Fluid Mechanics Overview
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The objective of this Lesson is to review the important concepts in fluid mechanics that underlay the development and analysis of stage discharge relationships. The development of the governing equations and relationships is based on French's (1985) Open Channel Hydraulics. It is assumed the reader has had an introduction to fluid mechanics.


Open channels are either artificial or natural. Natural channels include creeks, estuaries, and streams and rivers. Artificial or open channels include, for the purpose of our discussion, prismatic channels, canals, and flumes. A constant bottom slope and cross section are characteristic of prismatic channels. Canals, in contrast, are long channels of mild slope. Flumes are channels that are built above the ground to transport water over depressions. Laboratory flumes are also used for basic research.

Figure 2.1. Continuity and force balance for open channel flow.

Figure 2.1 illustrates a reach of an open channel. The depth of flow, y, is the vertical distance from the minimum point of the channel section to the water surface. The depth of flow measured perpendicular to the channel bottom, d, is related to y via the equation,

y =  d

where θ is the channel slope. For small θ, y is approximately equal to d. The stage of a river is the elevation of the water surface to a predefined datum.
Table 2.1. Characteristics of typical channel cross sections.

Table 2.1 summarizes typical open channel flow cross sections. The cross sections are classified according to the following parameters:

  1. cross sectional area, A
  2. wetted perimeter, P
  3. hydraulic radius, R
  4. top width, T
  5. hydraulic depth, D
  6. the section factor, Z

The cross sectional area is the area that is normal to the direction of flow. The wetted perimeter, P, is the total length of the line representing the interface between the channel boundary and the fluid. For a rectangular channel, the wetted perimeter is P=by/b+2y.

The hydraulic radius, R is the ratio of the cross sectional area to the wetted perimeter, R=A/P. The hydraulic radius in a rectangular channel is R=by/b+2y.

The top width, T, of an open channel is the width of the channel at the water surface. In a rectangular channel, T=b.

The hydraulic depth, D is the ratio of the cross sectional area to the top width, D=A/T. The hydraulic depth is y in a rectangular channel.

Classification of Flows

There are a variety of criteria that are used to classify open channel flow. If the flow is steady, this implies that the depth of flow is unchanging in time. Unsteady flow is where the depth does vary in time. From a mathematical perspective, if y is the depth of flow, then ∂y/ ∂t=0 implies steady flow.

The flow regime may also be considered to be uniform or nonuniform. Uniform flow does not vary with distance, x; in other words, ∂y/ ∂x=0. Nonuniform flow does vary with x. Nonuniform flow can be further classified as being rapidly varied or gradually varied, depending upon whether the flow depth changes rapidly or slowly within a short distance.

The ratio of the flow's inertial to viscous forces also can be used to classify a flow regime. The Reynold's number, R, is the ratio of the inertial to viscous forces,

R =  uL

where u is the average velocity of flow, L, is a characteristic length, and ν is the kinematic viscosity. Laminar flow occurs when the viscous forces dominate; the fluid particles behave in a coherent fashion. Inertial forces dominate during turbulent flow. Transitional flow is an intermediate state; flow is neither laminar nor turbulent.

The characteristic length used with the Reynold's number is the hydraulic radius, R. Laminar flow occurs when the hydraulic radius, R is less than 500, e.g. R < 500. The transitional flow regime occurs in the range, 500 < R < 12,500. Turbulent flow the Reynold's number exceeds 12,500.

Flow are also homogeneous or stratified. This has relevance in flow systems in tidal environments (see Lesson 9) or that have significant environmental contamination. The flow is homogeneous provided the density of the flow, or the density field, is constant throughout space. Otherwise, the flow is stratified. The degree of stratification is indicated by the gradient Richardson number, Ri,

g  ∂ρ


ρ [  ∂u

] 2

where g is the gravitational acceleration parameter, ρ is the fluid density, and u is the velocity. When Ri is large, the stratification is stable. As Ri→ 0, the system is homogeneous.

