Moses: The Murderer Who Became God’s Deliverer

8 min readOct 6, 2023

Moses is one of the most fascinating figures in the Old Testament.

He was born a Hebrew slave, raised as an Egyptian prince, and then fled to the desert after committing murder. Yet, he was the one chosen by God to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt.

His incredible journey is one of redemption, courage, and faith.

From the humble beginnings of his birth to his eventual role as a revered leader, Moses’ journey is a testament to the power of redemption and the depths of human resilience.

The stage is set in ancient Egypt, a land of opulence and grandeur, but also one plagued by oppression and injustice.

As we delve into the incredible journey of Moses, it is crucial to understand the socio-political climate of the time. The Pharaoh, fearing the growing population of Israelites, orders the merciless killing of all male infants.

Moses’ parents faced an unimaginable decision.

Fearful for their son’s life, they made the difficult choice to place him in a small basket and set him adrift on the Nile River. It was a desperate act of hope, a gamble against the odds.

As fate would have it, the basket floated downstream and was discovered by none other than the Pharaoh’s daughter.

Moved by the infant’s plight, she decided to adopt him as her own.

In a remarkable twist of destiny, Moses went from being a target of death to being raised as a prince of Egypt.

Growing up in the opulence and grandeur of the royal court, Moses enjoyed privileges and opportunities that were denied to his fellow Hebrews. However, his heart remained connected to his people, and he was deeply aware of their suffering under the oppressive rule of Pharaoh.

This awareness sparked a growing sense of justice and compassion within him.

Despite his privileged upbringing, Moses’ true identity as a Hebrew was never far from his mind.

One day, witnessing the brutal mistreatment of a Hebrew slave, he was overcome with anger and took matters into his own hands, killing the Egyptian taskmaster. This act would forever alter the course of his life.

Realizing the consequences of his actions, Moses fled Egypt and found refuge in the land of Midian.

There, he lived as a humble shepherd, far removed from the glamour and power he had once known. It was during this time of solitude and reflection that Moses began to question his purpose and seek a deeper understanding of his identity.

Little did Moses know that his journey was only just beginning.

What started as an unexpected and tumultuous beginning would lead him down a path that would ultimately shape the destiny of an entire nation.

From murderer to deliverer, Moses’ story is a testament to the transformative power of faith, resilience, and the unwavering belief in a higher calling.

The calling: Moses’ encounter with the burning bush

One of the most pivotal moments in Moses’ life was his encounter with the burning bush.

This extraordinary event served as the catalyst for his transformation from a murderer to a deliverer of his people.

It was there, while tending to his father-in-law’s flock, that he stumbled upon a remarkable sight — a bush engulfed in flames, yet miraculously not consumed by the fire.

Curiosity compelled Moses to draw nearer, only to hear a voice calling out to him from within the fire. The voice identified itself as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and commanded Moses to remove his sandals, for he was standing on holy ground.

Moses listened as God revealed His divine plan. He had heard the cries of His people in Egypt, suffering under the oppression of Pharaoh, and He had chosen Moses as the instrument of their liberation.

Overwhelmed by the weight of this calling, Moses expressed doubt and insecurity, questioning his own abilities and qualifications. But God assured him that He would be with him every step of the way, providing guidance, strength, and miraculous signs to authenticate his mission.

This encounter with the burning bush marked a turning point in Moses’ life.

It ignited a sense of purpose and awakened a newfound faith in him.

Leading the Israelites: Moses’ role in delivering the Israelites from slavery

With a heavy heart, Moses returned to Egypt to confront Pharaoh, the powerful ruler who held the Israelites in cruel bondage.

Armed with God’s instructions and a newfound sense of purpose, Moses fearlessly confronted Pharaoh, demanding the release of his people. However, Pharaoh’s heart remained hardened, and he refused to let the Israelites go.

What followed were a series of ten devastating plagues that plagued Egypt, each more severe than the last. From water turning into blood and swarms of locusts devouring crops to darkness covering the land and the death of the firstborn, these plagues were God’s way of showing His power and urging Pharaoh to release the Israelites.

Through it all, Moses stood as a steadfast leader, guiding the Israelites through their darkest days.

He served as a mediator between God and His people, relaying messages, performing miracles, and providing guidance in moments of uncertainty.

