蕃茄炒滑蛋 Scrambled eggs with tomatoes 中式食譜 炒蛋食譜

All time comfort food🫶🏻由細食到大的簡單家常菜,是家的味道🥰家家戶戶都有不同版本,有些會加蒜蓉,亦會加乾蔥洋蔥!沒有最正宗的做法,最緊要煮到自己熟悉的味道😚


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雞蛋 4隻
生粉水 (1茶匙生粉+25ml水)
蕃茄 3個
蔥 1棵

薑 2片
茄膏 1茶匙
日本茄汁 2-3湯匙
生抽 半茶匙
冰糖/砂糖 約1茶匙
生粉水 (2茶匙生粉+50ml水)


  1. 蕃茄底部𠝹十字,放入100度熱水浸45秒後浸冰水,去皮切件
  2. 雞蛋加入生粉水拌勻,下鹽、胡椒粉調味
  3. 下油開鍋,爆香蔥白後盛起;倒入蛋漿;轉小火/熄火,見蛋液外圍開始熟,由外往內推
  4. 晃動大鍋,將盛餘蛋漿均勻鋪面;蛋液外圍開始熟,繼續由外往內推;小火煮10秒令底部定型,盛起備用
  5. 同一個鍋加入薑片和茄膏爆香,加入蕃茄拌炒;下茄汁、生抽和糖中火炒勻;倒入生粉水,中火煮至濃稠,熄火放入滑蛋炒勻,上碟後撒上蔥花即成

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4 eggs
1 tsp potato starch mixed with 25ml water
3 tomatoes
1 spring onion

2 slices ginger
1 teaspoon tomato paste
2-3 soup spoon ketchup
1/2 teaspoon soy sauce
~1 teaspoon rock sugar/sugar
2 tsp potato starch mixed with 50ml water
Salt and pepper


  1. Cut a cross at the bottom of the tomatoes, blanch in boiling water for 45 sec, then transfer to ice water. Peel and cut into pieces.
  2. Beat the eggs with the potato starch mixture, add salt and pepper.
  3. Heat oil in a pan, sauté spring onion and remove. Pour in egg mixture, reduce heat or turn off the heat. When the egg mixture starts to set on the edges, push it from the outside inwards.
  4. Shake the pan to spread the remaining egg mixture evenly. When the edges start to set, continue pushing the egg mixture from the outside inwards. Cook over low heat for 10 seconds, then set aside.
  5. In the same pan, sauté the ginger and tomato paste until fragrant. Add tomatoes and stir-fry. Add ketchup, soy sauce, and sugar, and stir-fry over medium heat. Pour in the potato starch mixture and cook until thickened. Turn off the heat, add the scrambled eggs and mix well. Serve on a plate and sprinkle with chopped spring onions.

⁡IG👩🏻‍🍳 https://instagram.com/kiuu922

