Tabebuia rosea: Rosy trumpet tree

Family: Bignoniaceae
Common name: Pink poui, Rosy trumpet tree

Rosy trumpet tree is a fascinating sight to see during flowering season; with almost no leaves and a flame of light pink, delicate flowers. It is a deciduous tree that sheds leaves during fall, and grows to a height of 20-30 meters with a good spread. The leaves are small and waxy, having 5 leaflets; one of them bigger than the others.

Profuse flowering usually happens in Jan-Feb, but some flowers are seen in Aug, Sept as well. After it sheds leaves in Nov-Dec, the tree starts flowering until it’s packed with flowers, so thick that whatever leaves remain are hidden. The flowers open and wither very quickly, but the sheer number of flowers the bloom each day, keeps the tree in bloom for a few months.

Trumpet tree flowers have a light fragrance and nectar, attracting pollinating insects and birds to it. The flowers then form seeds pods that are about 12-14 inches long, which split open when they mature, releasing hundreds of flat winged seeds. These seeds can be carried long distances by wind, where they germinate very efficiently.

Another closely related tree is Tabebuia Heterophylla, a smaller tree that grows to a height of 10 meters, and has smaller, glossy leaves. Their flowers are very similar to that of Tabebuia Rosea, and both have the common name, Pink Trumpet tree.

Trumpet trees are mostly grown as ornamental trees, but their timber can be used for making cabinets, tool handles and furniture. Trunk of the tree also has medicinal uses in eliminating intestinal parasites; and in treatment of anemia and constipation. Leaves and roots are used in treating fever, inflammations, allergies, diabetes, even malaria.

Propagation is from seeds.

2 thoughts on “Tabebuia rosea: Rosy trumpet tree

    1. Definitely. Tabebuia trees in full bloom attract birds, bees, and many pollinating insects into gardens.

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