The Froude number, F, is the ratio of the inertial to gravity forces. The Froude number can be expressed as

F =  u

where u is a characteristic flow velocity, and L, a characteristic length. The characteristic length associated with the Froude number is the hydraulic depth, D. An equilibrium situation occurs when F=1; the inertial and gravitational forces are effectively in balance. When gravitational forces predominate, F < 1, the flow is subcritical. Inertial forces dominate in supercritical flow, F > 1.

The denominator of the Froude number, (gL)1/2, is referred to as the celerity of an elementary gravity wave, c=(gy)1/2. For subcritical flow, the velocity of flow is less than c. As a result, the wave can propagate upstream against the flow; importantly, the upstream areas are in hydraulic "contact" with the downstream flow environment. In supercritical flow, F > 1, the flow velocity exceeds the celerity of the gravity wave. This wave cannot propagate upstream.

The Continuity Equation

The principle of mass conservative requires that the difference between the inflow and outflow in a river reach equal the time rate of change in the volume of water in storage. Consider the one-dimensional, element stream reach shown in Figure 2.1. The flow rate, Q, and the cross sectional area, A, are known at the centroid of the reach. The inflow, I, can then be expressed using a Taylor series as

I = [Q −  ∂Q


]Δt +qΔxΔt
where q is the rate of lateral inflow per unit length of the reach. Similarly the outflow, O is
O = [Q +  ∂Q



The change in volume of water in storage is ∂A/ ∂tΔx Δt. The continuity equation is then


+  ∂Q

∂ x
= q

Equation 2.6 may also be written as

u  ∂A


+u  ∂A

+A  ∂u

+  ∂A


= q
where u(x,t) is the mean x-velocity, and y is the water depth in the reach.

For a rectangular channel where the width, B, is constant, the Equation 2.7 can be expressed as

y  ∂u

+u  ∂y

+  ∂y

=  q

The three terms on the left hand side of the equation are known as the prism storage, wedge storage, and rate of rise, respectively.

The Momentum Equation

The conservation of momentum equation is based on Newton's second law of motion. As shown in Figure 2.1, there are three external forces acting on the control volume. The gravity force, Fg, is the weight of the fluid within the control volume that acts in the x direction,

Fg=ρg y Δx sinθ = ρg y Δx S0
where ρ is the fluid density, g is the acceleration constant, y is the elevation of the water surface above a datum, and θ is the angle of the bottom channel with respect to the x axis. It is assumed that, S0=sinθ.

The friction force, Ff, acts on the bottom and sides of the control volume, or

Ff=ρg y Δx Sf
where Sf is the friction slope or slope of the energy grade line.

Assuming hydrostatic conditions (the pressure linearly increases with increasing depth) the pressure force on any vertical section, Fp, can be expressed

Fp=  1

ρg y2

Assuming Equation 2.11 is the pressure on the upstream face of the control volume, the downstream pressure can be developed using a Taylor series as,

Fp,downstream = Fp +  ∂

[  1

ρg y2] Δx

The difference or net hydrostatic pressure force, Fpnet is then,

Fpnet=−  ∂

[  1

ρg y2] Δx

Newton's law equates the force, F, with the time rate of change in momentum mu, or

F =  d

where m is the fluid mass and u is the flow velocity. The rate of change in momentum can be expressed as
 d (mu)

= m  du

+u  dm

= ρA Δx  dv


In Equation 2.15, the derivative of the velocity with respect to time, du/dt, is known as the total or material derivative. Formally, it is expressed as,


=  ∂u

+u  ∂u


Assuming the density of the fluid is constant and equating the gravitational, friction, and pressure forces to the change in momentum yields via Equations 2.10, 2.11, 2.13, and 2.16,


+u  ∂u

+  uq

+  g

y  ∂y

= g(S0−Sf)
Equation 2.17 is the conservation of momentum equation for an open channel flow system.

