m ā c h ĭ n ā m e n
Video, 6 min, BW, Full HD, loop, stereo, Vienna, Austria
- Concordiaplatz, Exhibition space of the Austrian Federal Chancellery, Vienna

The video is inspired by US president's J.F.Kennedy's speech, when on May 25, 1961, he announced before a special joint session of Congress the dramatic and ambitious goal of sending an American safely to the Moon before the end of the decade. Today, 57 years later, we have already achieved this impossible mission, but the humankind is always striving to do the next step and no one really knows what the future will bring.

In the video artist seeks compositions in the machinery, which is helping to enhance our humanity. It is the product of our imagination and it is constantly helping us to evolve and reach for the stars. Shots from the NASA space program are edited with the shots from Viennese amusement park Prater where artist first found inspiration in the resemblance of amusement park machines imitating the astronauts training program.

In the video we listen to the excerpt of JFK’s speech with experimental music by David Bird (US); both creating an atmosphere of a futuristic world with a nostalgic elements. It seems like a dream, where we have all the possibilities in the world. A similarity that we are seeking in an amusement park as well: to enjoy, forget and get a new rush of adrenaline to make our life better (at least for a moment). Those moments in time – and in our history – are important milestones, which we are constantly setting for the future of the humanity. Machine and man, hand in hand. m ā c h ĭ n ā m e n .

Video stills