I just found this old email from a friend who is more funny (but a rather less competent speller) than I am.

you’re last message only contained ‘i’ and your name at the bottem, so i respond anyway. i wasn’t shure if you sent it by accident, were aware of that and sent it as a joke, the only key that worked was the ‘i’ key and you tried in frustration to convey this to me by sending that sole letter, or you were abducted after only writing ‘i’ and barely managed to press the send button in you stuggle against you captor. if its the last reason im sorry if you’re still in captivity or this note brings back unhappy memories. as a random thought: in many movies where people get kidnapped they try to make signs for help, but in reality most people don’t notice these signs, take them as a joke, or believe they are just weird and then forget about them. unfortunently too many people play practical jokes that immitate kidnapping and other such bad things, so people don’t take actual crimes as seriously.
so don’t accidently press the send button/ please get a better sense of humor/ good luck fixing your keyboard/ i hope your kidnappers face an aweful death wherever they are/ other.


One comment

  1. idiotprufs · May 23, 2012

    i’m not shure how comment on this.

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