Conservation of Energy

From fluid mechanics, the total energy, H, of a fluid parcel traveling at a constant speed (on a streamline) is the sum of the pressure head, velocity head, and elevation head. The Bernouilli energy equation can be expressed as

H =  p

+  u2

+ z
where p is the fluid pressure, and γ is the specific weight of the fluid. The first term in the energy equation is the pressure head; The second term is the velocity head; u2 is the velocity at point A. The third term is the gravitational potential; z is the elevation of the point above a datum. The sum of the gravitational potential and the pressure potential is the elevation of the hydraulic grade line above the datum.

Open channel flow is referred to as parallel flow provided (1) minor fluctuations in turbulence are ignored, and (2) the streamlines have no acceleration components over a cross section. The ramification of these assumptions is a hydrostatic pressure distribution; the sum of the pressure and elevation heads is a constant and equal to the depth of flow, y. The total energy can then be expressed as,

H = y+α  u2

where α is a kinetic energy correction factor; it is necessary for nonuniformity velocity profile. Equation 2.19 is valid provided the channel slope is small, θ < 10°.

The kinetic energy correction factor, α, ranges from 1.05 to 1.36 in natural channels. It is a measure of the velocity distribution across the channel. It is defined by the following equation,

α =


u3 A
where ui is the velocity over cross section ΔA and u is the average velocity over the entire cross section.

Figure 2.2 depicts the total energy variation in a stream reach.

Figure 2.9. Total energy variation in a stream reach.

Specific Energy

The specific energy of a fluid, E, is defined in terms of the (hydrostatic) pressure head and velocity head as

E=y+α  u2


For a wide rectangular channel, the specific energy can be expressed as

E = y+  Q2

2gb2 y2
where b is the channel width and we have used the relation, u=Q/A=Q/by.
Figure 2.3. Specific energy diagram for open channel flow.

Figure 2.3 illustrates a typical specific energy diagram. For a given specific energy and flow rate, there are two possible values of the flow depth. These depths are called alternative depths.

The critical depth, yc, is that depth that minimizes the specific energy or


= 1 −   (Q/b)2

= 0

y = yc= [  Q2/b2

] 1/3


For a rectangular channel, the critical depth occurs at a Froude number of 1. The upper curve in Figure 2.3 corresponds to flow that is slower than critical; the flow is subcritical, F < 1. Conversely, the lower curve exceeds the critical velocity and is termed supercritical, F > 1.

Uniform Flow

Uniform flow occurs whenever the depth, the flow area, and the velocity at every cross section are constant. Equivalently, the slope of the energy grade line, water surface, and channel bottom are parallel.

Although these assumptions are rarely satisfied, uniform flow can occur in long, straight, prismatic channels. In these open channels, the head loss resulting from turbulent flow is counterbalanced by the decrease in potential energy. The reduction in potential energy is the result of the uniform decrease in the bottom channel elevation.

The average uniform flow velocity can be represented by the general equation,

u = CRαS0β
where u is again the average velocity, R is the hydraulic radius, S0 is the channel slope, and α and β are parameters.

Two variants of Equation 2.25 are used frequently in open channel hydraulics. The first is the Chezy equation, which was developed in 1769. It can be expressed as

u = C(RS)1/2
where C is known as the Chezy coefficient; it is known as a resistance coefficient and has units of acceleration.

The second, is the Manning equation. Developed in 1889, the equation is essentially empirical. Manning's equation can be expressed as

u=  δ

where the parameter n is known as Manning's roughness coefficient; it has dimensions of TL−1/3. δ is a unit conversion factor. δ = 1 corresponds to SI units; for English units, δ = 1.49.

The flow rate, determined via Manning's equation, can be expressed as

Q=uA=  δ


The section factor is, by definition, AR2/3. The conveyance of the channel, K, is

K=  δ


Gradually Varied Flow

The energy equation can be used to classify various types of gradually varied flow. Assuming that α = 1 and cosθ = 1, the energy equation is

H =  u2

+ y + z

Differentiating the energy equation yields


=  d(u2/2g)

+  dy

+  dz

dH/dx is the change in the total energy with respect to downstream distance, x; it is known as the friction slope, Sf, or

= −Sf

The third term in Equation 2.31, dz/dx is the variation in bottom elevation of the channel with x, or


= −S0

Finally using the relation, Q=uA, the velocity head can be expressed as

 d (u2/2g)

= −F2  dy

where F is the Froude number. Combining the Equations produces

=  S0−Sf

The variation in the depth of flow in a stream channel is a function of S0, Sf, and the square of the Froude number.

