Is there anything inside LINUX KERNEL?

Yes!!..Definitely…There are various subsystems working at their individual task to accomplish  all the works and smooth conduct inside linux kernel.


Linux kernel basically composed of following subsystems.
1) Process Management
2) Memory Management
3) Virtual File System
4) Network Management
5) System Call Interface

1) Process Management :- This system has the responsibility of maintaining the execution of each process. Main part of process management subsystem is Schedule which control the scheduling or exiting of every process.

2) Memory Management: This system maintain the system memory and control the memory request from each process. It manage virtual to physical translation of process. It’s available  in /linux/mm.

3) Virtual File System :This subsystem provides the abstraction APIs like open() , Read() and write() etc irrespective of type of file system. User doesn’t need to worry about the file system types. VFS has the responsibility of passing the request of user to respective file system for which the request is raised by user application.

4) Network Stack:- It manage linux IP network or we can say everything related to network is managed by N/W subsystem.

5) System Call interface:- It provides an interface to the applications running in user space for getting the controlled access to hardware. This interface provides a mechanism by which applications can request operating system resources.


Source: Tutorials Daddy.




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