AIKYA – an Odissi dance performance by Arushi Mudgal

Home/Classical, Dance/AIKYA – an Odissi dance performance by Arushi Mudgal


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‘Aikya’ explores the state of oneness in music, rhythm and movement. These complementing arts converge and diverge harmoniously, at times creating abstract patterns, and at other times telling stories that hail from the soil of India.

Odissi is a classical Indian dance-form known for its lyricism and sinuous forms. Despite it being ancient in terms of origin, the technique and form of Odissi offers immense liberty for creative expression, exploration and experiment. ‘Aikya’ is a showcase of traditional as well as experimental explorations in Odissi, using music that is classical in roots and contemporary in approach.

“While creating art from the soul, sometimes one enters an intangible space where there is no distinction left between the art and the artiste; where the artiste becomes one with the art. This blissful state, for me, is the ultimate point of ‘aikya’ or oneness. In our production, we collectively embark on a journey of arriving at this point where music, rhythm and dance become one.”
– Arushi Mudgal

Concept, Choreography & Dance: Arushi Mudgal
Vocal – Sawani Mudgal & Khushal Sharma
Mardal – Sibasankar Satapathy
Flute – Sujith Naik

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