The classification of gradually varied flow is based on the following assumptions (French, 1985):

  1. the overall head loss in a reach or channel section is the same as the head loss in the reach with uniform flow with the same hydraulic radius and velocity. From Manning' equation,
  2. Sf=  n2u2

  3. the slope of the channel is such that the flow depth is the same whether measured perpendicular to the bottom or vertically
  4. no air entrainment occurs
  5. α, the kinetic energy correction factor, is constant in a channel
  6. the roughness coefficient is constant throughout the channel section and independent of the depth of flow

The development of a general equation for the variation in water depth begins by first rewriting the Froude number, F, in terms of the flow rate, Q, and the top width, T, yields

F2=  Q2T


Secondly, the Manning equation can also be expressed in terms of Q and the wetted perimeter, P, as

Sf=  n2Q2P4/3


Combining these equations with Equation 2.35 produces,


=  S0−(n2Q2P4/32 A10/3)

1− (Q2T/gA3)

Recalling that the depth of flow under uniform flow conditions is termed the normal depth, yn, and furthermore, Sf=S0, the following inequalities apply:

Sf < S0  when   y < yn

Sf > S0   when  y > yn

F > 1  when   y < yc

F < 1  when   y > yc
Figure 2.4. Gradually varied flow profile classifications (after French, 1985).

These set of inequalities divide a channel reach into three sections. Referring to Figure 2.4, the cases are:

Case 1:  y > yn > yc; S0 > Sf ;  F < 1;  dy/dx > 0

Case 2:  yn > y > yc; S0 < Sf ;  F < 1;  dy/dx < 0

Case 3:  yn > yc > y; S0 < Sf ;  F > 1;  dy/dx > 0

In each region, the sign of dy/dx determines the behavior of the water surface. In Case 1, for example, at the upstream boundary, yyn. Since by definition SfS0, dy/dx=0. dy/dxS0 at the downstream boundary since y→ infinity, and Sf and F both approach zero. The water surface is designated as an M1 backwater curve.

In case 2, the upstream boundary exhibits the same condition. At the downstream boundary, however, yyc and dy/dx→ infinity. This type of profile occurs either as a free overfall or at a transition between a mild sloping channel and a channel with a steep slope. The water surface profile is a M2 drawdown curve.

In case 3, both Sf and F→ infinity, dy/dx is positive. At the downstream boundary, yyc, dy/dx > 0 and the depth of flow is increasing. The is a M3 profile; it occurs downstream of a sluice gate in a mildly sloping channel or at the junction of a steeply slope channel and mildly sloping channel.

Table 2.2 summarizes the flow profile conditions in gradually varied open channel flow.

Table 2.2. Flow profile categories.

Lesson 2 Summary

The objective of this lesson was to review the important concepts in fluid mechanics that underlay the development and analysis of stage discharge relationships. It is recognized that this material is theoretical. However, a basic understanding of the concepts and definitions presented in this lesson will facilitate the understanding of the remaining lessons and future COMET hydrologic science modules.

The following terms and concepts were introduced in this lesson and should be mastered prior to continuing with on to Lesson 3. Selecting a link in the list below will result in a jump to the portion of the lesson material above that covered the relevant material so that it can be reviewed as necessary.

Lesson 3 Preview

Flood forecasts require accurate and reliable flow and stage measurement data at gaging stations. The objective of Lesson 3 is to address the hydrologic and hydraulic considerations that impact the selection of a gaging station. NWS hydrologist are not responsible for selecting gage sites, nor in collecting stage or discharge data. However, the criteria used in site selection and the hydraulic characteristics of the flow at the site, are important considerations in understanding the limitations of the data, and in providing insight into extrapolating the streamflow data beyond historically observed conditions.