, dig)

6 Fricatives [f](foot, laugh, coffee) [v](vest, dove, gravel) [ ɵ ](through, teeth, ether) [ð](their, mother, either)

7 [s](soap, cats, receive) [z](zip, roads, Xerox) [ ʃ ](shy, mission, nation) [ ʒ ](measure, vision) [h](who, hat, whole)

8 Affricates [ ʧ ](choke, match, feature) [ ʤ ](joke, region, judge) Flap [ſ](butter, madder, matter)

9 Nasal Stops [m](moose, lamb, ample) [n](know, snow, winter) [ŋ](lung, finger, think) Glottal Stop [ ʔ ](uh-oh, hatrack, Batman)

10 Liquids [l](leaf, feel, alight) [ ɹ ](rabbit, here, around) Glides [w](with, queen, coward) [w ̥ ](which, what, where, why) [j](you, feud, beautiful)

11 Syllabic Consonants [m ̩ ](bottom, possum) [n ̩ ](hidden, beaten, lesson) [l ̩ ](little, stable, metal) [ ɹ̩ ](better, chirp, singer)

12 Vowels Monophthongs [i](eat, receive, meet) [ ɪ ] (it, business, injury) [ Ɛ ](bet, feather, says) [æ](cat, laugh, rally)

13 [u](boot, sewer, due) [ ʊ ](foot, put, butcher) [ ɔ ](caught, Dawn, talk, coffee) [ ɑ ](cot, Don, tock, sergeant) [](up, touch, oven) [ ǝ ] (elapse, sofa, compromize)

14 Diphthongs [ ɑɪ ](bite, rhyme, aisle) [ ɑʊ ](ouch, brown) [ ɔɪ ](toy, rejoice) [ ɔʊ ](bow, hope, though) [e ɪ ](eight, hay, ape)

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