See and read all about the Bering Straight Myth by witnessing the Phoenicia Voyages by Captain Philip Beale in 2009 and 2020 and prove it was very plausible for Lehi and Mulek to travel to America over the Atlantic Ocean. Video and Information below.

The Bering Strait has been the subject of the scientific theory that humans migrated from Asia to North America across a land bridge known as Beringia when lower ocean levels – perhaps a result of glaciers locking up vast amounts of water – exposed a wide stretch of the sea floor,[1] both at the present strait and in the shallow sea north and south of it. This view of how Paleo-Indians entered America has been the dominant one for several decades and continues to be the most accepted one. Numerous successful crossings without the use of a boat have also been recorded since at least the early 20th century…

“Ice Curtain” Border

Little Diomede Island (US, left) and Big Diomede Island (Russia, right)

During the Cold War, the Bering Strait marked the border between the Soviet Union and the United States. The Diomede Islands—Big Diomede (Russia) and Little Diomede (US)—are only 3.8 km (2.4 mi) apart. Traditionally, the indigenous people in the area had frequently crossed the border back and forth for “routine visits, seasonal festivals and subsistence trade”, but were prevented from doing so during the Cold War.[32] The border became known as the “Ice Curtain”.[33] It was completely closed, and there was no regular passenger air or boat traffic. Wikipedia

Many Myths

I personally have never believed this Bering Straight myth. It is obvious to me, especially with the Book of Mormon, that the people of the Old World came to America by way of ship mostly over the Atlantic Ocean. That has always been a no-brainer for me. It reminds me about the ridiculous myth of Einstein as well. His theory is still not proven and it remains a mystery that so-called intelligent people call a fact. That is a similar feeling I get with the Historians that say the Book of Mormon events began in Mesoamerica. The world is full of the Great and Spacious building of intellects that Satan has created to deceive man. Here is one more theory I do not believe but it took me 15 years to figure out. The world wide Deep State are responsible for almost all wars.  Once you figure that out, this world seems to make more and more sense to me. Of course it matters not what I believe as it is up to you to believe what ever you would like.

Universal Model Scientific Prediction: the ability to predict a consequence from a stated action.


Dean Sessions in the UM Said:

3. Testing
“The third step of the USM is testing. This step may seem obvious, but many of today’s science fields conduct no testing, yet tout many of their theories as fact. Some of the biggest names in science, like Einstein, never performed experiments or conducted any tests on their theories. Surprisingly, this is typical throughout science. Some scientists feel they are above the essential step of testing, leaving the mundane task of experimentation to technicians and engineers.

This attitude has bred several fields of ‘theoretical’ sciences where the so-called scientists perform no experimentation at all. Thanks to men like Einstein and his “imagination experiments,” many investigators have fallen into this trap. Not experiencing Nature through experiment and observation, they remain unaware of the way things really are. This has led to the building of false theories upon false theories, carrying us finally to a coming crisis in science:“

The current crisis in particle physics springs from the fact that the theories that have gone beyond the standard model in the last thirty years fall into two categories. Some were falsifiable, and they were falsified. The rest are untested—either be-cause they make no clean predictions or because the predictions they do make are not testable with current technology.” Bib 178 px Universal Model page 32 Volume 1

Our great friends Kels and Stephanie Goodman, owners of the LDS Film Festival, have filmed an incredible series that many of you have heard of called “Hidden in the Heartland”. You must review it over and over again below to understand its significance in the Heartland Model of Book of Mormon Geography. Please purchase the DVD’s here and relive it again or watch it for the first time.

With our upcoming fundraiser dinner for the Phoenicia, you will love the message of this video below, and please join us for an amazing evening of fun!

Hidden in the Heartland- Crossing the Seas: