
139 食譜 866 粉絲
8 說讚 一起做


第一種:爸爸去女婿家找女兒,只有女婿在家 ,不知該怎麼辦,就做了簡單的油炸水煮蛋搭配酸甜醬汁,爸爸吃了很滿意,所以取名叫女婿蛋。


2 人份


  • 紅蔥頭去皮及根部,切成薄片
Peel and root shallots, slice thinly

    紅蔥頭去皮及根部,切成薄片 Peel and root shallots, slice thinly

  • 準備一鍋水,雞蛋放入鍋中,煮熟
Prepare a pot of water, put the eggs in the pot and cook

    準備一鍋水,雞蛋放入鍋中,煮熟 Prepare a pot of water, put the eggs in the pot and cook

  • 煮熟後剝去蛋殼
Peel off the egg shell after cooking

    煮熟後剝去蛋殼 Peel off the egg shell after cooking

  • 準備一鍋油,加熱至放入紅蔥頭片會很快炸的吱吱響,表示油溫已到達。
Heat the oil until the shallot slices will squeak quickly, indicating that the oil temperature has reached.

    準備一鍋油,加熱至放入紅蔥頭片會很快炸的吱吱響,表示油溫已到達。 Heat the oil until the shallot slices will squeak quickly, indicating that the oil temperature has reached.

  • 放入大紅辣椒,炸出辣味,時間約2分鐘左右。炸好放廚房紙巾吸油。
Add the big red peppers and fry for about 2 minutes.

    放入大紅辣椒,炸出辣味,時間約2分鐘左右。炸好放廚房紙巾吸油。 Add the big red peppers and fry for about 2 minutes.

  • 炸紅蔥頭,建議少量油炸避免油爆。炸至金黃色,約15-20秒。。炸好放廚房紙巾吸油。
Fry the shallots in a small amount to avoid frying. Fry until golden brown, about 15-20 seconds.

    紅蔥頭,建議少量油炸避免油爆。炸至金黃色,約15-20秒。。炸好放廚房紙巾吸油。 Fry the shallots in a small amount to avoid frying. Fry until golden brown, about 15-20 seconds.

  • 炸雞蛋,炸雞蛋油爆的情況會更激烈,可用深鍋或關火油炸或一次炸1-2顆。
The oil explosion will be more intense when frying fried eggs, deep fry or turn off the heat or fry 1-2 at a time.

    炸雞蛋,炸雞蛋油爆的情況會更激烈,可用深鍋或關火油炸或一次炸1-2顆。 The oil explosion will be more intense when frying fried eggs, deep fry or turn off the heat or fry 1-2 at a time.

  • 炸至雞蛋表面呈金黃色,就好了。
Fry until the surface of the egg is golden brown.

    炸至雞蛋表面呈金黃色,就好了。 Fry until the surface of the egg is golden brown.

  • 25g棕櫚糖切成薄片
25g palm sugar, thinly sliced

    25g棕櫚糖切成薄片 25g palm sugar, thinly sliced

  • 鍋中放入棕櫚糖、羅望子醬及魚露
Add palm sugar, tamarind paste and fish sauce to the pot

    鍋中放入棕櫚糖、羅望子醬及魚露 Add palm sugar, tamarind paste and fish sauce to the pot

  • 煮至棕櫚糖溶解成液體狀,並跟羅望子醬及魚露混合。
ook until palm sugar dissolves into liquid and mix with tamarind paste and fish sauce.

    煮至棕櫚糖溶解成液體狀,並跟羅望子醬及魚露混合。 ook until palm sugar dissolves into liquid and mix with tamarind paste and fish sauce.

  • 盤中舖上少許紅蔥頭酥,放上雞蛋。
Spread a little shallot crisp on the plate, and put the eggs.

    盤中舖上少許紅蔥頭酥,放上雞蛋。 Spread a little shallot crisp on the plate, and put the eggs.

  • 淋上醬汁
drizzled with sauce

    淋上醬汁 drizzled with sauce

  • 放一點紅蔥頭酥在雞蛋上
Put a little shallot crisp on the egg

    放一點紅蔥頭酥在雞蛋上 Put a little shallot crisp on the egg

  • 放上炸過的大紅辣椒乾
Add fried red chili

    放上炸過的大紅辣椒乾 Add fried red chili

  • 女婿蛋~完成
Son-in-law egg ~ done

    女婿蛋~完成 Son-in-law egg ~ done



6,293 瀏覽
Belle 139 食譜 866 粉絲

小時候姐姐買了一本傅培梅食譜,裡面記載的實務做法吸引著我。 假日我總是列好清單,請媽媽幫我買食材,那天廚房就是我的天下。 開始工作後,有能力買了烤箱,開始玩烘焙。 喜歡煮,喜歡把簡單的食材轉化為一道道的美食,更喜歡身邊的人吃東西開心滿足的表情。






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