Moses’ unwavering faith and dedication to his mission inspired the Israelites to persevere, even in the face of adversity.

Finally, after the tenth plague, Pharaoh relented, and the Israelites were granted their freedom.

Moses led them out of Egypt, navigating through the treacherous wilderness towards the Promised Land.

His role as a deliverer was not without its challenges, as the Israelites faced numerous hardships and obstacles along the way. Yet, Moses remained steadfast, continually seeking God’s guidance and providing for his people.

Overcoming challenges: Moses’ struggles and triumphs as a leader

One of the most notable challenges Moses encountered was

As the Israelites made their way through the wilderness, they faced numerous hardships, including scarcity of food and water, internal conflicts, and doubts about their purpose and destiny.

Moses had to navigate these difficulties, often relying on his unwavering faith and direct communication with God to provide guidance and support.

Perhaps one of the most dramatic moments in Moses’ journey was the parting of the Red Sea.

Faced with the imminent threat of the pursuing Egyptian army, Moses displayed unwavering faith and trust in God’s power. As the sea miraculously parted, the Israelites passed through on dry land, escaping certain destruction and witnessing the downfall of their oppressors.

Throughout his leadership, Moses demonstrated resilience, perseverance, and an unwavering commitment to his people.

Despite the challenges and the immense responsibility placed upon him, he remained dedicated to the task at hand, leading the Israelites to the Promised Land.

The Ten Commandments: Moses’ pivotal role in receiving and delivering the commandments

One of the most significant moments in Moses’ incredible journey was his pivotal role in receiving and delivering the Ten Commandments.

After leading the Israelites out of Egypt and through the parted Red Sea, Moses ascended Mount Sinai to commune with God.

It was on Mount Sinai that Moses received the divine revelation of the Ten Commandments, a set of moral and ethical principles that would form the foundation of the Israelites’ relationship with God and with one another.

These commandments encompassed a wide range of issues, including the worship of God, the honoring of parents, the prohibition of murder, theft, and adultery, and the importance of truthfulness and contentment.

After spending forty days and forty nights on the mountain, Moses descended with the tablets of the commandments in his hands.

However, he was met with a disheartening sight upon his return. The Israelites, succumbing to impatience and fear, had crafted a golden calf and were worshipping it as an idol.

In a fit of righteous anger, Moses shattered the tablets, symbolizing the broken covenant between the people and God. But he didn’t give up on them.

He pleaded with God for forgiveness and another chance to guide his people. God, in His infinite mercy, granted Moses a second set of tablets.

The Ten Commandments not only provided guidance for the Israelites but continue to serve as a guiding light for people of various faiths today.

They lay the groundwork for a just society, emphasizing the importance of love, respect, and righteousness.

Moses’ journey from a troubled past to becoming the conduit of divine laws is a testament to the transformative power of faith and redemption.

His story serves as a reminder that no matter our past mistakes or shortcomings, we can find purpose and make a positive impact on the world. His journey from being a fugitive to a respected leader demonstrates that anyone, regardless of their past, can change their trajectory and make a positive impact on the world.

Lessons learned: Reflecting on the incredible journey of Moses

First and foremost, Moses teaches us the power of transformation.

Despite his troubled past, he underwent a profound change and embraced his calling. This reminds us that our past does not define our future. We have the ability to change, grow, and become better versions of ourselves.

Another lesson we can learn from Moses is the importance of patience and perseverance.

His journey to liberate the Israelites was not an easy one. He faced countless obstacles, resistance, and setbacks. Yet, he never gave up. Moses’ unwavering determination serves as a reminder that success often requires persistence and a refusal to surrender in the face of adversity.

Moses also teaches us the significance of faith and trust in a higher power.

Throughout his journey, he relied on his faith in God and followed his guidance. This unwavering trust allowed him to lead the Israelites out of slavery and towards the promised land. Moses’ story reminds us that having faith in something greater than ourselves can provide us with strength and guidance during challenging times.

Furthermore, Moses exemplifies the importance of humility and selflessness.

Despite his elevated position as a leader, he remained humble and always prioritized the needs of his people. He placed their well-being above his own desires and ambitions. This selfless attitude serves as a powerful reminder of the impact we can make when we put others before ourselves.




Multidisciplinary Writer (Psychology, Business, Investments, Literary Criticism, Personality Analysis, History, & Science) | Founder of Hive Media